



From kid +‎ fic.



kidfic (countable and uncountable, plural kidfics)

  1. (countable, fandom slang) A fanfic which focuses on a character, and possibly his or her partner(s), raising a child or children.
    • 1999 October 26, RhiaRamsay, “Repost-Home and Free (1/2)”, in alt.tv.x-files.creative[1] (Usenet):
      It's just yet another idea for a kidfic I had. I hope you don't mind it.
    • 2002 January 21, Rotem Shahar, “xfc: NEWFIC: Up In Flames”, in alt.tv.x-files.creative[2] (Usenet):
      I’ve had this idea for a long time and Cathey said to write a kidfic so this is what happened.
    • 2008 December 6, neoxphile [username], “The Nursery Files Christmas 2008 Challenge (Post-IWTB Reunion)”, in alt.tv.x-files.creative[3] (Usenet):
      Set your kidfic during a Christmas after I Want To Believe. It doesn't need to be 2008, but William should still be a child.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:kidfic.
  2. (uncountable, fandom slang) Such fan fiction collectively.
    • 2000 September 1, Starbuck031992 [username], “NEW: Will (1/1) by little scully”, in alt.tv.x-files.creative[4] (Usenet):
      Ok, so we'll never get this scenario on the show, but I thought it would be interesting to try something other than Requiem babyfic and more along the lines of "kidfic." I found myself wondering what Mulder and Scully's son might be like and how Scully would handle the awesome responsibility of raising him alone.
    • 2004 March 16, SamPiper, “Re: Did Scully...”, in alt.tv.x-files[5] (Usenet):
      I knew EXACTLY why you were asking such a stupid ass question. Only someone writing/reading kidfic would even care. Next time, try asking on the fic list.
    • 2010 July 31, neoxphile [username], “Writers, please submit your baby/kidfics to The Nursery Files”, in alt.tv.x-files.creative[6] (Usenet):
      In a month or so I plan to begin the update process again at The Nursery Files, which as you probably know is the X-Files babyfic/kidfic archive.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:kidfic.
  3. (uncountable) Children's literature.
    • 2002 November 6, Linda M. Young, “Re: Your shelves-How Many/Where are they?”, in rec.arts.books.childrens[7] (Usenet):
      I also have three shelves of paperback children's fiction in the bedroom, some Madeliene L'Engle kidfic and an entire shelf of American Girls books (plus History Mysteries) in the spare room.
    • 2007 April 4, Kay Shapero, “Re: The Great Werewolf Novel”, in rec.arts.sf.written[8] (Usenet):
      What got and still gets me is the incessant message you still find in a lot of kidfic, namely "Don't tell your parents about anything wierd[sic] because they won't believe you and it'll only get you into trouble with them."
    • 2012, Perry Iles, "Lashings of Ginger Beer", Words with JAM, October/November 2012, page 25:
      This leaves a pretty wide gap in the children's fiction market, and opens the door to the good old British stalwarts. We've always been good at kidfic.


  • (children's literature): kidlit

