English citations of ou


  • 1986, Dennis Baron, Grammar and Gender, New Haven: Yale University Press, published 1987, →ISBN, →OL, page 197:
    In 1789, William H. Marshall records the existence of a dialectal English epicene pronoun, singular ou: ‘Ou will’ expresses either he will, she will, or it will. Marshall traces ou to Middle English epicene a, used by the fourteenth-century English writer John of Trevisa, and both the OED and Wright’s English Dialect Dictionary confirm the use of a for he, she, it, they, and even I.
  • 2013 July 8, Hamilton Nolan, “Should Atheists Be Allowed to Do Yoga?”, in Gawker[1]:
    "The case pinged for me because I have a lot of interest in the ongoing yoga culture wars in the west, and this was simply another piece of the puzzle," she ou writes today.
    Indeed, the case pinged for her ou— it pinged very close to home.
  • 2013 July 10, J. Bryan Lowder, “What Is a “Preferred Gender Pronoun,” and Is It Always Obnoxious?”, XX Factor, in Slate[2]:
    When the post made its way through my networks, the focus was all on Smith’s insistence on a difficult-to-pronounce pronoun rather than on ou’s thoughts about yoga.
  • 2014 August 4, Michelle Goldberg, “What Is A Woman? The Dispute between Radical Feminism and Transgenderism”, in The New Yorker[3]:
    Particularly at liberal-arts colleges, students are now routinely asked which gender pronoun they would prefer to be addressed by: choices might include “ze,” “ou,” “hir,” “they,” or even “it.”

Portuguese citations of ou

Conjunction: or (connects alternative words, clauses, sentences, etc., each of which could make the passage true)

  • 2010, Ricardo da Mata, O Mundo Lá Fora, Clube de Autores, page 199:
    Que é isso? Uma rádio tocando jazz de manhã e prometendo tocar música erudita na sequência? Só pode ser piada ou estou sonhando ainda!
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  • 2012, Luís Fernando Veríssimo, “Padre Alfredo”, in Diálogos Impossíveis, Editora Objetiva, →ISBN, page 27:
    — Já pensaram no que vem por aí? Uma vida inteira, juntos? As brigas, às vezes por mesquinharia? O ciuminho? Os sogros se metendo? As diferenças: filme de pancadaria ou filme romântico? Luz acesa para um ler quando o outro quer dormir? Um não podendo viver sem ar refrigerado, apesar da rinite do outro? Já pensaram?
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)

Conjunction: or (connects two equivalent words)

  • 2007, Márcia Tolotti, As Armadilhas do Consumo, Elsevier Brasil, →ISBN, page 51:
    O desejo por status pode ser considerado, no seu extremo, uma doença moderna e coletiva. Isso ocorre quando a falta ou a escassez de bens materiais representa um autodesprezo e uma prova de inferioridade. Para combater tal sensação, algumas pessoas se lançam no mercado como verdadeiros kamikazes do consumo.
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)