
English citations of aerophobia

Aversion to fresh air


In some early copies this is hardly distinguishable from acrophobia (1817,1835,1845), however from the context it is clearly aerophobia and the indistinctness may be caused by the digitisation. It is also found as both aêrophobia (1855) and aërophobia (1856), possibly due to the fashion of the day. In many sources the word is italicised, which might imply that it was an unknown word.

Benjamin Franklin (1786) The art of procuring pleasant dreams.:
It is therefore to be hoped, that they may in time discover likewise, that it is not hurtful to those who are in health; and that we may be then cured of the aerophobia, that at present distresses weak minds, and makes them choose to be stifled and poisoned, rather than leave open the window of a bed-chamber, or put down the glass of a coach.

Charles Edward Page (1883) The Natural Cure of Consumption, Constipation, Bright's Disease, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, "Colds" (Fevers) , Etc. How Sickness Originates, and How to Prevent It:for, even in sweltering summer nights, the sweet south wind, blessed by all creatures that draw the breath of life, brings no relief to the viction of aërophobia

Pathological aversion to movement of air


World health organisation (2005) International travel and health: Situation As On 1 January 2005:Excitability, hallucinations and aerophobia are common, followed in some cases by fear of water (hydrophobia) due to spasms of the swallowing muscles

Fear of flying


Cherry Hartman, Julie Sheldon Huffaker (1995) The Fearless Flyer: How to Fly in Comfort and Without Trepidation:People deal with their aerophobia in all kinds of ways. One man refuses to board a plane without his Hank Aaron baseball card in his wallet.

Barbara Case Speers (2004) Whisper:Yes, I know this woman. We are business partners. She has aerophobia and didn't take her medication. This is the next best thing.

Sergei Lukyanenko (translated) (2007) The SFWA European Hall of Fame, Destiny Inc.:You can now fly in peace. For the duration of the trip, your aerophobia won't exist

Fear of heights


George Babcock (2006) Yezad: A Romance of the Unknown:The dread that now possessed me was of aerophobia, which in great altitudes manifests itself in hysteria or extreme nervousness.