English citations of ice

liquid ammonia etc?
  • 1996, Astronomy Now, page 40:
    An alternative and more popular suggestion, which seems to fit better with the Voyager results, is that the core is surrounded by a hot ice-rich liquid envelope that merges imperceptibly into the hydrogen-rich atmosphere []
  • 1998 September 18, Paul Weissman, Lucy-Ann McFadden, Torrence Johnson, Encyclopedia of the Solar System, Academic Press, →ISBN, page 352:
    Shock compression measurements show that the fluids of the hot, ice-rich region of Uranus and Neptune are expected to be substantially ionized and dissociated. The large electric conductivities of such fluids, [...]
  • 2007 November 2, Kenny B. Lipkowitz, Thomas R. Cundari, Reviews in Computational Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, →ISBN, page 173:
    The density profiles of large planets, such as Uranus and Neptune, suggest that a thick layer of hot ice, exists which is thought to be 56% H2O, 36% CH4, and 8% NH3.70 This hot ice layer has lead to theoretical investiga- tions of []