English citations of eyrant

(heraldry, rare, of a bird) nesting (related to Middle English aire, eyre (hawk's nest), -ant)
  • 1894, Henry Gough, James Parker, A Glossary of Terms Used in Heraldry, page 215:
    [] an eagle may be rising, that is, about to fly; volant, that is, flying; or eyrant, that is, sitting, as it were, on its nest; or it may be statant, i.e. standing  [] Azure, an eagle eyrant or, armed gules—BYGBERY, Devon.
error for 'erect' (later, Burke's General Armory has Toll bearing "Crest - A boar's head erect.")
  • 1905, The Ancestor, page 83:
    TOLL OF     beryth to his crest a bores hed coppe eyrant sable armed the snowt and on the necke two ragged staves in saultoir gold betwene iiij plates.
error for 'haurient', 'hauriant' (later, Burke's General Armory has Kitson bearing "Sa. three lucies hauriant ar. a chief or. [...] granted 13 Feb. 1568, by Dethick, Garter [...] an alteration from the coat borne by his ancestors, which was confused, and greatly needed correction. The older coat (granted to THOMAS KITSON, 14 April, 1527) was, sa. three lucies in pale ar. on a chief or, a lion ramp. of the first guttée d'or betw. two pellets, the dexter charged with a martlet, and the sinister with an anchor or.")
  • 1868, William Harvey, The Visitation of Suffolke, page 99:
    Thomas Kitson of Hengraue [... is] assigned giuen and grauntyd [...] in lieu and place of his olde Armes, this Armes and Creast followinge. That is to saye the fielde Sable three Lucyes eyrant argent, a chief golde: vpon a heaulme on a Torce of his coulers an vnicornes hedde sable issuant out of a Son golde, as more playnly []
  • 1905, The Ancestor: A Quarterly Review of County and Family History, Heraldry and Antiquities, page 79:
    HUNT OF PADDON beryth to his creste a demy luce in pall bende of vj peces gold and asur eyrant.
  • 1911, Walter Arthur Copinger, The Manors of Suffolk: The hundreds of Thingoe, Thredling, Wangford, and Wilford, including a general index to the holders of the manors, page 62:
    Arms of KYTSON, as altered 13th Feb. 1568: Sable, three lucies eyrant Argent, a chief Or.
  • 1692, Samuel Rutherford, Joshua Redivivus, or Mr. Rutherfoord's Letters ... The fourth edition, etc, page 290:
    O but we have much need to be ranfomed and redeemed, by Christ, from that master-eyrant, that cruel and lawless Lord, our self : Nay, when I am seeking Christ, and am out of my self, []