
English citations of subhorizontal

not quite horizontal

  • 2020 December 17, Jean-Claude Roegiers, Rock Mechanics as a Multidisciplinary Science: Proceedings of the 32nd U.S. Symposium, CRC Press, →ISBN, page 253:
    [] subvertical boreholes at depths below F.Z. 2 invariably produced horizontal or subhorizontal fractures.
  • (Can we date this quote?), Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3141, Natural Resources Canada, page 67:
    Keywords: D2 high-strain, subvertical schistosity, subhorizontal lineation, horizontal crenulation cleavage. Highly strained chlorite-bearing schistose rocks within the Slate Rock Lake deformation zone (Ayer 1995).
  • 1994, Dennis K. Thurston, Kazuya Fujita, 1992 Proceedings, International Conference on Arctic Margins: Anchorage, Alaska, September 1992, page 131:
    A minimal requirement for documenting a " tectonic " paleostress field is evidence for unequal horizontal stresses in ... for recognition of a tectonic paleostress regime would be evidence that o , was horizontal or subhorizontal []


  • 1996, Ocean Drilling Program, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program: Initial report. Part A, page 74:
    Slightly dipping silt bed Ash / turbidite ?, dark gray fining upward , subhorizontal Indurated silt , subcentimeter fragments up to 3 cm in diameter , fining upward . Dark gray silt , irregular contact at base Horizontal bedding due to []
  • 2018 10, Lee J. Florea, Ancient Oceans, Orogenic Uplifts, and Glacial Ice: Geologic Crossroads in America’s Heartland, Geological Society of America, →ISBN, page 190:
    Horizontal and lakeward-dipping subhorizontal plane beds. High-angle, landward-dipping cross-beds are rare and occur at the top of the sequence. Normally and inversely graded laminae. Continuous to discontinuous shore-parallel linear []
  • 1983 October 1, Pedogenesis and Soil Taxonomy : The Soil Orders, Elsevier, →ISBN, page 180:
    Petrocalcic horizons most commonly, but not necessarily, have an indurated "laminar" upper subhorizon. If laminar, they have very thin, subhorizontal layers of almost pure calcium carbonate (about 90 percent CaCo3 equivalent) which fill []
  • 1989, Stuart E. Jenness, Geochemical Exploration 1987, Elsevier Publishing Company:
    A lower lamellar subhorizon ( 3 ) is formed of white to pinkish, subhorizontal sheets that are about 2 cm thick ... Although the contact of the superficial horizon with the underlying one can be sharp, the change from one soil horizon []