
English citations of apparently

1719 1843
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1719Daniel Defoe. Robinson Crusoe.
    When I was on the desperate expedition on the desert shores of Africa, I never had so much as one thought of what would become of me, or one wish to God to direct me whither I should go, or to keep me from the danger which apparently surrounded me, as well from voracious creatures as cruel savages.
  • 1843Charles Dickens. A Christmas Carol.
    Scrooge was at first inclined to be surprised that the Spirit should attach importance to conversations apparently so trivial; but feeling assured that they must have some hidden purpose, he set himself to consider what it was likely to be.
  • 1851, Herman Melville, Moby Dick:
    And thus, through the courage and great skill in obstetrics of Queequeg, the deliverance, or rather, delivery of Tashtego, was successfully accomplished, in the teeth, too, of the most untoward and apparently hopeless impediments; which is a lesson by no means to be forgotten.