English citations of lemma, lemmas, and lemmata

  • 1951, Roberto Busa, Sancti Thomae Aquinatis hymnorum ritualium varia specimina concordantiarum: A first example of word index automatically compiled and printed by IBM punched card machines (Archivum Philosophicum Aloisianum, series II, № 7), Introduction, 20:
    I bring down to five stages the most material part of compiling a concordance:
    1. transcription of the text, broken down into phrases, on to separate cards;
    2. multiplication of the cards (as many as there are words on each);
    3. indicating on each card the respective entry (lemma);
    4. the selection and placing in alphabetical order of all the cards according to the lemma and its purely material quality;
    5. finally, once that formal elaboration of the alphabetical order of the words which only an expert’s intelligence can perform, has been done, the typographical composition of the pages to be published.
  • ibidem, 32:
    Since each card includes both quotation and lemma, the average text for each word could not therefore surpass, by much, a hendecasyllable.
  • ibidem, 44:
    The third index Rationarium verborum groups under the respective lemma or identity word the different forms of the same word. This is the first elaboration where the scholar has to use his own competency and discernment and it is the fundamental guide for ordering the Index verborum and Concordantiae. The identity words or lemmas — I have followed Forcellini in formulating them — have a numeration of their own.
  • ibidem, 46:
    Human work consisted in transcribing the four hymns only once on to the cards by typing on the punch, in studying the first index which the machines turned out, that is the first Laterculum, to determine the identity words or lemmas; in having these lemmas punched and finally in placing under each the words pertaining to them; although if desired this last work, too, could be done by the machines.
  • 2012 January 9th–13th, Tomáš Čapek, “SENEQA – System for Quality Testing of Wordnet Data” in GWC 2012: Proceedings of the 6th International Global Wordnet Conference, January 9–13, 2012, Matsue, Japan, eds. Christiane Fellbaum and Piek Vossen, § 4, page 402/1:
    In this category of tests we check for typing errors or for incorrect word forms, lemmata of which belong to the network.

Italian citations of lemma

  • 1951, Roberto Busa, Sancti Thomae Aquinatis hymnorum ritualium varia specimina concordantiarum: Primo saggio di indici di parole automaticamente composti e stampati da macchine IBM a schede perforate (Archivum Philosophicum Aloisianum, series II, № 7), Introduction, 21:
    Posso ridurre a cinque le fasi della parte più materiale della composizione d’una concordanza: [¶] 1º la trascrizione del testo, frammentato in pericopi, su schede staccate; [¶] 2º la moltiplicazione delle schede (tante quante sono le parole che ciascuna possiede); [¶] 3º l’indicare su ciascuna scheda la rispettiva parola d’ordine (il lemma); [¶] 4º lo smistamento e l’ordinamento alfabetico di tutte le schede, in base alla parola d’ordine, secondo la sua pura materialità; [¶] 5º finalmente, una volta compiuta quell’elaborazione formale dell’ordine alfabetico delle voci, che solo l’intelligenza d’un competente può dare, la composizione tipografica delle pagine da pubblicare.