Veps edit

Etymology edit

(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)

Proper noun edit

Latvii (genitive Latvijan, partitive Latvijad)

  1. Latvia

Inflection edit

Inflection of Latvii (inflection type 10/Biblii)
nominative sing. Latvii
genitive sing. Latvijan
partitive sing. Latvijad
partitive plur.
singular plural
nominative Latvii
accusative Latvijan
genitive Latvijan
partitive Latvijad
essive-instructive Latvijan
translative Latvijaks
inessive Latvijas
elative Latvijaspäi
illative Latvijaha
adessive Latvijal
ablative Latvijalpäi
allative Latvijale
abessive Latvijata
comitative Latvijanke
prolative Latvijadme
approximative I Latvijanno
approximative II Latvijannoks
egressive Latvijannopäi
terminative I Latvijahasai
terminative II Latvijalesai
terminative III Latvijassai
additive I Latvijahapäi
additive II Latvijalepäi

Synonyms edit