
English citations of pelology

  1. (homeopathy, rare, obsolete) Disease of the pelvic organs.
    • 1899, Minneapolis Homœopathic Magazine, volume 8, number 7, page 201:
      Receiving from the facts and considerations presented and the statements of Professors Wellington and McLain ample assurance that the new word is correctly formed, I take great pleasure in placing the term pelology before you for consideration, to be employed or rejected as seems to you best.
  2. (surgery, obsolete) orificial surgery.
    • 1901, Edwin Hartley Pratt, Journal of Orificial Surgery, volume 9, page 573:
      If the term, "Orificial Surgery," is considered inadequate or in any way unsatisfactory, why not accept the term "Pelology" as advocated in the June number of the Journal of Orificial Surgery for 1900?