English citations of rope

Verb: "(incel slang) to commit suicide, particularly by hanging"

2019 2020 2021
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2019, anonymous, quoted in Julia Rose DeCook, "Curating the Future: The Sustainability Practices of Online Hate Groups", dissertation submitted to Michigan State University, page 153:
    In figure 71, the poster Brahcel notes that he “almost roped” because he could not find the community (“roped” or “roping” refers to suicide by hanging, i.e. a noose).
  • 2020, Annie Jones, "Incels and the Manosphere: Tracking Men's Movements Online", thesis submitted to the University of Central Florida, page 43:
    Like the value placed on plastic surgery analyzed previously, one user said his plans are to, “Get rich or rope”.
  • 2020, anonymous, quoted in Emma Nyström, "'What becomes of the broken-hearted?': En socialantropologisk studie om männen som kallar sig incels", thesis submitted to Lund University, page 35:
    [] "I'm not suicidal, I've never attempted to rope, but I imagine shooting myself in the head every day".
  • 2020, Kostantinos Papadamou, Savvas Zannettou, Jeremy Blackburn, Emiliano De Cristofaro, Gianluca Stringhini, & Michael Sirivianos, "'How over is it?': Understanding the Incel Community on YouTube", arXiv.org, page 3:
    For example, when they seek advice from other Incels about their physical appearance using the phrase “How over is it?,” they may be encouraged to “rope” (to hang oneself).
  • 2020, Katrine Rummelhoff, "Incels and Misogyny; what’s so appealing about hatred?", thesis submitted to the University of Oslo, page 49:
    When venting about how bad their life is, the normal response is always something along the lines of “that’s just the way it is”, “its over”, or “just rope bro”.
  • 2020, Joshua A. Segalewitz, "'You Don't Understand... It's Not About Virginity': Sexual Markets, Identity Construction, and Violent Masculinity on an Incel Forum Board", thesis submitted to the University of Dayton, page 36:
    ToxicAlcoholSyndrome explains that his, “dreams are all really depressing and vivid, so… I’m constantly in a bad mood and know in the back of my brain, I need to rope.”
  • 2020, anonymous, quoted in Alva Svenning & Moa Åkne, "'Normies don't know hardship': Incels och kvinnoförakt på digitala forum", thesis submitted to Lund University, page 22:
    I look up to Elliot Rodger more[sic] the more I know about him, and most importantly, the more I think about roping
  • 2020, Chris Wilson, "Nostalgia, Entitlement and Victimhood: The Synergy of White Genocide and Misogyny", Terrorism and Political Violence (2020):
    An anonymous poster on one white nationalist forum read by the author referred to an anti-fascist activist as being so ugly that if the poster was him he would have “roped long ago” using a term for suicide common among incels.
  • 2020, anonymous, quoted in Vanja Zdjelar, "Alone together: Exploring community on an incel forum", thesis submitted to Simon Fraser University, page 48:
    do you think that once stripped of their rights they’ll come crawling to us? The answer is no, they’ll continue living the same way they’ve always been: normies, Chalites, and Chads get all the action while we are left to rope, cope, or go ER [Elliot Rodger]
  • 2021, Laura Bates, From Incels to Pickup Artists: The Truth about Extreme Misogyny and How it Affects Us All, unnumbered page:
    Another man wrote that the only reason he hasn't “roped” (incel terminology for death by suicide) is he didn't want to ruin his family's Christmas.
  • 2021, anonymous, quoted in Hugo Engholm, "The lack of looks: A study on the Incel ideology of Incelism during the 2010s–2020s and its relation to historical and contemporary ideologies particularly within far right milieus", thesis submitted to the University of Uppsala, page 56:
    “Then to contemplate roping. Then to realize you’re just as scared of roping as you are of living.”