English citations of banjax


  • 1922, Darrell Figgis, The House of Success, Gael Co-operative Publishing Society, p. 146,
    That banjaxed his little game.
  • 1928, Eimar O'Duffy, The Spacious Adventures of the Man in the Street, Macmillan, p. 370,
    Indeed, it seemed that the army was hopelessly banjaxed.
  • 1945, Roger Joseph McHugh, Trial at Green Street Courthouse (play), Browne and Nolan, p. 65,
    Begog the time I banjaxed my foot by rolling a barrel on it, I had to pay in hard cash.
  • 1969, James Plunkett, Strumpet City, Delacorte Press, p. 325,
    The organ, galvanised into action, began at a breathtaking tempo to emit a waltz. ‘For the love of God, will you stop?’ Hennessy appealed. ‘You'll banjax it.’
  • 1970 (2001 reprint), Edna O'Brien, A Pagan Place, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, p. 91,
    Emma had suggested that you hide, said your presence might banjax her position.
  • 1972, John Wain, A House for the Truth: Critical Essays, MacMillan, p. 99,
    Some people at one time thought they were trying to banjax and bewilder the One, Holy and Apostolic. Oh and there are good people who are alive today and think the Church had a very narrow escape from the boyos of yesteryear.
  • 1982, H. R. F. Keating, The Lucky Alphonse, Enigma Books, p. 73,
    There was no way out. He was banjaxed. Banjaxed entirely.
  • 1984, Kathleen and Brian Behan, Mother of all the Behans: the story of Kathleen Behan as told to Brian Behan, Hutchinson, p. 78,
    Each week they tried to do an odd job, and usually ended up banjaxing it.
  • 1992, Anne McCaffrey, Crystal Line, Ballantine, p. 141,
    If she had banjaxed the cutter, she would be in heavy debt.
  • 1999, Jonathan Harvey, Hushabye Mountain (play), Methuen, p. 17,
    You're doing all right for yourself and I'm proud o'you. Don't let her banjax that.
  • 2002, Tom Holt, Falling Sideways, Orbit Books, p. 255,
    The resequencing faults, now: they seemed to banjax the memory, sealing off whole chunks, []
  • 2006, Craig Ferguson, Between the Bridge and the River, Chronicle Books, p. 252,
    Fraser was looking at the flat, wet countryside and thinking about the French policeman who had banjaxed him with the truncheon.