local export = {}
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("af")
local sc = require("Module:scripts").getByCode("Latn")
local hyph = require("Module:hyphenation")
local str = require("Module:string")
local tbl = require("Module:table")
function export.tag_text(text, face)
return require("Module:script utilities").tag_text(text, lang, sc, face)
function export.link(term, face)
return require("Module:links").full_link( { term = term, lang = lang, sc = sc }, face )
local u = require("Module:string/char")
local decomp = mw.ustring.toNFD
local recomp = mw.ustring.toNFC
local lower = mw.ustring.lower
local find = mw.ustring.find
local len = mw.ustring.len
local match = mw.ustring.match
local sub = mw.ustring.sub
local rsubn = mw.ustring.gsub
local rmatch = mw.ustring.gmatch
-- version of rsubn() that discards all but the first return value
local function rsub(term, foo, bar)
local retval = rsubn(term, foo, bar)
return retval
-- apply rsub() repeatedly until no change
local function rsub_repeatedly(term, foo, bar)
while true do
local new_term = rsub(term, foo, bar)
if new_term == term then
return term
term = new_term
-- list of constants
local GR = u(0x0300) -- grave
local AC = u(0x0301) -- acute
local CR = u(0x0302) -- circumflex
local DR = u(0x0308) -- diaresis
local accents = GR .. AC .. CR .. DR
local vowels = "aeiouyAEIOUY"
local cons = "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxzBCDFGHJKLMNPQSTVWXZ"
local syll_boundary = "‧#"
-- list of valid trigraphs and digraphs, including diphthongs and long vowels
local graphemes = {
["aai"] = "ɑːɪ̯",
["eeu"] = "iʊ̯",
["ieu"] = "iʊ̯",
["oei"] = "uɪ̯",
["ooi"] = "oːɪ̯",
["aa"] = "ɑː",
["ae"] = "ɑː",
["ai"] = "aɪ̯",
["au"] = "œʊ̯",
["ee"] = "ɪə̯",
["ei"] = "əɪ̯",
["eu"] = "iʊ̯",
["ie"] = "į", -- temporary value
["oe"] = "ů", -- temporary value
["oi"] = "ɔɪ̯",
["oo"] = "ʊə̯",
["ou"] = "œʊ̯",
["ui"] = "uɪ̯",
["uu"] = "ü" -- temporary value
-- sort trigraphs and digraphs in descending order
local graphemes_sorted = {}
for k, _ in pairs(graphemes) do
table.insert(graphemes_sorted, k)
table.sort(graphemes_sorted, function(a, b) return len(a) > len(b) end)
-- list of various grapheme sets
local sets = {
["vowel_length"] = { -- long-short vowels
["a"] = {"a", "ɑː"},
["e"] = {"ɛ", "ɪə̯"},
["i"] = {"ə", "i"},
["o"] = {"ɔ", "ʊə̯"},
["u"] = {"œ", "y"}
["cons_voice"] = { -- voiced/voiceless consonants
{"b", "p"},
{"d", "t"},
{"ʤ", "ʧ"},
{"ɡ", "k"},
{"v", "f"},
{"z", "s"},
{"ʒ", "ʃ"},
-- list of defined affixes
local affixes = {
["prefixes"] = { -- prefixes
["suffixes"] = { -- suffixes
-- sort prefixes and suffixes in ascending order
table.sort(affixes.prefixes, function(a, b) return len(a) < len(b) end)
table.sort(affixes.suffixes, function(a, b) return len(a) < len(b) end)
-- list of unstressed words
local unstressed = {
-- list of stressed endings found in loanwords
local stressed_endings = {
"aal", "aan", "aans", "aar", "aard", "aat", "am", "ant", "at",
"ee", "eel", "eem", "een", "eer", "ees", "eet", "ein", "ek", "el", -- "-el" only in loanwords
"ent", "es", "et", "eur", "eus", "eut", "ieel", "ief",
"iek", "iel", "iem", "ien", "ine", "ier", "iet", "o", -- "-o" only in french loanwords
"oen", "on", "oof", "oog", "ooi", "ool", "oom", "oon", "oor",
"teek", "teit", "u", "uum", "uur", "uus", "uut", "y", "yn", "ys"
-- list of respelling substitutions
local subs = {
-- 'N
{"#'n#", "#ə(n)#", "-"}, -- pronounced /ə(n)/ as the article 'n
{"'n#", "ən#", "-"}, -- pronounced /ən/ otherwise
-- CH
{"ch", "ʃ", "fr"}, -- pronounced /ʃ/ in french loans
{"sch", "sk", "-"}, -- pronounced /sk/ in the sequence "sch"
{"ch([" .. cons .. "]?[ei])", "χ%1", "-"}, -- pronounced /χ/ before optional consonant cluster and "e" or "i"
{"ch", "k", "-"}, -- otherwise /k/
-- NG
{"ng", "ŋ", "-"}, -- pronounced /ŋ/
-- SH/SJ
{"s[hj]", "ʃ", "-"}, -- pronounced /ʃ/
-- DJ/TJ
{"[dt]jie", "kį", "-"}, -- pronounced /-ci/ in the suffix "-djie"/"-tjie"
{"dj", "ʤ", "-"}, -- "dj" is otherwise /d͡ʒ/
{"tj", "ʧ", "-"}, -- "tj" is otherwise /t͡ʃ/
-- C
{"c([ei])", "s%1", "-"}, -- pronounced /s/ before "e" or "i"
{"c", "k", "-"}, -- otherwise /k/
-- GH
{"gh", "ɡ", "-"}, -- pronounced /ɡ/
-- G
{"g", "ɡ", "en"}, -- pronounced /ɡ/ in english loans
{"r‧ge", "r‧ɡe", "-"}, -- pronounced /ɡ/ between /r/ and /ə/
{"g", "χ", "-"}, -- otherwise /χ/
{"n(‧?[kɡ])", "ŋ%1", "-"}, -- /ŋ/ is an allophone of /n/ before /ɡ/ and /k/
-- V
{"v", "f", "af"}, -- pronounced /f/ in native words
-- W
{"w", "w", "en"}, -- pronounced /w/ in english loans
{"w", "v", "-"}, -- otherwise /v/
-- EAU
{"eaux?", "OU", "fr"}, -- pronounced /œʊ̯/ in french loans
-- OI
{"oi", "wA", "fr"}, -- pronounced /wa/ in french loans
-- IJ
{"ij([^" .. vowels .. "])", "EI%1", "-"}, -- pronounced /əɪ̯/ in dutch-based names
-- X
{"#x", "#s", "-"}, -- pronounced /s/ word-initially
{"x", "ks", "-"}, -- otherwise /ks/
-- H
{"([" .. cons .. vowels .. "])h", "%1", "-"}, -- silent if part of consonant digraph or syllable-final
{"h", "ɦ", "-"}, -- otherwise /ɦ/
-- O
{"o([" .. syll_boundary .. "])", "OU%1", "en"}, -- pronounced /œʊ̯/ in open syllables in english loans
{"o#", "ů#", "-"}, -- otherwise /u/ in word-final position
-- U
{"u([" .. cons .. "])", "A%1", "en"}, -- pronounced /a/ in closed syllables in english loans
{"u", "jů", "en"}, -- otherwise /ju/ in english loans
-- Y
{"y", "j", "en"}, -- pronounced /j/ in english loans
{"y", "EI", "-"}, -- otherwise /əɪ̯/
-- circumflex accent
{CR, "ː", "-"} -- lengthens a vowel with its short quality
-- syllabification function
local function syllabify(term, etyl, pos)
-- decompose accents
term = decomp(term)
-- remove diaresis and split syllable (note: diaresis shouldn't be displayed in its hyphenation form)
term = rsub(term, "([" .. vowels .. "])" .. DR, "‧%1")
-- mark trigraphs and digraphs with angle brackets
for _, graph in ipairs(graphemes_sorted) do
term = rsub(term, graph, "{" .. graph .. "}")
-- add > and < for prefix and suffixes respectively
for _, prefix in ipairs(affixes.prefixes) do
if find(term, "#" .. prefix) then
term = rsub(term, "#" .. prefix, "#" .. prefix .. ">")
for _, suffix in ipairs(affixes.suffixes) do
if find(term, suffix .. "#") then
term = rsub(term, suffix .. "#", "<" .. suffix .. "#")
-- add dot before consonant + vowel
term = rsub(term, "([" .. cons .. "]?{?[" .. vowels .. "][" .. accents .. "]?)", "‧%1")
-- remove any dots inside brackets
term = rsub(term, "{[^}]*}", function(a) return rsub(a, "‧", "") end)
-- shift dot before certain consonant clusters and digraphs
term = rsub(term, "([bcfgkpvw])‧l", "‧%1l") -- clusters with l
term = rsub(term, "([bcdfgkptwv])‧r", "‧%1r") -- clusters with r
term = rsub(term, "([dst])‧j", "‧%1j") -- digraphs with j
term = rsub(term, "([ckgt])‧h", "‧%1h") -- digraphs with h
term = rsub(term, "n‧g", "ng‧") -- ng is syllable-final
term = rsub(term, ">s‧", ">‧s") -- s can form a cluster after a prefix
-- remove leading dots and brackets
term = rsub(term, "#([^" .. vowels .. "]*)‧", "#%1")
term = rsub(term, "%.", "‧")
term = rsub(term, "[{}+]", "") -- comment out to debug
return rsub(term, "‧+", "‧")
-- hyphenation function
function export.hyphenation(term, etyl, pos)
-- get user input as table
if type(term) == "table" then
term = term.args[1]
-- mark all word borders
term = rsub(term, "([^ ]+)", "#%1#")
-- format hyphenation
-- local data = { lang = lang, sc = sc, hyphs = {{hyph = rsub(syllabify(term), "[#%[%]<>]", ""), "%.")}} }
-- return hyphen.format_hyphenations(data)
return rsub(recomp(syllabify(term)), "[#%[%]<>]", "")
-- generate substitutions function
local function generate_subs(term, etyl, pos)
local to_sub = {}
local seen_patterns = {}
for _, s in ipairs(subs) do
local s_patt, s_repl, s_etyl = s[1], s[2], s[3]
-- only add if pattern wasn't added already
if not seen_patterns[s_patt] then
-- add substitution for etymology-specific rules
if etyl ~= "-" and s_etyl == etyl then
table.insert(to_sub, {s_patt, s_repl})
seen_patterns[s_patt] = true
-- otherwise add substitution for default rules
elseif s_etyl == "-" then
table.insert(to_sub, {s_patt, s_repl})
seen_patterns[s_patt] = true
return to_sub
-- stress assignment function
local function stress(term, etyl, pos)
-- words with certain endings are syllable-final stressed
for _, ending in ipairs(stressed_endings) do
if find(term, ending .. "#") then
if ending == "el" then -- "-el" is only stressed in loanwords
if not etyl and etyl ~= "af" then
return rsub(term, ending .. "#", "ˈ" .. ending .. "#")
elseif ending == "o" then -- "-o" is only stressed in french loanwords
if etyl == "fr" then
return rsub(term, ending .. "#", "ˈ" .. ending .. "#")
return rsub(term, ending .. "#", "ˈ" .. ending .. "#")
-- add stress mark to first syllable if no ending was stressed
return rsub(term, "^#", "#ˈ")
-- pronunciation function
local function pron(term, etyl, pos)
-- prepare table to substitute the appropriate phonemes based on etymology and part of speech
local to_sub = generate_subs(term, etyl, pos)
-- make text lowercase
term = lower(term)
-- mark word borders with #
term = rsub(term, "([^ ]+)", "#%1#")
-- syllabify term
term = syllabify(term, etyl, pos)
-- add stress to term
term = stress(term, etyl, pos)
-- shift stress rightwards to a syllable boundary
term = rsub(term, "([^" .. syll_boundary .. "]*)ˈ", "ˈ%1")
-- go over substitution table
for _, s in ipairs(to_sub) do
local k, v = s[1], s[2]
rsub(term, k, v)
-- make text lowercase again
term = lower(term)
-- substitute graphemes
for graph, phoneme in pairs(graphemes) do
term = rsub(term, graph, phoneme)
-- substitute single-letter vowels
term = rsub(term, "([aeiou])([‧#ː" .. cons .. "])", function(a, b)
if match("[‧#]", b) then
return sets.vowel_length[a][2] .. b -- for open syllables
return sets.vowel_length[a][1] .. b -- for closed syllables
-- replace į, ů, ü with their actual phonetic values
term = rsub(term, "[įůü]", {["į"] = "i", ["ů"] = "u", ["ü"] = "y"})
-- remove double consonants
term = rsub(term, "(.)(‧?)%1", "%2%1")
-- final adjustments
term = rsub(term, "‧", ".")
return rsub(term, "[#%[%]]", "")
-- main export function
function export.toIPA(term, etyl, pos)
-- get user input as table
if type(term) == "table" then
term = term.args[1]
return pron(term, etyl, pos)
return export