
Latvian citations of pūķis

Mythological spirit

1st c. 2nd c. 3rd c. 4th c. 5th c. 6th c. 7th c. 8th c. 9th c. 10th c. 11th c. 12th c. 13th c. 14th c. 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1879, P. Alunāns Ēķingrāvē. Balss 1879. g. nr. 84 LP, VlI, II, 734, 4
    Kurzemē ap Ēķingrāvi un Vidzemē ap Kalsnavu priekš 50 gadiem ticēja, ka tam, kam pūķis klausot, šis (pūķis) sanesot naktīs pa dūmu ceļu mantas. (Par dūmu ceļu tolaik nosauca to caurumu jumta šķorē, pa kuŗu dūmi mēdza ņemt ceļu no kurināmām vietām). Bet ja kāds, pūķi gaisā redzēdams, uzminot pūķa pieturētāja vārdu, tad pūķis pārsprāgstot un tam visa manta izzūdot. Pārvērsties par pūķi un aplasīt kaimiņiem svētību esot velna skola. Vēl tagad saka par tādu, kam laicīga manta vairojas: «Viņam ir pūķis
    In Kurzeme around Ēķingrāve and in Vidzeme around Kalsnava it was believed, some 50 years ago, that a puķis would during the night bring riches through the smoke hole to the one he obeys. (In those days they called a "smoke hole" the hole in the roof through which smoke would leave from places that kept fire for heating). But if someone, seeing the puķis (flying) in the air, guessed the name of the one who holds it (its owner), then the puķis would burst and all the riches would disappear. Even today, they say about someone whose riches increase visibly: «he has a pūķis


1st c. 2nd c. 3rd c. 4th c. 5th c. 6th c. 7th c. 8th c. 9th c. 10th c. 11th c. 12th c. 13th c. 14th c. 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1967, Известия Академии наук Латвийской ССР, p.39:
    Latviešu pasakās sastopams ari briesmīgais pūķis, kas ir populārs folkloras tēls internacionālajos pasaku sižetos. Pūķa ārējā izskata tēlojumā tautas fantazija ir skopa.
    In Latvian folk tales the monstrous dragon is also found, which is a popular folkloric figure in the plot of tales all over the world. The popular fantasy is scarce in depictions of the external appearance of the dragon.