



Blend of Gore +‎ oracle.

Proper noun


the Goracle

  1. (informal, usually sarcastic) Al Gore (born 1948), the 45th vice president of the United States (1993–2001), especially when viewed as a prophet of environmental catastrophe.
    • 2007 March 1, Maureen Dowd, “Goracle needs to ponder near future, especially 2008”, in The Times-Tribune, volume 136, Scranton, PA: Times-Shamrock Communications, →ISSN, page A13:
      Will he use his green moment on the red carpet in black tie to snag blue states and win the White House? ¶ Only the Goracle knows the answer.
    • 2007 October, Mort Rosenblum, Escaping Plato's Cave: How America's Blindness to the Rest of the World Threatens Our Survival, New York, N.Y.: St. Martin's Press, →ISBN, page 83:
      The inconvenient truth that Al Gore laid out in his film and book already falls short of reality. When first dropped, his bombshell was a muffled rumble. [] But as the message sank in and momentum built, the Goracle got our attention.
    • 2009 December 12, Peter Foster, “The Goracle speaks on Climategate”, in National Post, volume 12, number 40, Don Mills, Ont.: National Post Inc., Financial Post, page FP21:
      True believers in catastrophic man-made climate change have been waiting for Al Gore to lead them through the Valley of Climategate. This week, The Goracle spoke.
    • 2018, Nicole Seymour, Bad Environmentalism, page 69:
      The film thus takes environmental issues out of the province of the expert and the elite and gives us an environmentalist hero who is more relatable than the so-called Goracle of An Inconvenient Truth, or, to take a fictional example, the paleoclimatologist of The Day after Tomorrow.