
English citations of calculusless

  • 1961, Applied Mechanics Reviews - Volume 14, page 587:
    It gives a stron feeling of claustrophobia and frustration to put mechanics in the strait jacket of a dim, hopless, and calculusless world; nevertheless, authors chose to do this and not entirely without success.
  • 2020 September 28, kazitor, “Quantifying the parameters of a simple jump”, in Pteragony:
    Standard advice is to experiment with some values until it feels good, but that’s lame. Let’s start from the basics, and quantify what impulse and gravity will yield the desired attributes instead. With calculus! You can gloss over the derivations for the resulting, calculusless formulae; I literally cannot stop you.
  • (Can we date this quote?), “Profile of Sʇǝʌǝ Corry”, in LinkedIn[1]:
    Defined 'gee² Theorem', the calculusless crack to identify gravity's acceleration rate using sqrt()-1², cancelling Earth's mass, its radius & big G from the calculation.