





Gcwi pl (plural only)

  1. A certain ethnic group in Africa.
    • 1995, Articulating hidden histories: exploring the influence of Eric R. Wolf (Jane Schneider, Rayna Rapp), page 318:
      Previously flexible relations of production were transformed into ethnic categories defined by criteria of race, language, and economic status. Although self-referent names of Khoisan-speaking peoples (Zhu, Gcwi, Gxana, Deti, Qoo, and a dozen others) continue []
    • 1997, Edwin N. Wilmsen, The Kalahari ethnographies (1896-1898) of Siegfried Passarge:
      Again, these Gcwi are supposed to speak a different language. It is very interesting that on the western edge of the Kalahari, in Great Namaqualand, a Bushman tribe called 'Nasenstocktrager' is said to live who also carry a piece of []
    • 2001, Thomas J. Larson, Alec Campbell, Dibebe of the Okavango: The Thrilling, Amazing Adventures, page ix:
      [] Wayeyi, Hambukushu, Naro and Gcwi Bushmen, and many others—have been striving for greater recognition, []

Proper noun



  1. The lect spoken by this group.
    • 1997, Encyclopedia of Africa south of the Sahara (John Middleton), volume 2:
      [] about 12000 speakers; Gcwi and Gxana (Botswana), with about 6000 speakers; the Zhu language (Namibia and Botswana), with about 11000 speakers; []


  1. ^ 1992, Alan Barnard, Hunters and Herders of Southern Africa, page xxii: Finally, it may be of interest to the non-specialist that the pronunciation of clicks in ethnic group names is entirely optional when speaking a non-Khoisan language. Acceptable anglicizations may be produced either by articulating a non-click sound of approximately the same phonological position (e.g. p for ʘ, t for ǀ or ǂ, k for ǁ or ǃ), or by ignoring the click entirely and simply pronouncing the release followed by the remainder of the word. When speaking English, I myself say Kung for 'ǃKung', Gwi for 'Gǀwi', and Gana for 'Gǁana'. [] Ko for 'ǃXõ', Kam for 'ǀXam' []

Further reading
