English citations of kidfic

Noun: "(countable, fandom slang) a fanfic which focuses on a character, and possibly his or her partner(s), raising a child or children"

1999 2002 2005 2008
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1999 October 26, RhiaRamsay, “Repost-Home and Free (1/2)”, in alt.tv.x-files.creative[1] (Usenet):
    It's just yet another idea for a kidfic I had. I hope you don't mind it.
  • 2002 January 21, Rotem Shahar, “xfc: NEWFIC: Up In Flames”, in alt.tv.x-files.creative[2] (Usenet):
    I’ve had this idea for a long time and Cathey said to write a kidfic so this is what happened.
  • 2005 May 16, neoxphile [username], “Please send your baby/kid fic links for inclusion on The Nursery Files page”, in alt.tv.x-files.creative[3] (Usenet):
    So, how's this? If you have a webpage for your fics, and you would like your baby/kidfics to be *linked* to the NF page, please send me a link to the fic or fics you'd like included.
  • 2008 December 6, neoxphile [username], “The Nursery Files Christmas 2008 Challenge (Post-IWTB Reunion)”, in alt.tv.x-files.creative[4] (Usenet):
    Set your kidfic during a Christmas after I Want To Believe. It doesn't need to be 2008, but William should still be a child.

Noun: "(uncountable, fandom slang) such fan fiction collectively"

2000 2004 2009 2010 2017
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  • 2000 September 1, Starbuck031992 [username], “NEW: Will (1/1) by little scully”, in alt.tv.x-files.creative[5] (Usenet):
    Ok, so we'll never get this scenario on the show, but I thought it would be interesting to try something other than Requiem babyfic and more along the lines of "kidfic." I found myself wondering what Mulder and Scully's son might be like and how Scully would handle the awesome responsibility of raising him alone.
  • 2004 March 16, SamPiper, “Re: Did Scully...”, in alt.tv.x-files[6] (Usenet):
    I knew EXACTLY why you were asking such a stupid ass question. Only someone writing/reading kidfic would even care. Next time, try asking on the fic list.
  • 2009 November 22, neoxphile [username], “The Nursery Files: New URL, New Challenges (including one for Christmas 2009!)”, in alt.tv.x-files.creative[7] (Usenet):
    I've posted the 2009 Christmas challenge today too, a challenge that by request is for writers to include a short list of items in their holiday baby/kidfic.
  • 2010 July 31, neoxphile [username], “Writers, please submit your baby/kidfics to The Nursery Files”, in alt.tv.x-files.creative[8] (Usenet):
    In a month or so I plan to begin the update process again at The Nursery Files, which as you probably know is the X-Files babyfic/kidfic archive.
  • 2017, Francesca Coppa, "Preface: One Pringle, One Dorito, One Oreo", in The Fanfiction Reader: Folk Tales for the Digital Age (ed. Francesca Coppa), page ix:
    They'd rate a successful casefic, appreciate the attempt at kidfic, and give points for the clever use of vampires, soulbonding, wings, or tentacles.

Noun: "(uncountable, fandom slang) fanfiction which reimagines canonically adult characters as children"

ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2017, Harry Benshoff, Film and Television Analysis: An Introduction to Methods, Theories, and Approaches, unnumbered page:
    Common AU story genres today include animal AU (wherein human characters are reimagined as animals), high school AU (wherein primary characters are written as though they were still attending high school), and kidfic (which imagines what canonical characters might have been like when they were children).

Noun: "(uncountable) children's literature"

2002 2007 2012
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  • 2002 November 6, Linda M. Young, “Re: Your shelves-How Many/Where are they?”, in rec.arts.books.childrens[9] (Usenet):
    I also have three shelves of paperback children's fiction in the bedroom, some Madeliene L'Engle kidfic and an entire shelf of American Girls books (plus History Mysteries) in the spare room.
  • 2007 April 4, Kay Shapero, “Re: The Great Werewolf Novel”, in rec.arts.sf.written[10] (Usenet):
    What got and still gets me is the incessant message you still find in a lot of kidfic, namely "Don't tell your parents about anything wierd[sic] because they won't believe you and it'll only get you into trouble with them."
  • 2012, Perry Iles, "Lashings of Ginger Beer", Words with JAM, October/November 2012, page 25:
    This leaves a pretty wide gap in the children's fiction market, and opens the door to the good old British stalwarts. We've always been good at kidfic.