See also: Hei-lung-chiang





From Mandarin 黑龍江黑龙江 (Hēilóngjiāng) Wade–Giles romanization: Hei¹-lung²-chiang¹.

Proper noun



  1. Alternative form of Heilongjiang
    • 1898, Alexis Krausse, China in Decay: A Handbook to the Far Eastern Question[1], London: Chapman & Hall, →OCLC, →OL, page 177:
      The Trans-Amur districts formed a portion of the Government of Heilungchiang, and the people strongly resented the presence of the Muscovite invaders.
    • 1975 April 28, David G. Du Bois, “CHINA - MOLDING SERVANTS OF HUMANKIND”, in The Black Panther[2], volume XIII, number 10, →ISSN, →OCLC, page 14:
      Heilungchiang Province is a major industrial area of China and women are recognized as a great source of labor in the socialist construction of People’s China.
    • 2003, Adam Williams, The Palace of Heavenly Pleasure[3], →ISBN, →OCLC, pages 3–4:
      More alarming are the activities of the Russians in the Northeast. Much of Manchuria is already a Russian protectorate in substance if not in name. It was evident what were their intentions as far back as 1896 when they pressured the former Foreign Minister, Li Hung-chang, to sign a so-called ‘defensive alliance’ granting Russia the right to extend the Trans Siberian Railway eastwards across Heilungchiang.

