
English citations of platitude

  • 1855–1857Charles Dickens, Little Dorrit, Book I, ch 34
    Then Lord Decimus, who was a wonder on his own Parliamentary pedestal, turned out to be the windiest creature here: proposing happiness to the bride and bridegroom in a series of platitudes that would have made the hair of any sincere disciple and believer stand on end;
  • 1918Algernon Blackwood, The Garden of Survival, ch XI
    Beauty, I suppose, opens the heart, extends the consciousness. It is a platitude, of course.
  • 1941Arthur K. Barnes, Trouble on Titan, ch II
    She listened patiently while Kurtt's oily, pompous platitudes rolled off his tongue. He called her "charming little lady" and "my dear" and made patronizing reference to her achievements "in spite of the handicap of her sex." Long after that, he concluded with the pious hope that the best man might win.
  • 1946Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi, Ch. 15
    A supercilious smile or a glance of amused tolerance occasionally betrayed that the newcomers anticipated nothing more than a few pious platitudes.
  • 1988Ronald Reagan, Presidential Radio Address, 20 August
    It will take more than platitudes to convince the American people: