Latin citations of aliqui

Nominative singular masculine adjective

  • Cato, De Agri Cultura 157.7.6, ("aliqui morbus"):
    Nam venae omnes ubi sufflatae sunt ex cibo, non possunt perspirare in toto corpore; inde aliqui morbus nascitur.
    • 1934 translation by W. D. Hooper
      For when all the veins are gorged with food they cannot breathe in the whole body, and hence a disease is caused

Ablative singular neuter pronoun

  • c. 200 BCE, Plautus, Mostellaria 174:
    Ergo ob istuc verbum te, Scapha, donabo ego hodie aliqui
    • 2011 translation by Wolfgang de Melo
      Very well then, because of this word of yours, Scapha, today I’ll give you . . . something or other