



From the cartoon character Donald Duck, who is almost always depicted with no clothing below the shirt.



Donald Ducking it

  1. (slang) Wearing no clothes below the waist.
    • 2021, Nancy Bishop, Auditioning for Film and Television: A Post #MeToo Guide:
      Wear clothes on the bottom half of your body. During the lockdown, many people got caught out when they rose from their computer only to be discovered “Donald Ducking” it.
    • 2022, Daisy Buchanan, Careering:
      'Hope your neighbours don't catch me Donald Ducking it,' I call, returning to the bedroom still knickerless, holding the bottle and the glasses.
    • 2022, Marc Longcor, WTF! The Chase:
      He is wearing eighties-style dark sunglasses and completely Donald Ducking it in a Hawaiian shirt with the sleeves cut off.