
English citations of manship




1845 1871 1902 1932 2003 2007
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  1. The characteristic of being a man; maleness; masculinity; manliness; manhood.
    • 1845, Orestes Augustus Brownson, Charles Elwood, p. 161:
      Every man is a man if he chooses to be, and has in himself all that he needs in order to be a man in the full significance of the term; and therefore no one has any occasion to borrow a part of his manship from his brother.
    • 1871, John William De Forest, Overland: A Novel, p. 7:
      This old lady (old in his young eyes) was always at him about his manship, as if it were a crime and disgrace.
    • 1902, Lebbeus Harding Rogers, The Kite Trust (a Romance of Wealth), p. 324:
      He certainly had nothing to do with the choosing of his manship, any more than his sister had of her womanhood.
    • 1932, Frank Luther Mott, John Towner Frederick, The Midland, p. 59:
      He had a tiny fear of the turtle that did not acknowledge his manship, advancing upon it, full of a funny emotion of not knowing what he intended to do.
    • 2003, Leon Dash, When Children Want Children: The Urban Crisis of Teenage Childbearing, p. 200:
      They were middle-class and, therefore, "had a better attitude towards girls because boys [in Washington Highlands] like beating girls to show their manship.
    • 2007, Kevin P. Novak, Adam Versus Adam, p. 69:
      The manship of Jesus was hid from the eyes of men as completely as the Godship.