
English citations of copyleft




  • 2003 November 30, Rod Dixon, Open Source Software Law, volume 1, Norwood: Artech House, →ISBN, →OL, page 25:
    For example, copyleft tends to swallow up all types of derivative works, including those that may be so transformative that they come within the Supreme Court’s conception of fair use.
  • 2004 December 17, “What is copyleft?”, in GNU Operating System[1], archived from the original on 2004-12-17:
    Copyleft is a general method for making a program or other work free, and requiring all modified and extended versions of the program to be free as well.
  • 2006 August 24, Cass R. Sunstein, Infotopia: How Many Minds Produce Knowledge, New York: Oxford University Press, →ISBN, →OL, page 179:
    The whole idea of copyleft, invented by Richard Stallman, is an effort to reduce people's ability to limit the distribution and modification of software.
  • 2008 September 20, David M. Berry, Copy, Rip, Burn: The Politics of Copyleft and of Open Source[2], London: Pluto Press, →ISBN, →OL, page 137:
    Copyleft clearly offers an alternative to the system of private property as res privatae for the developers, an alternative that they perceive as a communal system of ownership that is either shared through an organisational structure such as FSF as res universitatis or through a web of interconnected private property ownerships and mediated through copyleft to create a form of commons, res communes.

a software license

  • 1996 September 1, Debra Cameron, Bill Rosenblatt, Eric S. Raymond, Learning GNU Emacs, 2nd edition, O'Reilly Media, →ISBN, →OL, page 502:
    A copyright restricts usage of information whereas a copyleft is designed to guarantee its continued free availability to all, as stated in the Free Software Foundation's own terms in Appendix F.
  • 2006 August 24, Cass R. Sunstein, Infotopia: How Many Minds Produce Knowledge, New York: Oxford University Press, →ISBN, →OL, page 167:
    The purpose of copyleft licenses is to ensure that open source programs remain open source when a third party redistributes the program or a derivative work.


  • 1998 January 16, Cameron Newham, Bill Rosenblatt, Learning the bash Shell, 2nd edition, O'Reilly Media, →ISBN, →OL, page 4:
    Copylefted software may be freely distributed so long as no restrictions are placed on further distribution (for example, the source code must be made freely available).
  • 2003, Lawrence Lessig, “Open Source Baselines: Compared to What?”, in Robert W. Hahn, editor, Government Policy Toward Open Source Software, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, →ISBN, →OL, page 53:
    Copylefted software is software that is licensed under terms that require follow-on users to require others to adopt the same license terms for work derived from the copylefted code.
  • 2006 August 24, Cass R. Sunstein, Infotopia: How Many Minds Produce Knowledge, New York: Oxford University Press, →ISBN, →OL, page 167:
    It is important to distinguish between open source software that is copylefted, in the sense that stringent (but public-friendly) conditions are attached to it, and open source software that is not.



subject to a copyleft licence

  • 1992 May 12, Charles Hemphill, “status of GNU libraries”, in gnu.misc.discuss[3] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
    What is the status of code linked with a GNU library (e.g., the GNU C library)? I think it used to be the case that the resulting code became copyleft. Subsequently, it was found that this limited the use of the libraries and there was some discussion about lifting the restrictions on the resulting code. Did this ever happen?
  • 2012 January 22, Chad Perrin, “Clang - what is the story?”, in mailing.freebsd.questions[4] (Usenet):
    PCC (Portable C Compiler), meanwhile, spent many years essentially unused except in some of the dustier corners of Unix user communities before being actively developed again as more and more people started wanting a copyfree C compiler alternative to the very copyleft GCC.

supportive of copyleft philosophy

  • 2007 May 9, sirblob, “what the fuck is going on? (my 52nd poem of the year)”, in alt.arts.poetry.comments[5] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
    oh come on folks this is the klf, nobody could be more copyleft than them, the buggers even burnt a million pounds once
  • 2008 October 16, Meg Hewings, “Copyleft manifesto hits FNC: Copyleft manifesto”, in Hour[6]:
    Local filmmaker Brett Gaylor’s doc RiP: A Remix Manifesto is the first open-source film to be made about copyright, and is actually more of an ardent manifesto about why Canada – and the world – should be more copyleft.
  • 2012 October 16, Darby Minow Smith, “San Francisco artist mends clothes and builds community — just by giving a darn”, in Grist[7]:
    But the Free Mending Library is not copyrighted, it’s copyleft. Anyone can start their mending library, anywhere.