
English citations of pot-hole


  • 1809, Thomas Langdale, A Topographical Dictionary of Yorkshire, page 324:
    The NIDD has its rise at the upper-end of Nidderdale, about 3 miles N. E. of Kettlewell; after running a considerable distance from its fountain, enters the earth, by a wide and rocky cavern, called Goydon-Pot-Hole; []
  • 1808, James Neild, "Mr. Neild's Remarks on Norwich Castle", The Gentleman's Magazine, Volume LXXVIII, Part the Second, August, page 684
    In each of the cells a tub is substiuted for an urinal; and on every landing-place are sewers, which from their construction are rendered very offensive. The cells are ventilated by a circular aperture over each door, and likewise by a small pot-hole made in each door.
  • 1811, a UK law quoted in 1820 in The Justice of the Peace, and Parish Officer, volume 5, page 126:
    Every officer of excise, from time to time and at all times, shall mark and number every workhouse, pot-chamber, pot-hole, lear, warehouse, room, aud other place whatsoever, entered or used by any maker of flint or of phial glass,

hole on a stove for a pot

  • 1858, N. S. Vedder, number 877, Design for Radiator Stoves, published in 1858 in the Annual Report of the Commissioner of Patents [of the United States patent Office]:
    I claim the ornamental design [...] of the pot-hole frame with its cover; []