English citations of grame

grief, sorrow

  • 1548, Smyth & Dame, 218:
    Age doth me mvche grame.
  • 1872, Rossetti, Staff & Scrip, Poems (ed. 6), 49:
    God's strength shall be my trust, / Fall it to good or grame / 'Tis in his name.

listed as "grief" by the NED but "anger, passion" by the EDD

  • 1597, N. Mother's Blessing, E6:
    Gif thou haue an euill name / It will turne the to grame.
which is the same line as:
  • 1846, Moses Aaron Richardson, The Local Historian's [Borderer's] Table Book [...of] Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland and Durham, VI, page 227:
    When thou goes by the gate go not too fast, [] For gif thou haue an euill name, / It will turn the to grame : []
  • 1865, Swinburne, Masque Q. Bersabe, 114:
    By Termagaunt that maketh grame.

adjective: angry

  • 1560, Proude Wyues Pater noster, 190:
    Forbere your husbonde whan he is grame,