
Translingual citations of auroleus

Adjective: misspelling of "aureolus"


English citations

  • 1877, Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories XI, United States Government Printing Office, page 93:
    Doubtless, after all, there are some who would prefer to consider H. auroleus as a “permanent variety” of leucopus, but they need to be reminded that such course would remain simply a petitio principii until they explain the difference between a “permanent variety” and a “species”.
  • 1949, Ecology XXX, Ecological Society of America and Duke University Press, page 493:
    From these data Philodromus olascensis Keyserling stood out as the lone prevalent in the foredune at both Dune Acres and Waukegan while in the black oak dune, the only other area permitting comparison, Philodromus auroleus (Olivier) and Neoscoma arabesca […]
  • 1967, Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada XXIV, issues v–viii, page 973:
    Vladykov (1954) has observed an increase in caecal numbers with age in the Sunapee trout, Salvelinus auroleus.

English citations of auroleus

Noun: misspelling of "aureolus"

  • 1917, The Vermonter, volumes 21–23, Charles S. Forbes, page 55:
    Trout, salmon, lake trout and golden trout or auroleus fishing.

Adjective: misspelling of "aureolus"

  • 1975, Aristoxenos D. Skiadas (editor), ΔΩΡΗΜΑ; Hans Diller zum 70. Geburtstag: Dauer und Überleben des antiken Geistes XXVII, Griechische Humanistische Gesellschaft, page 152:
    The trunk is opened, and the cascet taken out and opened too; Palaestra describes the ‘crepundia’: a tiny golden sword with an inscription (ensiculust auroleus primum litteratus 1156) of her father’s name; then a little two-headed axe, made of gold, with an inscription of her mother’s name (post altrinsecust securicula ancipes, itidem aurea litterata: ibi matris nomen in securiculast 1058f).