




  1. (humorous) plural of Kleenex
    • 1960, John Steinbeck, “To Elaine Steinbeck”, in Elaine A[nderson] Steinbeck, Robert Wallsten, editors, Steinbeck: A Life in Letters, New York, N.Y.: The Viking Press, published 1975, →ISBN, page 689:
      There are a few little air leaks—like behind the refrigerator but I’ve plugged them with Kleenices.
    • 1962 February 2, “Cross Campus”, in Dave Young, editor, The Juniatian, volume XXXVIII, number 14, Huntingdon, Pa.: Juniata College, page 2:
      Gang, have you retreived[sic] your crib sheets, notes index cards, gum wrappers, and Kleenices from the perimeter of the testing area? Last we heard, they were creating a fire hazard.
    • 1980 October 10, Dennis Pryor, “Sunk by silly scripts”, in The Age, Melbourne, Vic., page 10:
      ‘Love Story’ stimulated the economy by boosting the sales of Kleenices, a great example of private enterprise Keynesianism.
    • 1991 October 10, Jackson Granholm, “In praise of the tumbleweed”, in News Chronicle, Thousand Oaks, Calif., page B-7, column 3:
      Accompanying the tumbleweed in its trips are the beautiful and multi-colored specimens of Kleenex americanus donated copiously to the freeway viewscapes by generous passing motorists. The tumbleweed is a gracious gift from the Russians, having been imported as a favored ornamental from the steppes of central Asia. The Kleenices, however, are native American in origin.
    • 2003, Norman Rush, Mortals, Alfred A. Knopf, →ISBN, page 253:
      “Stop, I’m crying,” she said. “Wait a minute till I find some Kleenices … I know I had some, a new packet.”