
English citations of Wiktionary

Proper noun: the dictionary

  • 2006, Jonathan Stars, Learn FileMaker Pro 8.5[1]:
    If you were to build a viewer based on Wikipedia or Wiktionary and prevent users from interacting with WV, they would only be able to view the entry that came up based on the word they typed into a filed you provide for them on the layout.
  • 2008, Eric L. Bolves, The Halt Foreclosure Manual: Take Control! Save Your Home![2]:
    According to Wiktionary, anger is a strong feeling of displeasure, hostility or antagonism towards someone or something, usually combined with an urge to harm.
  • 2009, Lyndon Lamborn, Standing for Something More: The Excommunication of Lyndon Lamborn[3]:
    The Wiktionary says that an atheist is "A person who does not believe that deities exist; one who lacks belief in gods".
  • 2010, Mark de Rond, Iain Morley, Serendipity: Fortune and the Prepared Mind, illustrated edition, Cambridge University Press, →ISBN, page 12:
    For example, at its most sweetly banal, take this posting from an online dating service, now 'immortalized' on Wiktionary: [...]
  • 2010 December 9, Peter Duncanson (BrE) <>, “Re: Martin Amis: Cink paint”, in alt.usage.english[4] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
    Wiktionary says that "cink" is Hungarian for Zinc.

Proper noun: the dictionary (cited from websites)

  • 2003 May 1, Hamish Mackintosh, "Talk time: William Gibson", The Guardian, "Technology Guardian" section, page 21 [5]:
    [HM:] So is Google officially a verb now?
    [WG:] When I wrote Pattern Recognition, it occurred to me that I could use it as a verb and it also occurred to me that someone might already have done so. I thought it didn't matter too much. If I'm first that's great, but if I'm not, then it's just good reportage in a way. Sites like Wiktionary track new usages and neologisms. The page on Google as a verb went back almost two years!
  • 2005 March 11, Ruth Walker, "O useful thou! Wherefore hast thou disappeared?" The Christian Science Monitor [6]:
    English speakers are spared all this - and have been for centuries. The second-person singular "thou" has long since been overtaken by the all-purpose "you."
    But what happened to "thee"? Why did it fall into disuse? Our friends at Wiktionary, in a passing note on a grammar table, say of the second- personal singular, "It disappeared as English society became mercantilist, leaving many feudal ties behind."
  • 2007 June 17, Lisa Von Drasek, "Children’s Books: No Talking, by Andrew Clements", The New York Times, section 7, page 15 [7]:
    "Frindle" hits every note right. The protagonist is Nick, a fifth grader who [] tries to get a made-up word for a writing implement, frindle, into common usage. Nick succeeds beyond his wildest dreams. In the real world too, a recent online search of Wiktionary brings up frindle:
    Noun, frindle
    1. A pen.
  • 2009 September 24, Mike Strobel, "Harvest moonlight ladies - Part II", Toronto Sun:
    I'm confused about cougars.
    What are they, exactly?
    Let's start with the Oxford dictionary.
    Mine says: "A moderately large carnivorous mammal of the cat family."
    Oh, I remember her. Dusty tequila bar south of Tijuana. The year 2000. Picked her teeth with a cactus needle and spat on the dirt floor.
    But that's not the meaning I seek. Let's try Wiktionary.
  • 2009 December 30, Jan Jarrett, "The myth about electricity prices", The Philadelphia Inquirer [8]:
    The Wiktionary defines the term urban legend as: "A widely circulated story that is untrue or apocryphal, often having elements of humor or horror." There is an urban legend that is in wide circulation these days and it goes something like "Soaring electric prices are looming in Pennsylvania. Electric retail competition has failed."