English citations of very

ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • c1449, Reginald Pecock, Repressor
    Ech lyuyng man is verier..ymage of Crist..than is eny vnquyk stok.
  • c1450, Myrroure our Ladye (Mirror of our Lady)
    Thow arte the certayne hope of wretches, very mother of motherlesse.

Adverb: "(China, Singapore, Malaysia, modifying a verb) To a great extent or degree"

  • 2012, Fiona Talbot, Sudakshina Bhattacharjee, Improve Your Global Business English[1], page 22:
    'I very like this' in Chinese English means 'I like this very much'.
  • 2016, Zeltos, HardwareZone[2]:
    The lego shop in Singapore must very hate Amazon.
  • 2017, Marissa Chan, “Why are all these Malaysians queuing for 2 hours at LRT and bus stations?”, in CILISOS[3]:
    Unfortunately, if you very sayang whatever is left in your MyRapid card and if you’re the kind of person who reloads like RM200 in one go, then you can just go ahead and transfer it to the new MyRapid TnG ...