English citations of are

1678 1843
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.


  • 1678John Bunyan. The Pilgrim's Progress.
    Now was I in a strait, and did not see Which was the best thing to be done by me: At last I thought, Since you are thus divided, I print it will, and so the case decided.
    Be not too forward, therefore, to conclude That I want solidness — that I am rude; All things solid in show not solid be; All things in parables despise not we; Lest things most hurtful lightly we receive, And things that good are, of our souls bereave.
    Come, let my carper to his life now look, And find there darker lines than in my book He findeth any; yea, and let him know, That in his best things there are worse lines too.
  • 1843Charles Dickens. A Christmas Carol.
    He turned it gently, and sidled his face in, round the door. They were looking at the table (which was spread out in great array); for these young housekeepers are always nervous on such points, and like to see that everything is right.
    "You are?" repeated Scrooge. "Yes. I think you are. Step this way, sir, if you please."


  • 2014, Craig Rozniecki, LOL at the GOP - Volume 4: Guns, Jesus, Corporations, and Fetuses, Lulu.com, →ISBN, page 31:
    Yes, it's time to take back "are" country and finally expand and improve our education system.
  • 2022 June 14, Barry “Tomato” Rutherford (@brexitnutterbaz), Twitter[1], archived from the original on 2022-06-14:
    New posters at border control bring a tear ta my eye. WE GOT ARE COUNTRY BACK
    The accompanying image is doctored to show three fake posters, each of a single word, reading "SEND UM BACK".