English citations of person

  • 1915 July 19, Powell v. State, published in The Pacific Reporter, volume 150, page 93:
    [] that he then took out of his pocket a little knife with an ivory handle and opened it, and told her if she did not lay down he would cut her throat; that she laid down, and he tore her person with his fingers, and he then got down on top of her, and while he was thus on her she felt his person in her person; after that they went down to the creek; there he told her to take off her underskirt and wash it In the creek, and he would wait in the shade ; that after she had washed her skirt she looked for him, but could not find him, and she went home and told her father about what the man had done.

body, euphemism for "penis"

  • (Can we date this quote?), transcript, republished in 2006 by Craig Clinton in Mrs. Leslie Carter: a biography of the early twentieth century American stage star, page 22:
    A: He... He tried to compel me to take in my mouth himself.
    Q: Mr. Carter held your head and attempted to insert his person in your mouth?
    A: He did.
    Q: And that was the first evening after your marriage?
    A: Yes, sir.
  • 2005, Stephen Murray Robertson, Crimes against children: sexual violence and legal culture in New York City, 1880-1960, page 83:
    In response to the question "Did [Fletcher] insert his person into you?" she claimed that she did not understand what was being asked of her, but her subsequent answers made clear that she was asserting an ignorance of that particular euphemism, not of the meaning of the act.