
This is a private module sandbox of Benwing2, for their own experimentation. Items in this module may be added and removed at Benwing2's discretion; do not rely on this module's stability.

local export = {}


Authorship: Ben Wing <benwing2>




-- "slot" = A particular combination of tense/mood/person/number/etc.
	 Example slot names for verbs are "pres_1s" (present indicative first-person singular), "pres_sub_2sv" (present
	 subjunctive second-person singular voseo form) "impf_sub_ra_3p" (imperfect subjunctive -ra form third-person
	 plural), "imp_1p_comb_lo" (imperative first-person plural combined with clitic [[lo]]).
	 Each slot is filled with zero or more forms.

-- "form" = The conjugated Spanish form representing the value of a given slot.

-- "lemma" = The dictionary form of a given Spanish term. For Spanish, always the infinitive.



1. Implement no_pres_stressed for aterir, garantir. (NOTE: Per RAE, garantir used in all forms in Argentina/Uruguay.) [DONE]
2. Support concluyo. [DONE]
3. Fixes for veo -> ve vs. preveo -> prevé. [DONE]
4. Various more irregular verbs, e.g. predecir, redecir, bendecir, maldecir. [DONE]
5. Raising of e -> i, o -> u before -iendo, -ió, etc. occurs only in -ir verbs. [DONE]
6. Raising of e -> i, o -> u happens before subjunctive -amos, -áis in -ir verbs. [DONE]
7. Implement reflexive verbs. [DONE]
8. Implement categories. [DONE]
9. Implement show_forms. [DONE]
10. Reconcile stems.vowel_alt from irregular verbs with vowel_alt from indicators. May require
    moving the irregular-verb handling code in construct_stems() into detect_indicator_spec(). [DONE]
11. Implement make_table. [DONE]
12. Vowel alternation should show u-ue (jugar), i-ie (adquirir), e-í (reír) alternations specially. [DONE]
13. Handle linking of multiword forms as is done in [[Module:es-headword]]. [DONE]
14. Implement comparison against previous module. [DONE]
15. Implement categorization of irregularities for individual tenses.
16. Support nocomb=1. [DONE]
17. (Possibly) display irregular forms in a different color, as with the old module.
18. (Possibly) display a "rule" description indicating the types of alternations.
19. Implement replace_reflexive_indicators(). [NOT DONE; SUPPORT REMOVED]
20. Implement verbs with attached clitics e.g. [[pasarlo]], [[corrérsela]]. [DONE]
21. When footnote + tú/vos notation, add a space before tú/vos.
22. Fix [[erguir]] so ie-i vowel alternation produces ye- at beginning of word, similarly for errar. Also allow
    multiple vowel alternation specs in irregular verbs, for errar. Finally, ie should show as e-ye for errar
    and as e-ye-i for erguir. [DONE]
23. Figure out why red links in combined forms show up as black not red.
24. Consider including alternative superseded forms of verbs like [[ciar]] (e.g. pret_3s = cio, ció with footnote).
25. Allow conjugation of suffixes e.g. -ir, -ecer; need to fix in [[Module:inflection utilities]]. [DONE]
26. Allow specification of stems esp. so that footnotes can be hung off them; use + for the default.
27. Don't remove monosyllabic accents when conjugating suffixes. [DONE]
28. If multiword expression with no <>, add <> after first word, as with [[Module:es-headword]]. [DONE]
29. (Possibly) link the parts of a reflexive or cliticized infinitive, as done in [[Module:es-headword]]. [DONE]
30. Final fixes to allow [[Module:es-headword]] to use this module. [DONE]

local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("es")
local m_string_utilities = require("Module:string utilities")
local m_links = require("Module:links")
local m_table = require("Module:table")
local iut = require("Module:User:Benwing2/inflection utilities")
local com = require("Module:es-common")

local force_cat = false -- set to true for debugging
local check_for_red_links = false -- set to false for debugging

local rfind = mw.ustring.find
local rmatch = mw.ustring.match
local rsplit = mw.text.split
local rsub = com.rsub

local function link_term(term)
	return m_links.full_link({ lang = lang, term = term }, "term")

local V = com.V -- vowel regex class
local AV = com.AV -- accented vowel regex class
local C = com.C -- consonant regex class

local fut_sub_note = "[mostly obsolete, now mainly used in legal language]"
local pres_sub_voseo_note = "[Argentine and Uruguayan " .. link_term("voseo") .. " prefers the " ..
	link_term("tú") .. " form for the present subjunctive]"

local vowel_alternants = m_table.listToSet({"ie", "ie-i", "ye", "ye-i", "ue", "ue-u", "hue", "i", "í", "ú", "+"})
local vowel_alternant_to_desc = {
	["ie"] = "e-ie",
	["ie-i"] = "e-ie-i",
	["ye"] = "e-ye",
	["ye-i"] = "e-ye-i",
	["ue"] = "o-ue",
	["ue-u"] = "o-ue-u",
	["hue"] = "o-hue",
	["i"] = "e-i",
	["í"] = "i-í",
	["ú"] = "u-ú",

local raise_vowel = {["e"] = "i", ["o"] = "u"}

local all_persons_numbers = {
	["1s"] = "1|s",
	["2s"] = "2|s",
	["2sv"] = "2|s|voseo",
	["3s"] = "3|s",
	["1p"] = "1|p",
	["2p"] = "2|p",
	["3p"] = "3|p",

local person_number_list_basic = {"1s", "2s", "3s", "1p", "2p", "3p"}
local person_number_list_voseo = {"1s", "2s", "2sv", "3s", "1p", "2p", "3p"}
local imp_person_number_list = {"2s", "2sv", "3s", "1p", "2p", "3p"}
local neg_imp_person_number_list = {"2s", "3s", "1p", "2p", "3p"}

person_number_to_reflexive_pronoun = {
	["1s"] = "me",
	["2s"] = "te",
	["2sv"] = "te",
	["3s"] = "se",
	["1p"] = "nos",
	["2p"] = "os",
	["3p"] = "se",

local indicator_flags = m_table.listToSet {
	"no_pres_stressed", "no_pres1_and_sub",
	"only3s", "only3sp", "only3p",

-- Initialize all the slots for which we generate forms. The particular slots may depend on whether we're generating
-- combined slots (`not alternant_multiword_spec.nocomb`, which is always false if we're dealing with a verb with an
-- attached clitic, such as [[hincarla]], or a reflexive or partly-reflexive verb, where a partly-reflexive verb is
-- a conjoined term made up of two or more verbs, where some but not all are reflexive). It may also depend on whether
-- we're being requested to generate some double-combined forms, such as [[llevándoselo]]; see the comment below for
-- `verb_slot_double_combined_rows`.
local function add_slots(alternant_multiword_spec)
	-- "Basic" slots: All slots that go into the regular table (not the combined-form table).
	alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_basic = {
		{"infinitive", "inf"},
		{"infinitive_linked", "inf"},
		{"gerund", "ger"},
		{"pp_ms", "m|s|past|part"},
		{"pp_fs", "f|s|past|part"},
		{"pp_mp", "m|p|past|part"},
		{"pp_fp", "f|p|past|part"},

	-- Slots that go into the combined-form table, along with double-combined slots (e.g. [[llevándoselo]]) that are
	-- requested for use with {{es-verb form of}}.
	alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_combined = {}

	-- Special slots used to handle non-reflexive parts of reflexive verbs in {{es-verb form of}}.
	-- For example, for a reflexive-only verb like [[jambarse]], we want to be able to use {{es-verb form of}} on
	-- [[jambe]] (which should mention that it is a part of 'me jambe', first-person singular present subjunctive, and
	-- 'se jambe', third-person singular present subjunctive) or on [[jambamos]] (which should mention that it is a
	-- part of 'nos jambamos', first-person plural present indicative or preterite). Similarly, we want to use
	-- {{es-verb form of}} on [[jambando]] (which should mention that it is a part of 'se ... jambando', syntactic
	-- variant of [[jambándose]], which is the gerund of [[jambarse]]). To do this, we need to be able to map
	-- non-reflexive parts like [[jambe]], [[jambamos]], [[jambando]], etc. to their reflexive equivalent(s), to the
	-- tag(s) of the equivalent(s), and, in the case of forms like [[jambando]], [[jambar]] and imperatives, to the
	-- separated syntactic variant of the verb+clitic combination. We do this by creating slots for the non-reflexive
	-- part equivalent of each basic reflexive slot, and for the separated syntactic-variant equivalent of each basic
	-- reflexive slot that is formed of verb+clitic. We use slots in this way to deal with multiword lemmas. Note that
	-- we run into difficulties mapping between reflexive verbs, non-reflexive part equivalents, and separated syntactic
	-- variants if a slot contains more than one form. To handle this, if there are the same number of forms in two
	-- slots we're trying to match up, we assume the forms match one-to-one; otherwise we don't match up the two slots
	-- (which means {{es-verb form of}} won't work in this case, but such a case is extremely rare and not worth
	-- worrying about). Alternatives that handle this "properly" are significantly more complicated and require
	-- non-trivial modifications to [[Module:inflection utilities]].
	local need_special_verb_form_of_slots = alternant_multiword_spec.source_template == "es-verb form of" and

	if need_special_verb_form_of_slots then
		alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_reflexive_verb_form_of = {
			{"infinitive_non_reflexive", "-"},
			{"infinitive_variant", "-"},
			{"gerund_non_reflexive", "-"},
			{"gerund_variant", "-"},
		alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_reflexive_verb_form_of = {}

	-- For generating combined forms, i.e. combinations of a basic form (specifically, infinitive, gerund or an
	-- imperative form) with a clitic (or in some cases, two clitics). This is a list of lists of the form
	-- {BASIC_SLOT, CLITICS} where BASIC_SLOT is the slot to add the clitic pronouns to (e.g. "gerund" or "imp_2s")
	-- and CLITICS is a list of the clitic pronouns to add.
	alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slot_combined_rows = {}

	-- For generating double combined forms (e.g. [[llevándoselo]] or [[dámela]]). This is used by {{es-verb form of}}
	-- when it detects that it is being requested to find the inflection tags for a double-combined form. The number of
	-- double-combined forms is relatively large, so to optimize this, [[Module:es-inflections]] (which implements
	-- {{es-verb form of}}) detects which two clitics are involved, and we only generate double-combined forms
	-- involving those two clitics; this is specified using `double_combined_forms_to_include`, passed into
	-- do_generate_forms(). The value of this field is a list of lists of the form {SINGLE_COMB_SLOT, CLITICS} where
	-- SINGLE_COMB_SLOT is the single-combined slot to add the object clitic pronouns to (e.g. "gerund_comb_se" or
	-- "imp_2s_comb_me") and CLITICS is a list of the clitic pronouns to add. CLITICS will normally be a length-one
	-- list whose value is one of {"lo", "la", "le", "los", "las", "les"}.
	alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slot_double_combined_rows = {}

	-- Add entries for a slot with person/number variants.
	-- `verb_slots` is the table to add to.
	-- `slot_prefix` is the prefix of the slot, typically specifying the tense/aspect.
	-- `tag_suffix` is a string listing the set of inflection tags to add after the person/number tags.
	-- `person_number_list` is a list of the person/number slot suffixes to add to `slot_prefix`.
	local function add_personal_slot(verb_slots, slot_prefix, tag_suffix, person_number_list)
		for _, persnum in ipairs(person_number_list) do
			local persnum_tag = all_persons_numbers[persnum]
			local slot = slot_prefix .. "_" .. persnum
			local accel = persnum_tag .. "|" .. tag_suffix
			table.insert(verb_slots, {slot, accel})

	-- Add a personal slot (i.e. a slot with person/number variants) to `verb_slots_basic`.
	local function add_basic_personal_slot(slot_prefix, tag_suffix, person_number_list, no_special_verb_form_of_slot,
		add_personal_slot(alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_basic, slot_prefix, tag_suffix, person_number_list)
		-- Add special slots for handling non-reflexive parts of reflexive verbs in {{es-verb form of}}.
		-- See comment above in `need_special_verb_form_of_slots`.
		if need_special_verb_form_of_slots and not no_special_verb_form_of_slot then
			for _, persnum in ipairs(person_number_list) do
				local persnum_tag = all_persons_numbers[persnum]
				local basic_slot = slot_prefix .. "_" .. persnum
				local accel = persnum_tag .. "|" .. tag_suffix
				table.insert(alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_reflexive_verb_form_of, {basic_slot .. "_non_reflexive", "-"})
				if need_variant_slot then
					table.insert(alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_reflexive_verb_form_of, {basic_slot .. "_variant", "-"})

	add_basic_personal_slot("pres", "pres|ind", person_number_list_voseo)
	add_basic_personal_slot("impf", "impf|ind", person_number_list_basic)
	add_basic_personal_slot("pret", "pret|ind", person_number_list_basic)
	add_basic_personal_slot("fut", "fut|ind", person_number_list_basic)
	add_basic_personal_slot("cond", "cond", person_number_list_basic)
	add_basic_personal_slot("pres_sub", "pres|sub", person_number_list_voseo)
	add_basic_personal_slot("impf_sub_ra", "impf|sub", person_number_list_basic)
	add_basic_personal_slot("impf_sub_se", "impf|sub", person_number_list_basic)
	add_basic_personal_slot("fut_sub", "fut|sub", person_number_list_basic)
	-- Need variant slots because the imperative clitics are suffixed.
	add_basic_personal_slot("imp", "imp", imp_person_number_list, nil, "need variant slot")
	-- Don't need special non-reflexive-part slots because the negative imperative is multiword, of which the
	-- individual words are 'no' + subjunctive.
	add_basic_personal_slot("neg_imp", "neg|imp", neg_imp_person_number_list, "no special verb form of")
	-- Don't need special non-reflexive-part slots because we don't want [[jambando]] mapping to [[jambándome]]
	-- (only [[jambándose]]) or [[jambar]] mapping to [[jambarme]] (only [[jambarse]]).
	add_basic_personal_slot("infinitive", "inf", person_number_list_basic, "no special verb form of")
	add_basic_personal_slot("gerund", "ger", person_number_list_basic, "no special verb form of")

	local third_person_object_clitics = {"lo", "la", "le", "los", "las", "les"}

	-- Add combined-form slots.
	if not alternant_multiword_spec.nocomb then
		-- Add a row of slots representing the combination of a basic slot with a clitic. `basic_slot` is the basic slot
		-- descriptor, `tag_prefix` is a string describing the inflection tags of the basic slot, and `personal_clitics`
		-- is a list of the personal clitics ("me", "te", "se", "nos" or "os") to add to the basic slot.
		local function add_combined_slot_row(basic_slot, tag_prefix, personal_clitics)
			-- First, add each individual combined slot to `verb_slots_combined`.
			local clitics_with_object = m_table.append(personal_clitics, third_person_object_clitics)
			for _, clitic in ipairs(clitics_with_object) do
				local slot = basic_slot .. "_comb_" .. clitic
				-- You have to pass this through full_link() to get a Spanish-specific link
				local accel = tag_prefix .. "|combined with [[" .. clitic .. "]]"
				table.insert(alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_combined, {slot, accel})

			-- Also, add the row to `verb_slot_combined_rows`.
			table.insert(alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slot_combined_rows, {basic_slot, clitics_with_object})

			-- Also do double-combined forms for a specific set of clitics, if requested. See the comment above
			-- `verb_slot_double_combined_rows` above.
			if alternant_multiword_spec.double_combined_forms_to_include then
				for _, personal_clitic in ipairs(personal_clitics) do
					for _, object_clitic in ipairs(third_person_object_clitics) do
						for _, form_to_include in ipairs(alternant_multiword_spec.double_combined_forms_to_include) do
							local to_include_personal_clitic, to_include_object_clitic = unpack(form_to_include)
							if personal_clitic == to_include_personal_clitic and object_clitic == to_include_object_clitic then
								local single_comb_slot = basic_slot .. "_comb_" .. personal_clitic
								local slot = single_comb_slot .. "_" .. object_clitic
								local accel = tag_prefix .. "|combined with [[" .. personal_clitic .. "]] and [[" ..
									object_clitic .. "]]"
								table.insert(alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_combined, {slot, accel})
									{single_comb_slot, {object_clitic}})

		add_combined_slot_row("infinitive", "inf", {"me", "te", "se", "nos", "os"})
		add_combined_slot_row("gerund", "gerund", {"me", "te", "se", "nos", "os"})

		local function add_combined_imp_slot_row(persnum, personal_clitics)
			add_combined_slot_row("imp_" .. persnum, all_persons_numbers[persnum] .. "|imp", personal_clitics)
		add_combined_imp_slot_row("2s", {"me", "te", "nos"})
		add_combined_imp_slot_row("2sv", {"me", "te", "nos"})
		add_combined_imp_slot_row("3s", {"me", "se", "nos"})
		add_combined_imp_slot_row("1p", {"te", "nos", "os"})
		add_combined_imp_slot_row("2p", {"me", "nos", "os"})
		add_combined_imp_slot_row("3p", {"me", "se", "nos"})

	-- Generate the list of all slots.
	alternant_multiword_spec.all_verb_slots = {}
	for _, slot_and_accel in ipairs(alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_basic) do
		table.insert(alternant_multiword_spec.all_verb_slots, slot_and_accel)
	for _, slot_and_accel in ipairs(alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_combined) do
		table.insert(alternant_multiword_spec.all_verb_slots, slot_and_accel)
	for _, slot_and_accel in ipairs(alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_reflexive_verb_form_of) do
		table.insert(alternant_multiword_spec.all_verb_slots, slot_and_accel)

	alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_basic_map = {}
	for _, slotaccel in ipairs(alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_basic) do
		local slot, accel = unpack(slotaccel)
		alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_basic_map[slot] = accel

	alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_combined_map = {}
	for _, slotaccel in ipairs(alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_combined) do
		local slot, accel = unpack(slotaccel)
		alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_combined_map[slot] = accel

-- Return true if `form` is accented and is likely monosyllabic. Used in remove_monosyllabic_accents(); if true, we
-- run the syllabification algorithm to determine the syllable count, and if monosyllabic, remove the accent. Also used
-- in conjunction with user-specified form overrides to add an asterisk to prevent accents from being removed.
local function may_need_monosyllabic_accent_removed(form)
	return not rfind(form, "^%-") and rfind(form, AV) and not rfind(form, V .. C .. V)

local overridable_stems = {}

-- If `add_monosyllabic_asterisk` is given, add a * to accented forms that may be monosyllabic to prevent the accent
-- from being removed in remove_monosyllabic_accents().
local function allow_multiple_values_for_override(separated_groups, data, add_monosyllabic_asterisk)
	local retvals = {}
	for _, separated_group in ipairs(separated_groups) do
		local footnotes = data.fetch_footnotes(separated_group)
		local form = separated_group[1]
		if add_monosyllabic_asterisk and may_need_monosyllabic_accent_removed(form) then
			form = form .. "*"
		-- Add suppress_prefix to prevent the built-in verb prefix from being added to the override.
		local retval = {form = form, footnotes = footnotes, suppress_prefix = true}
		table.insert(retvals, retval)
	return retvals

local function simple_choice(choices)
	return function(separated_groups, data)
		if #separated_groups > 1 then
			data.parse_err("For spec '" .. data.prefix .. ":', only one value currently allowed")
		if #separated_groups[1] > 1 then
			data.parse_err("For spec '" .. data.prefix .. ":', no footnotes currently allowed")
		local choice = separated_groups[1][1]
		if not m_table.contains(choices, choice) then
			data.parse_err("For spec '" .. data.prefix .. ":', saw value '" .. choice .. "' but expected one of '" ..
				table.concat(choices, ",") .. "'")
		return choice

for _, overridable_stem in ipairs {
	-- Don't include pres1; use pres_1s if you need to override just that form
	{"pret_conj", simple_choice({"irreg", "ar", "er", "ir"}) },
} do
	if type(overridable_stem) == "string" then
		overridable_stems[overridable_stem] = allow_multiple_values_for_override
		local stem, validator = unpack(overridable_stem)
		overridable_stems[stem] = validator

local function match_against_verbs(ref_verb, prefixes)
	return function(verb)
		for _, prefix in ipairs(prefixes) do
			if verb == prefix .. ref_verb then
				return prefix, ref_verb
		return nil


Special cases for verbs:

diluviar, atardecer: impersonal; all finite non-3s forms are nonexistent or hypothetical. Handle using

empecer, atañer, concernir: all finite non-third-person forms are nonexistent or hypothetical. Handle using '.only3sp'.

desnacer: Former module claimed an irregular past participle 'desnato'. Verb is not in RAE at all and barely exists;
unlikely to have irregular past participle.

desposeer: Former module claimed an irregular past participle 'desposeso'. Not per RAE.

valer: Former module claimed an irregular imperative 'val'. Not per RAE.

manumitir: Former module claimed an irregular past participle 'manumiso'. Not per RAE.

raer: Former module claimed a pres 1sg rao. Not per RAE.

rehuir: Handle using +ú.

sustituir: Former module claimed an irregular past participle 'sustituto'. Not per RAE.

venir: Former module claimed an irregular clitic combination ven + nos -> venos. Not per native speakers.


Verbs to check: rehuir (+ú), prohibir (+í), reunir (+ú)


-ir verbs:

There are several types of vowel alternations:

1. No alternation. Includes some verbs in -e- and -o-, e.g. aterir(se) (no_pres_stressed), tra(n)sgredir
   (pres_stressed forms rare), abolir (pres_stressed forms rare), colorir (no_pres_stressed), sumergir, divergir,
   convergir, arrecir (no_pres_stressed), rostir, polir (obsolete), condir (obsolete), possibly ascondir (obsolete),
   atordir (obsolete), sacodir (obsolete), sobrevendir (possible misspelling), empedernir (no_pres_stressed),
   decebir (obsolete; possibly actually like concebir, i.e. decibo not decebo),
   premir (obsolete), expremir (obsolete), exir (obsolete), escreuir (obsolete; fix conjugation), escrebir (obsolete),
   agredir; sometimes the stressed forms are rare or disused. (Also embaír, desvaír are no_pres_stressed.)
2a. ie: Infinitive has -e-, changing to -ie- when stressed. No raising before i+V. Only hendir, cernir, discernir,
   concernir (only3sp); discernir -> discierno, discerniendo, discernió, discernamos.
2b. ye: Infinitive has -e-, changing to -ye- when stressed. No raising before i+V. Does not occur (cf. errar).
3a. ie-i: Infinitive has -e- or -i-, changing to -ie- when stressed. Raising before i+V and 1p/2p pres subjunctive:
   sentir -> siento, sintiendo, sintió, sintamos.
   adquirir -> adquiero, adquiriendo, adquirió, adquiramos.
3b. ye-i: Infinitive has -e-, changing to -ye- when stressed. Raising before i+V and 1p/2p pres subjunctive.
   Only erguir: erguir -> yergo, irguiendo, irguió, irgamos.
4. i: Infinitive has -e-, changing to -i- when stressed. Raising before i+V and 1p/2p pres subjunctive:
   vestir -> visto, vistiendo, vistió, vistamos. Variant: ceñir -> ciño, ciñendo, ciñó, ciñamos.
   NOTE: preterir (no_pres_stressed).
5. ue-u: Infinitive has -o-, changing to -ue- when stressed. Raising before i+V and 1p/2p pres subjunctive:
   Only dormir, morir and compounds. dormir -> duermo, durmiendo, durmió, durmamos.
6. ue: This type would be parallel to 'ie' but doesn't appear to exist.


Verbs to fix (extra forms need to be excised or deleted): The above verbs under type (1) -ir vowel alternations;
[[neviscar]] (impersonal), [[acaecer]] (third-person only), [[acontecer]] (third-person only),
[[cellisquear]] (impersonal), [[pintear]] (impersonal? other meaning "to play hookey" given, not in RAE),
[[diluviar]] (impersonal). [[desabrir]] (not like abrir, rare in pres_stressed/sub forms), [[jabrir]]
(not like abrir).

Verbs with existing errors:
* [[abeldar]]: (missing <ie>) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[acaecer]]: (used only in 3rd person) [DELETE ALL FIRST AND SECOND PERSON FORMS]
* [[acontecer]]: (used only in 3rd person) [DELETE ALL FIRST AND SECOND PERSON FORMS]
* [[anticuar]] (conjugated without ú) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[antojar]]: (used only in 3rd person) [DELETE ALL FIRST AND SECOND PERSON FORMS]
* [[aerografiar]]: (conjugated without í) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[afiliar]]: (conjugated with í/+ should be only +) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[agraviar]]: (wrongly has í) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[arrecir]]: (not given as no_pres_stressed) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[aserrar]]: (missing <ie>) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[aspaventar]]: (missing <ie>) [OK]
* [[atesar]]: (wrongly has ie) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[avalentar]]: (wrongly has ie) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[autorregularse]] (conjugated as non-reflexive) [OK]
* [[auxiliar]]: (conjugated with í/+ should be only +) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[balbucir]] (pres1_and_sub nonexistent) [DELETE PRES1_AND_SUB FORMS]
* [[caçar]] (conjugated as -zar) [OK]
* [[calefacer]] (extra form caleface) [FIX]
* [[cellisquear]]: (used only in 3rd person singular) [DELETE ALL FIRST AND SECOND PERSON FORMS, ALL 3RD PLURAL FORMS AND ALL PP NON-MS FORMS]
* [[chilenizar]] (conjugated with no cons alternation) [OK]
* [[colorir]]: (not given as no_pres_stressed) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[comisariar]] (conjugated without í) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[complacer]] (missing complega in imperative 3s) [OK]
* [[comprehender]] (conjugated as comprender) [OK]
* [[decebir]] (was conjugated without <i>) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[desafiliar]]: (conjugated with í/+ should be only +) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[desagregar]] (conjugated with no cons alternation) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[desairar]]: (conjugated with í should be only +) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[descordar]]: (missing <ue>) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[deseleccionar]] (conjugated as desseleccionar) [OK]
* [[desestacionalizar]] (conjugated with no cons alternation) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[desgonzar]] (conjugated with no cons alternation) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[desguinzar]] (conjugated with no cons alternation) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[deshacer]] (extra form deshace, desháceme etc.) [OK]
* [[desnacer]] (extra form desnato etc.) [DELETE PP FORMS]
* [[desposeer]] (extra form desposeso etc.) [DELETE PP FORMS]
* [[dezmar]]: (wrongly has ie) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[diluviar]]: (used only in 3rd person singular) [DELETE ALL FIRST AND SECOND PERSON FORMS, ALL 3RD PLURAL FORMS AND ALL PP NON-MS FORMS]
* [[draftear]] (extraneous param lang=es) [REMOVE PARAM]
* [[ejemplarizar]] (extraneous param compound=1) [compound -> combined]
* [[ejercitar]] (extraneous param compound=1) [compound -> combined]
* [[empecer]] (empezca has imperatives, 1s in its verb form entry) [FIX]
* [[encentar]]: (wrongly has ie) [OK]
* [[encubertar]]: (wrongly has ie) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[entrechocar]] (conjugated with no cons alternation) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[entredecir]] (imp_2s has entredice should be entredí; extra future/cond forms entredeciré etc.) [FORMS TO DELETE/FIX]
* [[escenografiar]]: (conjugated without í) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[estar]] (incorrect combined forms, e.g. éstela instead of estela) [OK]
* [[extasiar]]: (conjugated with í/+ should be only í) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[facer]] (extra form face, fáceme, etc.) [FIX]
* [[ferrar]]: (missing <ie>) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[gloriar]]: (conjugated with í/+ should be only í) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[hacer]] (extra form hace, háceme, etc.) [DELETE hácete]
* [[homogeneizar]] (extra form homogeneízo) [DELETE homogeneízo, homogeneízas, homogeneíza, homogeneízan, homogeneícen, homogeneícemos]
* [[incensar]]: (missing <ie>) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[ir]] (extraneous param aux=ser) [REMOVE PARAM]
* [[jacer]] (extra form jace, jáceme, etc.) [FIX]
* [[jarrear]] (extraneous param impersonal=yes)
* [[litografiar]]: (conjugated without í) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[manumitir]] (extra form manumiso, etc.) [FIX; is an adjective]
* [[mecanografiar]]: (conjugated without í) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[mordiscar]] (conjugated with no cons alternation) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[neviscar]]: (used only in 3rd person singular) [DELETE ALL FIRST AND SECOND PERSON FORMS, ALL 3RD PLURAL FORMS AND ALL PP NON-MS FORMS]
* [[obsipar]] (conjugated as obispar) [DELETE VERB]
* [[obstar]]: (used only in 3rd person) [DELETE ALL FIRST AND SECOND PERSON FORMS]
* [[orificar]] (conjugated as orificiar) [OK]
* [[complacer]], [[placer]] (missing plega in imperative 3s, etc.) [OK]
* [[prevaler]] (extra form preval, incorrect form prévalme etc.) [DELETE preval]
* [[preterir]]: (not given as no_pres_stressed) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[raer]] (extra form rao) [DELETE rao]
* [[rebordar]] (extraneous param lang=es) [REMOVE PARAM]
* [[redecir]] (incorrect imp_2s redice instead of redí) [FIX]
* [[reinstitucionalizar]] (conjugated with no cons alternation) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[reirse]] [DELETE]
* [[serigrafiar]]: (conjugated without í) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[sobresalir]] (incorrect combined forms e.g. sobrésalme) [OK]
* [[superpoblar]] (missing <ue>) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[sustituir]] (extra form sustituto, etc.) [OK]
* [[usucapir]]: (used only in inf and pp) [DELETE ALL FORMS BUT PP]
* [[valefacer]] (extra form valeface) [FIX]
* [[valer]] (extra form val, etc.) [OK]

* LOTS OF COMBINED FORMS OF VERBS IN -iar, -uar, -ai-, -au-, -ei-, -eu-, etc.
Example: afeitar (afeítate, afeítese, afeítense). Need a script to find them.

* [[acostar]]: normally <ue> but in meaning "arrive at the coast", <>
* [[adecuar]]: <+,ú>
* [[aerografiar]]: <í>
* [[aferrar]]: <+,ie[obsolete]>
* [[afiliar]]: <>
* [[aforar]]: in meaning "to gauge, to measure": <>; in meaning "otorgar fuero": <ue>
* [[arrecir]]: <no_pres_stressed>
* [[agraviar]]: <>
* [[agriar]]: <í,+>
* [[aserrar]]: <ie>
* [[asolar]]: in meaning "destroy": <ue,+>; in meaning "to dry up": <>
* [[aspaventar]]: <ie>
* [[atentar]]: in meaning "to commit a crime" does not have vowel alt
* [[atesar]]: <>; possibly <ie> in obsolete meaning "atiesar"
* [[atestar]]: in meaning "to pack": <ie,+>; in meaning "testify": <>
* [[autoevacuarse]]: <+,ú>
* [[auxiliar]]: <>
* [[avalentar]]: <>
* [[cimentar]]: <ie,+>
* [[colar]]: most meanings <ue> but "canonically confer (an ecclesiastical benefit)" <>
* [[colorir]]: <no_pres_stressed>
* [[comisariar]]: <í>
* [[desafiliar]]: <>
* [[desaforar]]: "to deprive of fuero": <ue,+[less common]>
* [[desairar]]: <>
* [[desolar]]: <ue,+>
* [[desmembrar]]: <ie,+>
* [[dezmar]]: <>
* [[ejecutoriar]]: <í,+>
* [[emparentar]]: <ie,+>
* [[encentar]]: <>
* [[encubertar]]: <>
* [[engrosar]]: <ue,+>
* [[escenografiar]]: <í>
* [[evacuar]]: <+,ú>
* [[expatriar]]: <í,+>
* [[extasiar]]: <í>
* [[ferrar]]: <ie>
* [[follar]]: <ue>
* [[gloriar]]: <í>
* [[hibernar]]: no vowel alt or e-ie; e-ie not in RAE, ask about it
* [[historiar]]: <í,+>
* [[incensar]]: <ie>
* [[invernar]]: <ie,+>
* [[licuar]]: <+,ú>
* [[litografiar]]: <í>
* [[mecanografiar]]: <í>
* [[paliar]]: <í,+>
* [[preterir]]: <i.no_pres_stressed>
* [[promiscuar]]: <+,ú>
* [[readecuar]]: <+,ú>
* [[repatriar]]: <í,+>
* [[retrocar]]: <ue,+>
* [[serigrafiar]]: <í>
* [[soterrar]]: <ie,+>
* [[superpoblar]]: <ue>
* [[templar]]: <+,ie[in some parts of Latin America]>
* [[vidriar]]: <í,+>

Second round of verbs to fix:

* [[apropriar]]: forms point to reflexive [FORMS TO FIX]
* [[autogobernarse]]: (missing <ie>) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[autorreproducirse]]: (wrongly had regular preterite and impf/fut sub) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[aventarse]]: (missing <ie>) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[aventar]]: forms point to reflexive [FORMS TO FIX]
* [[culiar]]: yo culio or culío? [VERIFY]
* [[desnacer]]: delete [[dasnatos]]
* [[poseer]]: delete [[posesa]], [[posesos]], [[posesas]]
* [[reproducir]]: (wrongly had regular preterite and impf/fut sub) [FORMS TO DELETE]
* [[trasgredir]]: (wrongly had <i>) [FORMS TO DELETE]


Irregular conjugations.

Each entry is processed in turn and consists of an object with two fields:
1. match=: Specifies the irregular verbs that match this object.
2. forms=: Specifies the irregular stems and forms for these verbs.

The value of match= is either a string beginning with "^" (match only the specified verb), a string not beginning
with "^" (match any verb ending in that string), or a function that is passed in the verb and should return the
prefix of the verb if it matches, otherwise nil. The function match_against_verbs() is provided to facilitate matching
a set of verbs with a common ending and specific prefixes (e.g. [[andar]] and [[desandar]] but not [[mandar]], etc.).

The value of forms= is a table specifying stems and individual override forms. Each key of the table names either a
stem (e.g. `pres_stressed`), a stem property (e.g. `vowel_alt`) or an individual override form (e.g. `pres_1s`).
Each value of a stem can either be a string (a single stem), a list of strings, or a list of objects of the form
{form = STEM, footnotes = {FOONOTES}}. Each value of an individual override should be of exactly the same form except
that the strings specify full forms rather than stems. The values of a stem property depend on the specific property
but are generally strings or booleans.

In order to understand how the stem specifications work, it's important to understand the phonetic modifications done
by combine_stem_ending(). In general, the complexities of predictable stem and ending modifications are all handled
in this function. In particular:

1. Spelling-based modifications (c/z, g/gu, gu/gü, g/j) occur automatically as appropriate for the ending.
2. Raising of e -> i, o -> u in -ir verbs before an ending beginning with i + vowel, as well as in the 1p/2p forms of
   the present subjunctive (dormir -> durmiendo, durmió, durmamos), are handled here. Raising happens only for -ir
   verbs and only when the stem setting `raising_conj` is true (which is normally set to true when vowel alternations
   `ie-i`, `ye-i`, `ue-u`, `i`, `í` or `ú` are specified).
3. Numerous modifications are automatically made before an ending beginning with i + vowel. These include:
   a. final -i of stem absorbed: sonreír -> sonrió, sonriera, sonriendo;
   b. in the preterite of irregular verbs (likewise for other tenses derived from the preterite stem, i.e. imperfect
      and and future subjunctive), initial i absorbed after j and u (dijeron not #dijieron, likewise for condujeron,
	  trajeron; also fueron not #fuyeron). This happens only when stem setting `pret_conj` == "irreg"; this must be set
	  explicitly by irregular verbs. Does not apply everywhere because of cases like regular [[tejer]] (tejieron not
	  #tejeron), regular [[concluir]] (concluyeron not #conclueron).
   c. initial i of ending -> y after vowel and word-initially: poseer -> poseyó, poseyera, poseyendo; ir -> yendo;
   d. initial i of ending -> y after gü, which becomes gu: argüir -> arguyó, arguyera, arguyendo;
   e. initial i of ending absorbed after ñ, ll, y: tañer -> tañó, tañera, tañendo; bullir -> bulló, bullera, bullendo
4. If the ending begins with (h)i, it gets an accent after a/e/i/o to prevent the two merging into a diphthong:
   caer -> caíste, caímos; reír -> reíste, reímos (pres and pret). This does not apply after u, e.g.
   concluir -> concluiste, concluimos.
5. In -uir verbs (i.e. -ir verbs with stem ending in -u), a y is added before endings beginning with a/e/o:
   concluir -> concluyo, concluyen, concluya, concluyamos. Note that preterite concluyó, gerund concluyendo, etc.
   are handled by a different rule above (3b).

The following stems are recognized:

-- pres_unstressed: The present indicative unstressed stem (2s voseo, 1p, 2p). Also controls the imperative 2p
     and gerund. Defaults to the infinitive stem.
-- pres_stressed: The present indicative stressed stem (1s, 2s, 3s, 3p). Also controls the imperative 2s.
     Default is empty if indicator `no_pres_stressed`, else a vowel alternation if such an indicator is given
	 (e.g. `ue`, `ì`), else the infinitive stem.
-- pres1_and_sub: Overriding stem for 1s present indicative and the entire subjunctive. Only set by irregular verbs
     and by the indicator `no_pres_stressed` (since verbs of this sort, e.g. [[aterir]], are missing the entire
	 subjunctive as well as the forms with stressed root). Used by many irregular verbs, e.g. [[caer]], [[roer]],
	 [[salir]], [[tener]], [[valer]], [[venir]], etc. Some verbs set this and then supply an override for the pres_1sg
	 if it's irregular, e.g. [[saber]], with irregular subjunctive stem "sep-" and special 1s present indicative "sé*"
	 (the * indicates that the monosyllabic accent should not be removed).
-- pres1: Special stem for 1s present indicative. Normally, do not set this explicitly. If you need to specify an
     irregular 1s present indicative, use the form override pres_1s= to specify the entire form. Defaults to
	 pres1_and_sub if given, else pres_stressed.
-- pres_sub_unstressed: The present subjunctive unstressed stem (1p, 2p, also 2s voseo for -ar verbs). Defaults to
     pres1_and_sub if given, else the infinitive stem.
-- pres_sub_stressed: The present subjunctive stressed stem (1s, 2s, 3s, 1p, also 2s voseo for -er/-ir verbs). Defaults
     to pres1.
-- impf: The imperfect stem. Defaults to the infinitive stem.
-- pret: The preterite stem. Defaults to the infinitive stem.
-- pret_conj: Determines the set of endings used in the preterite. Should be one of "ar", "er", "ir" or "irreg".
     Defaults to the conjugation as determined from the infinitive.
-- fut: The future stem. Defaults to the infinitive stem.
-- cond: The conditional stem. Defaults to fut.
-- impf_sub_ra: The imperfect subjunctive -ra stem. Defaults to the preterite stem.
-- impf_sub_se: The imperfect subjunctive -se stem. Defaults to the preterite stem.
-- fut_sub: The future subjunctive stem. Defaults to the preterite stem.
-- pp: The past participle stem. Default is based on the verb conjugation: infinitive stem + "ad" for -ar verbs,
     otherwise infinitive stem + "id".

local built_in_conjugations = {
		-- andar, desandar
		-- we don't want to match e.g. mandar.
		match = match_against_verbs("andar", {"", "des"}),
		forms = {pret = "anduv", pret_conj = "irreg"}
		-- asir, desasir
		match = "asir",
		-- use 'asgu' because we're in a front environment; if we use 'asg', we'll get '#asjo'
		forms = {pres1_and_sub = "asgu"}
		-- abrir, cubrir and compounds
		match = function(verb)
			local prefix, base_verb = rmatch(verb, "^(.*)(brir)$")
			-- Only match abrir, cubrir and compounds, and don't match desabrir/jabrir
			if not prefix then
				return nil
			elseif not prefix:find("a$") and not prefix:find("cu$") then
				return nil
			elseif prefix == "desa" or prefix == "ja" then
				return nil
				return prefix, base_verb
		forms = {pp = "biert"}
		match = "caber",
		forms = {pres1_and_sub = "quep", pret = "cup", pret_conj = "irreg", fut = "cabr"}
		-- caer, decaer, descaer, recaer
		match = "caer",
		-- use 'caigu' because we're in a front environment; if we use 'caig', we'll get '#caijo'
		forms = {pres1_and_sub = "caigu"}
		-- cocer, escocer, precocer, etc.
		match = "cocer",
		-- override cons_alt, otherwise the verb would be categorized as a c-zc alternating verb
		forms = {vowel_alt = "ue", pres1 = "cuez", pres_sub_unstressed = "coz", cons_alt = "c-z"}, -- not cozco, as would normally be generated
		-- dar, desdar
		match = match_against_verbs("dar", {"", "des"}),
		forms = {
			-- we need to override various present indicative forms and add an accent for the compounds;
			-- not needed for the simplex and in fact the accents will be removed in that case
			pres_1s = "doy",
			pres_2s = "dás",
			pres_3s = "dá",
			pres_2p = "dáis",
			pres_3p = "dán",
			pret = "d", pret_conj = "er",
			pres_sub_1s = "dé*",  -- * signals that the monosyllabic accent must remain
			pres_sub_2s = "dés",
			pres_sub_3s = "dé*",
			pres_sub_2p = "déis",
			pres_sub_3p = "dén",
			imp_2s = "dá",
		-- decir, redecir, entredecir
		match = match_against_verbs("decir", {"", "re", "entre"}),
		forms = {
			-- for this and variant verbs in -decir, we set cons_alt to false because we don't want the
			-- verb categorized as a c-zc alternating verb, which would happen by default
			-- use 'digu' because we're in a front environment; if we use 'dig', we'll get '#dijo'
			pres1_and_sub = "digu", vowel_alt = "i", cons_alt = false, pret = "dij", pret_conj = "irreg",
			pp = "dich", fut = "dir",
			imp_2s = "dí" -- need the accent for the compounds; it will be removed in the simplex
		-- antedecir, interdecir
		match = match_against_verbs("decir", {"ante", "inter"}),
		forms = {
			pres1_and_sub = "digu", vowel_alt = "i", cons_alt = false, pret = "dij", pret_conj = "irreg",
			pp = "dich", fut = "dir" -- imp_2s regular
		-- bendecir, maldecir
		match = match_against_verbs("decir", {"ben", "mal"}),
		forms = {
			pres1_and_sub = "digu", vowel_alt = "i", cons_alt = false, pret = "dij", pret_conj = "irreg",
			pp = {"decid", "dit"} -- imp_2s regular, fut regular
		-- condecir, contradecir, desdecir, predecir, others?
		match = "decir",
		forms = {
			pres1_and_sub = "digu", vowel_alt = "i", cons_alt = false, pret = "dij", pret_conj = "irreg",
			pp = "dich", fut = {"decir", "dir"} -- imp_2s regular
		-- conducir, producir, reducir, traducir, etc.
		match = "ducir",
		forms = {pret = "duj", pret_conj = "irreg"}
		-- elegir, reelegir; not preelegir, per RAE
		match = match_against_verbs("elegir", {"", "re"}),
		forms = {vowel_alt = "i", pp = {"elegid", "elect"}}
		-- erguir
		match = "^erguir",
		forms = {
			vowel_alt = {"i", "ye-i"},
			-- We would not need to make this verb irregular except for the alternative unstressed present subjunctive forms
			-- in yerg-. We can't use pres_sub_unstressed = {"irgu", "yergu"} because the "i" and "ye-i" vowel alternations
			-- are e->i raising in the unstressed present subjunctive and we wrongly get irgamos/yirgamos etc.
			pres_sub_2sv = {"irgás", "yergás"},
			pres_sub_1p = {"irgamos", "yergamos"},
			pres_sub_2p = {"irgáis", "yergáis"},
		match = "^estar",
		forms = {
			pres_1s = "estoy",
			pres_2s = "estás",
			pres_2sv = "estás",
			pres_3s = "está",
			pres_3p = "están",
			pret = "estuv",
			pret_conj = "irreg",
			pres_sub_1s = "esté",
			pres_sub_2s = "estés",
			pres_sub_2sv = "estés",
			pres_sub_3s = "esté",
			pres_sub_3p = "estén",
			imp_2s = "está",
			imp_2sv = "está",
		-- freír, refreír
		match = "freír",
		forms = {vowel_alt = "í", pp = {"freíd", "frit"}}
		match = "garantir",
		forms = {
			pres_stressed = {{form = "garant", footnotes = {"[only used in Argentina and Uruguay]"}}},
			pres1_and_sub = {{form = "garant", footnotes = {"[only used in Argentina and Uruguay]"}}},
		match = "^haber",
		forms = {
			pres_1s = "he",
			pres_2s = "has",
			pres_2sv = "has",
			pres_3s = {"ha", {form = "hay", footnotes = {"[used impersonally]"}}},
			pres_1p = "hemos",
			pres_3p = "han",
			pres1_and_sub = "hay", -- only for subjunctive as we override pres_1s
			pret = "hub",
			pret_conj = "irreg",
			imp_2s = {"habe", "he"},
			imp_2sv = {"habe", "he"},
			fut = "habr",
		match = "satisfacer",
		forms = {
			-- see below for cons_alt setting and pres1_and_sub setting
			pres1_and_sub = "satisfagu", cons_alt = false, pret = "satisfic", pret_conj = "irreg",
			pp = "satisfech", fut = "satisfar", imp_2s = {"satisface", "satisfaz"}
		match = match_against_verbs("hacer", {"contra", "re"}),
		-- contrahacer/rehacer require an extra accent in the preterite (rehíce, rehízo).
		forms = {
			-- see below for cons_alt setting and pres1_and_sub setting
			pres1_and_sub = "hagu", cons_alt = false,
			pret = "hic", pret_1s = "híce", pret_3s = "hízo", pret_conj = "irreg",
			pp = "hech", fut = "har", imp_2s = "haz"
		-- hacer, deshacer, contrahacer, rehacer, facer, desfacer, jacer
		match = function(verb) return rmatch(verb, "^(.*[hjf])(acer)$") end,
		forms = {
			-- for these verbs, we set cons_alt to false because we don't want the verb categorized as a
			-- c-zc alternating verb, which would happen by default
			-- use 'agu' because we're in a front environment; if we use 'ag', we'll get '#hajo'
			pres1_and_sub = "agu", cons_alt = false, pret = "ic", pret_conj = "irreg", pp = "ech",
			fut = "ar", imp_2s = "az"
		-- imprimir, reimprimir
		match = "imprimir",
		forms = {pp = {"imprimid", "impres"}}
		-- infecir
		match = "infecir",
		-- override cons_alt, otherwise the verb would be categorized as a c-zc alternating verb
		forms = {vowel_alt = "i", pres1 = "infiz", pres_sub_unstressed = "infez", cons_alt = "c-z"}, -- not infizco, as would normally be generated
		match = "infecir",
		-- override cons_alt, otherwise the verb would be categorized as a c-zc alternating verb
		forms = {pres1_and_sub = "infez", cons_alt = "c-z"}, -- not mezco, as would normally be generated
		match = "^ir",
		forms = {
			pres_1s = "voy",
			pres_2s = "vas",
			pres_2sv = "vas",
			pres_3s = "va",
			pres_1p = "vamos",
			pres_2p = "vais",
			pres_3p = "van",
			pres1_and_sub = "vay", -- only for subjunctive as we override pres_1s
			full_impf = "ib",
			impf_1p = "íbamos",
			pret = "fu",
			pret_conj = "irreg", -- this signals that fu + -ieron -> fueron not fuyeron
			pret_1s = "fui",
			pret_3s = "fue",
			imp_2s = "ve",
			imp_2sv = "andá",
			imp_1p = {"vamos", "vayamos"},
			refl_imp_2p = {"idos", "iros"},
			imp_2p_comb_os = {"idos", "iros"},
		-- mecer, remecer
		-- we don't want to match e.g. adormecer, estremecer
		match = match_against_verbs("mecer", {"re", ""}),
		-- override cons_alt, otherwise the verb would be categorized as a c-zc alternating verb
		forms = {pres1_and_sub = "mez", cons_alt = "c-z"}, -- not mezco, as would normally be generated
		-- morir, desmorir, premorir
		match = "morir",
		forms = {vowel_alt = "ue-u", pp = "muert"},
		-- oír, desoír, entreoír, trasoír
		match = "oír",
		-- use 'oigu' because we're in a front environment; if we use 'oig', we'll get '#oijo'
		forms = {pres1_and_sub = "oigu"}
		match = "olver", -- solver, volver, bolver and derivatives
		forms = {vowel_alt = "ue", pp = "uelt"}
		-- placer, desplacer
		match = "placer",
		forms = {
			pret_3s = {"plació", {form = "plugo", footnotes = {"[archaic]"}}},
			pret_3p = {"placieron", {form = "pluguieron", footnotes = {"[archaic]"}}},
			pres_sub_3s = {"plazca", {form = "plega", footnotes = {"[archaic]"}}, {form = "plegue", footnotes = {"[archaic]"}}},
			impf_sub_ra_3s = {"placiera", {form = "pluguiera", footnotes = {"[archaic]"}}},
			impf_sub_ra_3p = {"placieran", {form = "pluguieran", footnotes = {"[archaic]"}}},
			impf_sub_se_3s = {"placiese", {form = "pluguiese", footnotes = {"[archaic]"}}},
			impf_sub_se_3p = {"placiesen", {form = "pluguiesen", footnotes = {"[archaic]"}}},
			fut_sub_3s = {"placiere", {form = "pluguiere", footnotes = {"[archaic]"}}},
			fut_sub_3p = {"placieren", {form = "pluguieren", footnotes = {"[archaic]"}}},
		match = "poder",
		forms = {vowel_alt = "ue", pret = "pud", pret_conj = "irreg", fut = "podr", gerund = "pudiendo"}
		-- poner, componer, deponer, imponer, oponer, suponer, many others
		match = "poner",
		forms = {
			-- use 'pongu' because we're in a front environment; if we use 'pong', we'll get '#ponjo'
			pres1_and_sub = "pongu", pret = "pus", pret_conj = "irreg", fut = "pondr", pp = "puest",
			imp_2s = "pón" -- need the accent for the compounds; it will be removed in the simplex
		-- proveer, desproveer
		match = "proveer",
		forms = {pp = {"proveíd", "provist"}},
		match = "pudrir",
		forms = {pp = "podrid"}
		-- querer, desquerer, malquerer
		match = "querer",
		forms = {vowel_alt = "ie", pret = "quis", pret_conj = "irreg", fut = "querr"}
		match = "^raer",
		-- use 'raigu' because we're in a front environment; if we use 'raig', we'll get '#raijo'
		forms = {pres1_and_sub = {"raigu", "ray"}}
		-- roer, corroer
		match = "roer",
		-- use 'roigu' because we're in a front environment; if we use 'roig', we'll get '#roijo'
		forms = {pres1_and_sub = {"ro", "roigu", "roy"}}
		-- romper, entrerromper, arromper, derromper; not corromper; FIXME: not sure about interromper (obsolete)
		match = function(verb)
			local prefix, base_verb = rmatch(verb, "^(.*)(romper)$")
			-- Don't match corromper
			if prefix == "cor" then
				return nil
				return prefix, base_verb
		forms = {pp = "rot"}
		-- saber, resaber
		match = "saber",
		forms = {
			pres_1s = "sé*", -- * signals that the monosyllabic accent must remain
			pres1_and_sub = "sep", -- only for subjunctive as we override pres_1s
			pret = "sup",
			pret_conj = "irreg",
			fut = "sabr",
		match = "salir",
		forms = {
			-- use 'salgu' because we're in a front environment; if we use 'salg', we'll get '#saljo'
			pres1_and_sub = "salgu", fut = "saldr", imp_2s = "sal",
			-- These don't exist per the RAE.
			imp_2s_comb_lo = {}, imp_2s_comb_los = {}, imp_2s_comb_la = {}, imp_2s_comb_las = {},
			imp_2s_comb_le = {}, imp_2s_comb_les = {},
		match = "scribir", -- escribir, describir, proscribir, etc.
		forms = {pp = {"scrit", {form = "script", footnotes = {"[Argentina and Uruguay]"}}}}
		match = "^ser",
		forms = {
			pres_1s = "soy",
			pres_2s = "eres",
			pres_2sv = "sos",
			pres_3s = "es",
			pres_1p = "somos",
			pres_2p = "sois",
			pres_3p = "son",
			pres1_and_sub = "se", -- only for subjunctive as we override pres_1s
			full_impf = "er",
			impf_1p = "éramos",
			pret = "fu",
			pret_conj = "irreg", -- this signals that fu + -ieron -> fueron not fuyeron
			pret_1s = "fui",
			pret_3s = "fue",
			fut = "ser",
			imp_2s = "sé*", -- * signals that the monosyllabic accent must remain
			imp_2sv = "sé*",
		match = "^soler",
		forms = {
			vowel_alt = "ue",
			fut = {{form = "soler", footnotes = {"[rare but acceptable]"}}},
			fut_sub = {{form = "sol", footnotes = {"[rare but acceptable]"}}},
			pp = {{form = "solid", footnotes = {"[rare but acceptable]"}}},
		-- tener, abstener, contener, detener, obtener, sostener, and many others
		match = "tener",
		forms = {
			-- use 'tengu' because we're in a front environment; if we use 'teng', we'll get '#tenjo'
			pres1_and_sub = "tengu", vowel_alt = "ie", pret = "tuv", pret_conj = "irreg", fut = "tendr",
			imp_2s = "tén" -- need the accent for the compounds; it will be removed in the simplex
		-- traer, atraer, detraer, distraer, extraer, sustraer, and many others
		match = "traer",
		-- use 'traigu' because we're in a front environment; if we use 'traig', we'll get '#traijo'
		forms = {pres1_and_sub = "traigu", pret = "traj", pret_conj = "irreg"}
		-- valer, equivaler, prevaler
		match = "valer",
		-- use 'valgu' because we're in a front environment; if we use 'valg', we'll get '#valjo'
		forms = {pres1_and_sub = "valgu", fut = "valdr"}
		match = "venir",
		forms = {
			-- use 'vengu' because we're in a front environment; if we use 'veng', we'll get '#venjo'
			pres1_and_sub = "vengu", vowel_alt = "ie-i", pret = "vin", pret_conj = "irreg",
			-- uniquely for this verb, pres sub 2sv/1p/2p do not raise the vowel even though we are an
			-- e-ie-i verb (contrast sentir -> sintamos/sintáis)
			pres_sub_2sv = "vengás", pres_sub_1p = "vengamos", pres_sub_2p = "vengáis",
			fut = "vendr", imp_2s = "vén" -- need the accent for the compounds; it will be removed in the simplex
		-- We want to match antever etc. but not atrever etc. No way to avoid listing each verb.
		match = match_against_verbs("ver", {"ante", "entre", "pre", "re", ""}),
		forms = {
			-- we need to override various present indicative forms and add an accent for the compounds;
			-- not needed for the simplex and in fact the accents will be removed in that case
			pres_2s = "vés",
			pres_2sv = "vés",
			pres_3s = "vé",
			pres_2p = "véis",
			pres_3p = "vén",
			pres1_and_sub = "ve",
			impf = "ve", pp = "vist",
			imp_2s = "vé" -- need the accent for the compounds; it will be removed in the simplex
		-- yacer, adyacer, subyacer
		match = "yacer",
		-- use 'yazqu/yazgu/yagu' because we're in a front environment; see 'decir' above
		forms = {pres1_and_sub = {"yazqu", "yazgu", "yagu"}, imp_2s = {"yace", "yaz"}}

local reflexive_masc_forms = {
	["su"] = {"mi", "tu", "su", "nuestro", "vuestro", "su"},
	["sus"] = {"mis", "tus", "sus", "nuestros", "vuestros", "sus"},
	["sí"] = {"mí", "ti", "sí", "nosotros", "vosotros", "sí"},
	["consigo"] = {"conmigo", "contigo", "consigo", "con nosotros", "con vosotros", "consigo"},

local reflexive_fem_forms = {
	["su"] = {"mi", "tu", "su", "nuestra", "vuestra", "su"},
	["sus"] = {"mis", "tus", "sus", "nuestras", "vuestras", "sus"},
	["sí"] = {"mí", "ti", "sí", "nosotras", "vosotras", "sí"},
	["consigo"] = {"conmigo", "contigo", "consigo", "con nosotras", "con vosotras", "consigo"},

local reflexive_forms = {
	["se"] = {"me", "te", "se", "nos", "os", "se"},
	["suyo"] = {"mío", "tuyo", "suyo", "nuestro", "vuestro", "suyo"},
	["suya"] = {"mía", "tuya", "suya", "nuestra", "vuestra", "suya"},
	["suyos"] = {"míos", "tuyos", "suyos", "nuestros", "vuestros", "suyos"},
	["suyas"] = {"mías", "tuyas", "suyas", "nuestras", "vuestras", "suyas"},

local function skip_slot(base, slot, allow_overrides)
	if not allow_overrides and (base.basic_overrides[slot] or base.combined_overrides[slot] or
		base.refl and base.basic_reflexive_only_overrides[slot]) then
		-- Skip any slots for which there are overrides.
		return true

	if base.only3s and (slot:find("^pp_f") or slot:find("^pp_mp")) then
		-- diluviar, atardecer, neviscar; impersonal verbs have only masc sing pp
		return true

	if not slot:find("[123]") then
		-- Don't skip non-personal slots.
		return false

	if base.nofinite then
		return true

	if (base.only3s or base.only3sp or base.only3p) and (slot:find("^imp_") or slot:find("^neg_imp_")) then
		return true

	if base.only3s and not slot:find("3s") then
		-- diluviar, atardecer, neviscar
		return true

	if base.only3sp and not slot:find("3[sp]") then
		-- atañer, concernir
		return true

	if base.only3p and not slot:find("3p") then
		-- [[caer cuatro gotas]], [[caer chuzos de punta]], [[entrarle los siete males]]
		return true

	return false

-- Add the `stem` to the `ending` for the given `slot` and apply any phonetic modifications.
-- `is_combining_ending` is true if `ending` is actually the ending (this function is also
-- called to combine prefix + stem). WARNING: This function is written very carefully; changes
-- to it can easily have unintended consequences.
local function combine_stem_ending(base, slot, stem, ending, is_combining_ending)
	if not is_combining_ending then
		return stem .. ending

	if base.stems.raising_conj and (rfind(ending, "^i" .. V) or
		slot == "pres_sub_1p" or slot == "pres_sub_2p" or slot == "pres_sub_2sv") then
		-- need to raise e -> i, o -> u: dormir -> durmió, durmiera, durmiendo, durmamos
		stem = rsub(stem, "([eo])(" .. C .. "*)$", function(vowel, rest) return raise_vowel[vowel] .. rest end)
		-- also with stem ending in -gu or -qu (e.g. erguir -> irguió, irguiera, irguiendo, irgamos)
		stem = rsub(stem, "([eo])(" .. C .. "*[gq]u)$", function(vowel, rest) return raise_vowel[vowel] .. rest end)

	-- Lots of sound changes involving endings beginning with i + vowel
	if rfind(ending, "^i" .. V) then
		-- (1) final -i of stem absorbed: sonreír -> sonrió, sonriera, sonriendo; note that this rule may be fed
		-- by the preceding one (stem sonre- raised to sonri-, then final i absorbed)
		stem = stem:gsub("i$", "")

		-- (2) In the preterite of irregular verbs (likewise for other tenses derived from the preterite stem, i.e.
		--     imperfect and future subjunctive), initial i absorbed after j (dijeron not #dijieron, likewise for
		--     condujeron, trajeron) and u (fueron not #fuyeron). Does not apply in regular verb tejer (tejieron not
		--     #tejeron) and concluir (concluyeron not #conclueron).
		if base.stems.pret_conj == "irreg" and rfind(stem, "[ju]$") then
			ending = ending:gsub("^i", "")

		-- (3) initial i -> y after vowel and word-initially: poseer -> poseyó, poseyera, poseyendo;
		-- concluir -> concluyó, concluyera, concluyendo; ir -> yendo; but not conseguir/delinquir
		if stem == "" or (rfind(stem, V .. "$") and not rfind(stem, "[gq]u$")) then
			ending = ending:gsub("^i", "y")

		-- (4) -gü + ie- -> -guye-: argüir -> arguyó, arguyera, arguyendo
		if stem:find("gü$") then
			-- transfer the y to the stem to avoid gü -> gu below in front/back conversions
			stem = stem:gsub("ü$", "uy")
			ending = ending:gsub("^i", "")

		-- (5) initial i absorbed after ñ, ll, y: tañer -> tañó, tañera, tañendo; bullir -> bulló, bullera, bullendo
		if rfind(stem, "[ñy]$") or rfind(stem, "ll$") then
			ending = ending:gsub("^i", "")

	-- If ending begins with i, it must get an accent after a/e/i/o to prevent the two merging into a diphthong:
	-- caer -> caíste, caímos; reír -> reíste, reímos (pres and pret). This does not apply after u, e.g.
	-- concluir -> concluiste, concluimos.
	if ending:find("^i") and stem:find("[aeio]$") then
		ending = ending:gsub("^i", "í")

	-- If -oír/-uir (i.e. -ir with stem ending in -o/u, e.g. oír, concluir), a y must be added before endings
	-- beginning with a/e/o. Check for base.stems.pret_conj == "irreg" to exclude stem fu- of [[ir]].
	if base.conj == "ir" and rfind(ending, "^[aeoáéó]") and base.stems.pret_conj ~= "irreg" then
		if rfind(stem, "[oú]$") then -- oír -> oye, rehuir -> rehúyo/rehúye (with indicator 'ú')
			stem = stem .. "y"
		elseif rfind(stem, "[^gq]u$") then -- concluir, but not conseguir or delinquir
			stem = stem .. "y"
		elseif stem:find("ü$") then -- argüir -> arguyendo
			stem = stem:gsub("ü$", "uy")

	-- Spelling changes in the stem; it depends on whether the stem given is the pre-front-vowel or
	-- pre-back-vowel variant, as indicated by `frontback`. We want these front-back spelling changes to happen
	-- between stem and ending, not between prefix and stem; the prefix may not have the same "front/backness"
	-- as the stem.
	local is_front = rfind(ending, "^[eiéí]")
	if base.frontback == "front" and not is_front then
		-- parecer -> parezco, conducir -> conduzco; use zqu to avoid triggering the following gsub();
		-- the third line will replace zqu -> zc
		if slot ~= "pret_3s" then -- exclude hice -> hizo (not #hizco)
			stem = rsub(stem, "(" .. V .. ")c$", "%1zqu")
		stem = stem:gsub("sc$", "squ") -- evanescer -> evanesco, fosforescer -> fosforesco
		stem = stem:gsub("c$", "z") -- ejercer -> ejerzo, uncir -> unzo
		stem = stem:gsub("qu$", "c") -- delinquir -> delinco, parecer -> parezqu- -> parezco
		stem = stem:gsub("g$", "j") -- coger -> cojo, afligir -> aflijo
		stem = stem:gsub("gu$", "g") -- distinguir -> distingo
		stem = stem:gsub("gü$", "gu") -- may not occur; argüir -> arguyo handled above
	elseif base.frontback == "back" and is_front then
		stem = stem:gsub("gu$", "gü") -- averiguar -> averigüé
		stem = stem:gsub("g$", "gu") -- cargar -> cargué
		stem = stem:gsub("c$", "qu") -- marcar -> marqué
		stem = rsub(stem, "[çz]$", "c") -- aderezar/adereçar -> aderecé

	return stem .. ending

local function check_stems_for_suppress_prefix(slot, stems)
	-- Check whether any or all stems have `suppress_prefix`.
	local any_suppress_prefix = false
	local any_not_suppress_prefix = false
	if type(stems) == "table" then
		if stems.suppress_prefix then
			-- A single form object.
			any_suppress_prefix = true
			for _, stem in ipairs(stems) do
				if type(stem) == "table" and stem.suppress_prefix then
					any_suppress_prefix = true
					any_not_suppress_prefix = true
		any_not_suppress_prefix = true
	if any_suppress_prefix and any_not_suppress_prefix then
		-- This should never happen because suppress_prefix is set on user-specified stem and individual form
		-- overrides, which should completely replace built-in overrides (which don't have suppress_prefix).
		error("Internal error: For slot '" .. slot .. ", saw a mixture of suppress-prefix and non-suppress-prefix stems, and can't handle")
		return any_suppress_prefix

local function add(base, slot, stems, endings, is_combining_ending, allow_overrides)
	if skip_slot(base, slot, allow_overrides) then
	local function do_combine_stem_ending(stem, ending)
		return combine_stem_ending(base, slot, stem, ending, is_combining_ending)
	iut.add_forms(base.forms, slot, stems, endings, do_combine_stem_ending, nil, nil, base.all_footnotes)

local function add3(base, slot, stems, endings, allow_overrides)
	local suppress_prefix = base.prefix == "" or check_stems_for_suppress_prefix(slot, stems)
	if suppress_prefix then
		return add(base, slot, stems, endings, "is combining ending", allow_overrides)

	if skip_slot(base, slot, allow_overrides) then

	local is_combining_ending = false

	local function do_combine_stem_ending(stem, ending)
		return combine_stem_ending(base, slot, stem, ending, is_combining_ending)

	-- Have to reimplement add_multiple_forms() ourselves due to the is_combining_ending
	-- flag, which needs to be different when adding prefix to stems vs. stems to ending.
	-- Otherwise we get e.g. #reímpreso instead of reimpreso.
	local tempdest = {}
	iut.add_forms(tempdest, slot, base.prefix, stems, do_combine_stem_ending)
	is_combining_ending = true
	iut.add_forms(base.forms, slot, tempdest[slot], endings, do_combine_stem_ending)

local function insert_form(base, slot, form)
	if not skip_slot(base, slot) then
		iut.insert_form(base.forms, slot, form)

local function insert_forms(base, slot, forms)
	if not skip_slot(base, slot) then
		iut.insert_forms(base.forms, slot, forms)

local function add_single_stem_tense(base, slot_pref, stems, s1, s2, s3, p1, p2, p3)
	local function addit(slot, ending)
		add3(base, slot_pref .. "_" .. slot, stems, ending)
	addit("1s", s1)
	addit("2s", s2)
	addit("3s", s3)
	addit("1p", p1)
	addit("2p", p2)
	addit("3p", p3)

local function add_present_indic(base)
	local function addit(slot, stems, ending)
		add3(base, "pres_" .. slot, stems, ending)
	local s2, s2v, s3, p1, p2, p3
	if base.conj == "ar" then
		s2, s2v, s3, p1, p2, p3 = "as", "ás", "a", "amos", "áis", "an"
	elseif base.conj == "er" then
		s2, s2v, s3, p1, p2, p3 = "es", "és", "e", "emos", "éis", "en"
	elseif base.conj == "ir" then
		s2, s2v, s3, p1, p2, p3 = "es", "ís", "e", "imos", "ís", "en"
		error("Internal error: Unrecognized conjugation " .. base.conj)

	addit("1s", base.stems.pres1, "o")
	addit("2s", base.stems.pres_stressed, s2)
	addit("2sv", base.stems.pres_unstressed, s2v)
	addit("3s", base.stems.pres_stressed, s3)
	addit("1p", base.stems.pres_unstressed, p1)
	addit("2p", base.stems.pres_unstressed, p2)
	addit("3p", base.stems.pres_stressed, p3)

local function add_present_subj(base)
	local function addit(slot, stems, ending)
		add3(base, "pres_sub_" .. slot, stems, ending)
	local s1, s2, s2v, s3, p1, p2, p3, voseo_stem
	if base.conj == "ar" then
		s1, s2, s2v, s3, p1, p2, p3 = "e", "es", "és", "e", "emos", "éis", "en"
		s1, s2, s2v, s3, p1, p2, p3 = "a", "as", "ás", "a", "amos", "áis", "an"

	addit("1s", base.stems.pres_sub_stressed, s1)
	addit("2s", base.stems.pres_sub_stressed, s2)
	addit("2sv", base.stems.pres_sub_unstressed, s2v)
	addit("3s", base.stems.pres_sub_stressed, s3)
	addit("1p", base.stems.pres_sub_unstressed, p1)
	addit("2p", base.stems.pres_sub_unstressed, p2)
	addit("3p", base.stems.pres_sub_stressed, p3)

local function add_imper(base)
	local function addit(slot, stems, ending)
		add3(base, "imp_" .. slot, stems, ending)
	if base.conj == "ar" then
		addit("2s", base.stems.pres_stressed, "a")
		addit("2sv", base.stems.pres_unstressed, "á")
		addit("2p", base.stems.pres_unstressed, "ad")
	elseif base.conj == "er" then
		addit("2s", base.stems.pres_stressed, "e")
		addit("2sv", base.stems.pres_unstressed, "é")
		addit("2p", base.stems.pres_unstressed, "ed")
	elseif base.conj == "ir" then
		addit("2s", base.stems.pres_stressed, "e")
		addit("2sv", base.stems.pres_unstressed, "í")
		addit("2p", base.stems.pres_unstressed, "id")
		error("Internal error: Unrecognized conjugation " .. base.conj)

local function add_finite_non_present(base)
	local function add_tense(slot, stem, s1, s2, s3, p1, p2, p3)
		add_single_stem_tense(base, slot, stem, s1, s2, s3, p1, p2, p3)

	local stems = base.stems

	if stems.full_impf then
		-- An override needs to be supplied for the impf_1p due to the accent on the stem.
		add_tense("impf", stems.full_impf, "a", "as", "a", {}, "ais", "an")
	elseif base.conj == "ar" then
		add_tense("impf", stems.impf, "aba", "abas", "aba", "ábamos", "abais", "aban")
		add_tense("impf", stems.impf, "ía", "ías", "ía", "íamos", "íais", "ían")

	if stems.pret_conj == "irreg" then
		add_tense("pret", stems.pret, "e", "iste", "o", "imos", "isteis", "ieron")
	elseif stems.pret_conj == "ar" then
		add_tense("pret", stems.pret, "é", "aste", "ó", "amos", "asteis", "aron")
		add_tense("pret", stems.pret, "í", "iste", "ió", "imos", "isteis", "ieron")

	if stems.pret_conj == "ar" then
		add_tense("impf_sub_ra", stems.impf_sub_ra, "ara", "aras", "ara", "áramos", "arais", "aran")
		add_tense("impf_sub_se", stems.impf_sub_se, "ase", "ases", "ase", "ásemos", "aseis", "asen")
		add_tense("fut_sub", stems.fut_sub, "are", "ares", "are", "áremos", "areis", "aren")
		add_tense("impf_sub_ra", stems.impf_sub_ra, "iera", "ieras", "iera", "iéramos", "ierais", "ieran")
		add_tense("impf_sub_se", stems.impf_sub_se, "iese", "ieses", "iese", "iésemos", "ieseis", "iesen")
		add_tense("fut_sub", stems.fut_sub, "iere", "ieres", "iere", "iéremos", "iereis", "ieren")

	add_tense("fut", stems.fut, "é", "ás", "á", "emos", "éis", "án")
	add_tense("cond", stems.cond, "ía", "ías", "ía", "íamos", "íais", "ían")

local function add_non_finite_forms(base)
	local stems = base.stems
	local function addit(slot, stems, ending)
		add3(base, slot, stems, ending)
	insert_form(base, "infinitive", {form = base.verb})
	-- Also insert "infinitive + reflexive pronoun" combinations if we're handling a reflexive verb. See comment below for
	-- "gerund + reflexive pronoun" combinations.
	if base.refl then
		for _, persnum in ipairs(person_number_list_basic) do
			insert_form(base, "infinitive_" .. persnum, {form = base.verb})
	local ger_ending = base.conj == "ar" and "ando" or "iendo"
	addit("gerund", stems.pres_unstressed, ger_ending)
	-- Also insert "gerund + reflexive pronoun" combinations if we're handling a reflexive verb. We insert exactly the same
	-- form as for the bare gerund; later on in add_reflexive_or_fixed_clitic_to_forms(), we add the appropriate clitic
	-- pronouns. It's important not to do this for non-reflexive verbs, because in that case, the clitic pronouns won't be
	-- added, and {{es-verb form of}} will wrongly consider all these combinations as possible inflections of the bare
	-- gerund. Thanks to [[User:JeffDoozan]] for this bug fix.
    if base.refl then
		for _, persnum in ipairs(person_number_list_basic) do
			addit("gerund_" .. persnum, stems.pres_unstressed, ger_ending)
	addit("pp_ms", stems.pp, "o")
	addit("pp_fs", stems.pp, "a")
	addit("pp_mp", stems.pp, "os")
	addit("pp_fp", stems.pp, "as")

local function copy_subjunctives_to_imperatives(base)
	-- Copy subjunctives to imperatives, unless there's an override for the given slot (as with the imp_1p of [[ir]]).
	for _, persnum in ipairs({"3s", "1p", "3p"}) do
		local from = "pres_sub_" .. persnum
		local to = "imp_" .. persnum
		insert_forms(base, to, iut.map_forms(base.forms[from], function(form) return form end))

-- Remove monosyllabic accents (e.g. the 3sg preterite of fiar is fio not #fió). Note that there are a
-- few monosyllabic verb forms that intentionally have an accent, to distinguish them from other words
-- with the same pronunciation. These are as follows:
-- (1) [[sé]] 1sg present indicative of [[saber]];
-- (2) [[sé]] 2sg imperative of [[ser]];
-- (3) [[dé]] 1sg and 3sg present subjunctive of [[dar]].
-- For these, a * is added, which indicates that the accent needs to remain. If we see such a *, we remove
-- it but otherwise leave the form alone.
local function remove_monosyllabic_accents(base)
	for _, slotaccel in ipairs(base.alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_basic) do
		local slot, accel = unpack(slotaccel)
		if base.forms[slot] then
			for _, form in ipairs(base.forms[slot]) do
				if form.form:find("%*") then -- * means leave alone any accented vowel
					form.form = form.form:gsub("%*", "")
				elseif may_need_monosyllabic_accent_removed(form.form) then
					-- Has an accented vowel and no VCV sequence and not a suffix; may be monosyllabic, in which
					-- case we need to remove the accent. Check # of syllables and remove accent if only 1. Note
					-- that the checks for accented vowel and VCV sequence are not strictly needed, but are
					-- optimizations to avoid running the whole syllabification algorithm on every verb form.
					local syllables = com.syllabify(form.form)
					if #syllables == 1 then
						form.form = com.remove_accent_from_syllable(syllables[1])

-- Add the appropriate clitic pronouns in `clitics` to the forms in `base_slot`. `store_cliticized_form` is a function
-- of three arguments (clitic, formobj, cliticized_form) and should store the cliticized form for the specified clitic
-- and form object.
local function add_forms_with_clitic(base, base_slot, clitics, store_cliticized_form)
	if not base.forms[base_slot] then
		-- This can happen, e.g. in only3s/only3sp/only3p verbs.
	for _, formobj in ipairs(base.forms[base_slot]) do
		-- Figure out the correct accenting of the verb when a clitic pronoun is attached to it. We may need to
		-- add or remove an accent mark:
		-- (1) No accent mark currently, none needed: infinitive sentar -> sentarlo; imperative singular ten -> tenlo;
		-- (2) Accent mark currently, still needed: infinitive oír -> oírlo;
		-- (3) No accent mark currently, accent needed: imperative singular siente -> siéntelo;
		-- (4) Accent mark currently, not needed: imperative singular está -> estalo, sé -> selo.
		local syllables = com.syllabify(formobj.form)
		local sylno = com.stressed_syllable(syllables)
		table.insert(syllables, "lo")
		local needs_accent = com.accent_needed(syllables, sylno)
		if needs_accent then
			syllables[sylno] = com.add_accent_to_syllable(syllables[sylno])
			syllables[sylno] = com.remove_accent_from_syllable(syllables[sylno])
		table.remove(syllables) -- remove added clitic pronoun
		local reaccented_form = table.concat(syllables)
		for _, clitic in ipairs(clitics) do
			local cliticized_form
			-- Some further special cases.
			if base_slot == "imp_1p" and (clitic == "nos" or clitic == "os") then
				-- Final -s disappears: sintamos + nos -> sintámonos, sintamos + os -> sintámoos
				cliticized_form = reaccented_form:gsub("s$", "") .. clitic
			elseif base_slot == "imp_2p" and clitic == "os" then
				-- Final -d disappears, which may cause an accent to be required:
				-- haced + os -> haceos, sentid + os -> sentíos
				if reaccented_form:find("id$") then
					cliticized_form = reaccented_form:gsub("id$", "íos")
					cliticized_form = reaccented_form:gsub("d$", "os")
				cliticized_form = reaccented_form .. clitic
			store_cliticized_form(clitic, formobj, cliticized_form)

-- Generate the combinations of verb form (infinitive, gerund or various imperatives) + clitic pronoun.
local function add_combined_forms(base)
	for _, base_slot_and_clitics in ipairs(base.alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slot_combined_rows) do
		local base_slot, clitics = unpack(base_slot_and_clitics)
		add_forms_with_clitic(base, base_slot, clitics,
			function(clitic, formobj, cliticized_form)
				insert_form(base, base_slot .. "_comb_" .. clitic,
					{form = cliticized_form, footnotes = formobj.footnotes})
	for _, single_comb_slot_and_clitics in ipairs(base.alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slot_double_combined_rows) do
		local single_comb_slot, clitics = unpack(single_comb_slot_and_clitics)
		add_forms_with_clitic(base, single_comb_slot, clitics,
			function(clitic, formobj, cliticized_form)
				insert_form(base, single_comb_slot .. "_" .. clitic,
					{form = cliticized_form, footnotes = formobj.footnotes})

local function process_slot_overrides(base, do_basic, reflexive_only)
	local overrides = reflexive_only and base.basic_reflexive_only_overrides or
		do_basic and base.basic_overrides or base.combined_overrides

	for slot, forms in pairs(overrides) do
		local suppress_prefix = base.prefix == "" or check_stems_for_suppress_prefix(slot, forms)
		add(base, slot, suppress_prefix and "" or base.prefix, forms, false, "allow overrides")

-- Prefix `form` with `clitic`, adding fixed text `between` between them. Add links as appropriate unless the user
-- requested no links. Check whether form already has brackets (as will be the case if the form has a fixed clitic).
local function add_clitic_to_form(base, clitic, between, form)
	if base.alternant_multiword_spec.args.noautolinkverb then
		return clitic .. between .. form
		local clitic_pref = "[[" .. clitic .. "]]" .. between
		if form:find("%[%[") then
			return clitic_pref .. form
			return clitic_pref .. "[[" .. form .. "]]"

-- Add a reflexive pronoun or fixed clitic, e.g. [[lo]], as appropriate to the base form that were generated.
-- `do_joined` means to do only the forms where the pronoun is joined to the end of the form; otherwise, do only the
-- forms where it is not joined and precedes the form.
local function add_reflexive_or_fixed_clitic_to_forms(base, do_reflexive, do_joined)
	for _, slotaccel in ipairs(base.alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_basic) do
		local slot, accel = unpack(slotaccel)
		local clitic
		if not do_reflexive then
			clitic = base.clitic
		elseif slot:find("[123]") then
			local persnum = slot:match("^.*_(.-)$")
			clitic = person_number_to_reflexive_pronoun[persnum]
			clitic = "se"
		if base.forms[slot] then
			if do_reflexive and slot:find("^pp_") or slot == "infinitive_linked" then
				-- do nothing with reflexive past participles or with infinitive linked (handled at the end)
			elseif slot:find("^neg_imp_") then
				error("Internal error: Should not have forms set for negative imperative at this stage")
				local slot_has_suffixed_clitic = slot:find("infinitive") or slot:find("gerund") or slot:find("^imp_")
				-- Maybe generate non-reflexive parts and separated syntactic variants for use in {{es-verb form of}}.
				-- See comment in add_slots() above `need_special_verb_form_of_slots`. Check for do_joined so we only
				-- run this code once.
				if do_reflexive and do_joined and base.alternant_multiword_spec.source_template == "es-verb form of" and
					-- Skip personal variants of infinitives and gerunds so we don't think [[jambando]] is a
					-- non-reflexive equivalent of [[jambándome]].
					not slot:find("infinitive_") and not slot:find("gerund_") then
					-- Clone the forms because we will be destructively modifying them just below, adding the reflexive
					-- pronoun.
					insert_forms(base, slot .. "_non_reflexive", mw.clone(base.forms[slot]))
					if slot_has_suffixed_clitic then
						insert_forms(base, slot .. "_variant", iut.map_forms(base.forms[slot], function(form)
							return add_clitic_to_form(base, clitic, " ... ", form)
				if slot_has_suffixed_clitic then
					if do_joined then
						add_forms_with_clitic(base, slot, {clitic},
							function(clitic, formobj, cliticized_form)
								formobj.form = cliticized_form
				elseif not do_joined then
					-- Add clitic as separate word before all other forms.
					for _, form in ipairs(base.forms[slot]) do
						form.form = add_clitic_to_form(base, clitic, " ", form.form)

local function handle_infinitive_linked(base)
	-- Compute linked versions of potential lemma slots, for use in {{es-verb}}.
	-- We substitute the original lemma (before removing links) for forms that
	-- are the same as the lemma, if the original lemma has links.
	for _, slot in ipairs({"infinitive"}) do
		insert_forms(base, slot .. "_linked", iut.map_forms(base.forms[slot], function(form)
			if form == base.lemma and rfind(base.linked_lemma, "%[%[") then
				return base.linked_lemma
				return form

local function generate_negative_imperatives(base)
	-- Copy subjunctives to negative imperatives, preceded by "no".
	for _, persnum in ipairs(neg_imp_person_number_list) do
		local from = "pres_sub_" .. persnum
		local to = "neg_imp_" .. persnum
		insert_forms(base, to, iut.map_forms(base.forms[from], function(form)
			if base.alternant_multiword_spec.args.noautolinkverb then
				return "no " .. form
			elseif form:find("%[%[") then
				-- already linked, e.g. when reflexive
				return "[[no]] " .. form
				return "[[no]] [[" .. form .. "]]"

-- Process specs given by the user using 'addnote[SLOTSPEC][FOOTNOTE][FOOTNOTE][...]'.
local function process_addnote_specs(base)
	for _, spec in ipairs(base.addnote_specs) do
		for _, slot_spec in ipairs(spec.slot_specs) do
			slot_spec = "^" .. slot_spec .. "$"
			for slot, forms in pairs(base.forms) do
				if rfind(slot, slot_spec) then
					-- To save on memory, side-effect the existing forms.
					for _, form in ipairs(forms) do
						form.footnotes = iut.combine_footnotes(form.footnotes, spec.footnotes)

local function add_missing_links_to_forms(base)
	-- Any forms without links should get them now. Redundant ones will be stripped later.
	for slot, forms in pairs(base.forms) do
		for _, form in ipairs(forms) do
			if not form.form:find("%[%[") then
				form.form = "[[" .. form.form .. "]]"

local function conjugate_verb(base)
	-- This should happen before add_combined_forms() so overrides of basic forms end up part of the combined forms.
	process_slot_overrides(base, "do basic") -- do basic slot overrides
	-- This should happen after process_slot_overrides() in case a derived slot is based on an override (as with the
	-- imp_3s of [[dar]], [[estar]]).
	-- This should happen after process_slot_overrides() because overrides may have accents in them that need to be
	-- removed. (This happens e.g. for most present indicative forms of [[ver]], which have accents in them for the
	-- prefixed derived verbs, but the accents shouldn't be present in the base verb.)
	if not base.nocomb then
	-- We need to add joined reflexives, then joined and non-joined clitics, then non-joined reflexives, so we get
	-- [[házmelo]] but [[no]] [[me]] [[lo]] [[haga]].
	if base.refl then
		-- This should happen after remove_monosyllabic_accents() so the * marking the preservation of monosyllabic
		-- accents doesn't end up in the middle of a word.
		add_reflexive_or_fixed_clitic_to_forms(base, "do reflexive", "do joined")
		process_slot_overrides(base, "do basic", "do reflexive") -- do reflexive-only basic slot overrides
	if base.clitic then
		-- This should happen after reflexives are added.
		add_reflexive_or_fixed_clitic_to_forms(base, false, "do joined")
		add_reflexive_or_fixed_clitic_to_forms(base, false, false)
	if base.refl then
		add_reflexive_or_fixed_clitic_to_forms(base, "do reflexive", false)
	-- This should happen after add_reflexive_or_fixed_clitic_to_forms() so negative imperatives get the reflexive pronoun
	-- and clitic in them.
	if not base.nocomb then
		process_slot_overrides(base, false) -- do combined slot overrides
	-- This should happen before add_missing_links_to_forms() so that the comparison `form == base.lemma`
	-- in handle_infinitive_linked() works correctly and compares unlinked forms to unlinked forms.
	if not base.alternant_multiword_spec.args.noautolinkverb then

local function parse_indicator_spec(angle_bracket_spec)
	-- Store the original angle bracket spec so we can reconstruct the overall conj spec with the lemma(s) in them.
	local base = {
		angle_bracket_spec = angle_bracket_spec,
		user_basic_overrides = {},
		user_stems = {},
		addnote_specs = {},
	local function parse_err(msg)
		error(msg .. ": " .. angle_bracket_spec)
	local function fetch_footnotes(separated_group)
		local footnotes
		for j = 2, #separated_group - 1, 2 do
			if separated_group[j + 1] ~= "" then
				parse_err("Extraneous text after bracketed footnotes: '" .. table.concat(separated_group) .. "'")
			if not footnotes then
				footnotes = {}
			table.insert(footnotes, separated_group[j])
		return footnotes

	local inside = angle_bracket_spec:match("^<(.*)>$")
	if inside == "" then
		return base
	local segments = iut.parse_balanced_segment_run(inside, "[", "]")
	local dot_separated_groups = iut.split_alternating_runs(segments, "%.")
	for i, dot_separated_group in ipairs(dot_separated_groups) do
		local first_element = dot_separated_group[1]
		if first_element == "addnote" then
			local spec_and_footnotes = fetch_footnotes(dot_separated_group)
			if #spec_and_footnotes < 2 then
				parse_err("Spec with 'addnote' should be of the form 'addnote[SLOTSPEC][FOOTNOTE][FOOTNOTE][...]'")
			local slot_spec = table.remove(spec_and_footnotes, 1)
			local slot_spec_inside = rmatch(slot_spec, "^%[(.*)%]$")
			if not slot_spec_inside then
				parse_err("Internal error: slot_spec " .. slot_spec .. " should be surrounded with brackets")
			local slot_specs = rsplit(slot_spec_inside, ",")
			-- FIXME: Here, [[Module:it-verb]] called strip_spaces(). Generally we don't do this. Should we?
			table.insert(base.addnote_specs, {slot_specs = slot_specs, footnotes = spec_and_footnotes})
		elseif indicator_flags[first_element] then
			if #dot_separated_group > 1 then
				parse_err("No footnotes allowed with '" .. first_element .. "' spec")
			if base[first_element] then
				parse_err("Spec '" .. first_element .. "' specified twice")
			base[first_element] = true
		elseif rfind(first_element, ":") then
			local colon_separated_groups = iut.split_alternating_runs(dot_separated_group, "%s*:%s*")
			local first_element = colon_separated_groups[1][1]
			if #colon_separated_groups[1] > 1 then
				parse_err("Can't attach footnotes directly to '" .. first_element .. "' spec; attach them to the " ..
					"colon-separated values following the initial colon")
			if overridable_stems[first_element] then
				if base.user_stems[first_element] then
					parse_err("Overridable stem '" .. first_element .. "' specified twice")
				table.remove(colon_separated_groups, 1)
				base.user_stems[first_element] = overridable_stems[first_element](colon_separated_groups,
					{prefix = first_element, base = base, parse_err = parse_err, fetch_footnotes = fetch_footnotes})
			else -- assume a basic override; we validate further later when the possible slots are available
				if base.user_basic_overrides[first_element] then
					parse_err("Basic override '" .. first_element .. "' specified twice")
				table.remove(colon_separated_groups, 1)
				base.user_basic_overrides[first_element] = allow_multiple_values_for_override(
					{prefix = first_element, base = base, parse_err = parse_err, fetch_footnotes = fetch_footnotes},
					"add monosyllabic asterisk"
			local comma_separated_groups = iut.split_alternating_runs(dot_separated_group, "%s*,%s*")
			for j = 1, #comma_separated_groups do
				local alt = comma_separated_groups[j][1]
				if not vowel_alternants[alt] then
					if #comma_separated_groups == 1 then
						parse_err("Unrecognized spec or vowel alternant '" .. alt .. "'")
						parse_err("Unrecognized vowel alternant '" .. alt .. "'")
				if base.vowel_alt then
					for _, existing_alt in ipairs(base.vowel_alt) do
						if existing_alt.form == alt then
							parse_err("Vowel alternant '" .. alt .. "' specified twice")
					base.vowel_alt = {}
				table.insert(base.vowel_alt, {form = alt, footnotes = fetch_footnotes(comma_separated_groups[j])})

	return base

-- Reconstruct the overall verb spec from the output of iut.parse_inflected_text(), so we can use it in
-- [[Module:accel/es]].
function export.reconstruct_verb_spec(alternant_multiword_spec)
	local parts = {}

	for _, alternant_or_word_spec in ipairs(alternant_multiword_spec.alternant_or_word_specs) do
		table.insert(parts, alternant_or_word_spec.user_specified_before_text)
		if alternant_or_word_spec.alternants then
			table.insert(parts, "((")
			for i, multiword_spec in ipairs(alternant_or_word_spec.alternants) do
				if i > 1 then
					table.insert(parts, ",")
				for _, word_spec in ipairs(multiword_spec.word_specs) do
					table.insert(parts, word_spec.user_specified_before_text)
					table.insert(parts, word_spec.user_specified_lemma)
					table.insert(parts, word_spec.angle_bracket_spec)
				table.insert(parts, multiword_spec.user_specified_post_text)
			table.insert(parts, "))")
			table.insert(parts, alternant_or_word_spec.user_specified_lemma)
			table.insert(parts, alternant_or_word_spec.angle_bracket_spec)
	table.insert(parts, alternant_multiword_spec.user_specified_post_text)

	-- As a special case, if we see e.g. "amar<>", remove the <>. Don't do this if there are spaces, hyphens or
	-- alternants.
	local retval = table.concat(parts)
	if not retval:find("[ %-]") and not retval:find("%(%(") then
		local retval_no_angle_brackets = retval:match("^(.*)<>$")
		if retval_no_angle_brackets then
			return retval_no_angle_brackets
	return retval

-- Normalize all lemmas, substituting the pagename for blank lemmas and adding links to multiword lemmas.
local function normalize_all_lemmas(alternant_multiword_spec, pagename)

	-- (1) Add links to all before and after text. Remember the original text so we can reconstruct the verb spec later.
	if not alternant_multiword_spec.args.noautolinktext then
		for _, alternant_or_word_spec in ipairs(alternant_multiword_spec.alternant_or_word_specs) do
			alternant_or_word_spec.user_specified_before_text = alternant_or_word_spec.before_text
			alternant_or_word_spec.before_text = com.add_links(alternant_or_word_spec.before_text)
			if alternant_or_word_spec.alternants then
				for _, multiword_spec in ipairs(alternant_or_word_spec.alternants) do
					for _, word_spec in ipairs(multiword_spec.word_specs) do
						word_spec.user_specified_before_text = word_spec.before_text
						word_spec.before_text = com.add_links(word_spec.before_text)
					multiword_spec.user_specified_post_text = multiword_spec.post_text
					multiword_spec.post_text = com.add_links(multiword_spec.post_text)
		alternant_multiword_spec.user_specified_post_text = alternant_multiword_spec.post_text
		alternant_multiword_spec.post_text = com.add_links(alternant_multiword_spec.post_text)

	-- (2) Remove any links from the lemma, but remember the original form
	--     so we can use it below in the 'lemma_linked' form.
	iut.map_word_specs(alternant_multiword_spec, function(base)
		if base.lemma == "" then
			base.lemma = pagename

		base.user_specified_lemma = base.lemma

		base.lemma = m_links.remove_links(base.lemma)
		local refl_verb, clitic = rmatch(base.lemma, "^(.-)(l[aeo]s?)$")
		if not refl_verb then
			refl_verb, clitic = base.lemma, nil
		local verb, refl = rmatch(refl_verb, "^(.-)(se)$")
		if not verb then
			verb, refl = refl_verb, nil
		base.user_specified_verb = verb
		base.refl = refl
		base.clitic = clitic

		if base.refl and base.clitic then
			-- We have to parse the verb suffix to see how to construct the base verb; e.g.
			-- abrírsela -> abrir but oírsela -> oír. We parse the verb suffix again in all cases
			-- in detect_indicator_spec(), after splitting off the prefix of irrregular verbs.
			local actual_verb
			local inf_stem, suffix = rmatch(base.user_specified_verb, "^(.*)([aáeéií]r)$")
			if not inf_stem then
				error("Unrecognized infinitive: " .. base.user_specified_verb)
			if suffix == "ír" and inf_stem:find("[aeo]$") then
				-- accent on suffix should remain
				base.verb = base.user_specified_verb
				base.verb = inf_stem .. com.remove_accent_from_syllable(suffix)
			base.verb = base.user_specified_verb

		local linked_lemma
		if alternant_multiword_spec.args.noautolinkverb or base.user_specified_lemma:find("%[%[") then
			linked_lemma = base.user_specified_lemma
		elseif base.refl or base.clitic then
			-- Reconstruct the linked lemma with separate links around base verb, reflexive pronoun and clitic.
			linked_lemma = base.user_specified_verb == base.verb and "[[" .. base.user_specified_verb .. "]]" or
				"[[" .. base.verb .. "|" .. base.user_specified_verb .. "]]"
			linked_lemma = linked_lemma .. (refl and "[[" .. refl .. "]]" or "") ..
				(clitic and "[[" .. clitic .. "]]" or "")
			-- Add links to the lemma so the user doesn't specifically need to, since we preserve
			-- links in multiword lemmas and include links in non-lemma forms rather than allowing
			-- the entire form to be a link.
			linked_lemma = com.add_links(base.user_specified_lemma)
		base.linked_lemma = linked_lemma

local function construct_stems(base)
	local stems = base.stems
	stems.pres_unstressed = stems.pres_unstressed or base.inf_stem
	stems.pres_stressed = stems.pres_stressed or
		-- If no_pres_stressed given, pres_stressed stem should be empty so no forms are generated.
		base.no_pres_stressed and {} or
		base.vowel_alt or
	stems.pres1_and_sub = stems.pres1_and_sub or
		-- If no_pres_stressed given, the entire subjunctive is missing.
		base.no_pres_stressed and {} or
		-- If no_pres1_and_sub given, pres1 and entire subjunctive are missing.
		base.no_pres1_and_sub and {} or
	stems.pres1 = stems.pres1 or stems.pres1_and_sub or stems.pres_stressed
	stems.impf = stems.impf or base.inf_stem
	stems.pret = stems.pret or base.inf_stem
	stems.pret_conj = stems.pret_conj or base.conj
	stems.fut = stems.fut or base.inf_stem .. base.conj
	stems.cond = stems.cond or stems.fut
	stems.pres_sub_stressed = stems.pres_sub_stressed or stems.pres1
	stems.pres_sub_unstressed = stems.pres_sub_unstressed or stems.pres1_and_sub or stems.pres_unstressed
	stems.impf_sub_ra = stems.impf_sub_ra or stems.pret
	stems.impf_sub_se = stems.impf_sub_se or stems.pret
	stems.fut_sub = stems.fut_sub or stems.pret
	stems.pp = stems.pp or base.conj == "ar" and
		combine_stem_ending(base, "pp_ms", base.inf_stem, "ad", "is combining ending") or
		-- use combine_stem_ending esp. so we get reído, caído, etc.
		combine_stem_ending(base, "pp_ms", base.inf_stem, "id", "is combining ending")

-- Make a list of the slots given in `list1` and optionally `list2`, with `prefix` added to the beginning of each slot
-- name. The elements of each list are of the form {SLOT, ACCEL}. Used for error messages.
local function construct_possible_slots(list1, list2, prefix)
	list2 = list2 or {}
	prefix = prefix or ""
	local slots = {}
	local function insert_list_slots(list)
		for _, slotaccel in ipairs(list) do
			local slot, accel = unpack(slotaccel)
			table.insert(slots, prefix .. slot)
	return m_table.serialCommaJoin(slots)

local function detect_indicator_spec(base)
	base.forms = {}
	base.non_reflexive_forms = {}
	base.stems = {}

	if (base.only3s and 1 or 0) + (base.only3sp and 1 or 0) + (base.only3p and 1 or 0) > 1 then
		error("Only one of 'only3s', 'only3sp' and 'only3p' can be specified")

	base.basic_overrides = {}
	base.basic_reflexive_only_overrides = {}
	base.combined_overrides = {}
	if not base.no_built_in then
		for _, built_in_conj in ipairs(built_in_conjugations) do
			if type(built_in_conj.match) == "function" then
				base.prefix, base.non_prefixed_verb = built_in_conj.match(base.verb)
			elseif built_in_conj.match:find("^%^") and rsub(built_in_conj.match, "^%^", "") == base.verb then
				-- begins with ^, for exact match, and matches
				base.prefix, base.non_prefixed_verb = "", base.verb
				base.prefix, base.non_prefixed_verb = rmatch(base.verb, "^(.*)(" .. built_in_conj.match .. ")$")
			if base.prefix then
				-- we found a built-in verb
				base.irreg_verb = true
				for stem, forms in pairs(built_in_conj.forms) do
					if stem:find("^refl_") then
						stem = stem:gsub("^refl_", "")
						if not base.alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_basic_map[stem] then
							error("Internal error: setting for 'refl_" .. stem .. "' does not refer to a basic verb slot")
						base.basic_reflexive_only_overrides[stem] = forms
					elseif base.alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_basic_map[stem] then
						-- an individual form override of a basic form
						base.basic_overrides[stem] = forms
					elseif base.alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_combined_map[stem] then
						-- an individual form override of a combined form
						base.combined_overrides[stem] = forms
						base.stems[stem] = forms

	-- Override built-in-verb stems and overrides with user-specified ones.
	for stem, values in pairs(base.user_stems) do
		base.stems[stem] = values
	for override, values in pairs(base.user_basic_overrides) do
		if override:find("^refl_") then
			if not base.refl then
				error("Can't set reflexive-only override '" .. override .. "' on a non-reflexive verb")
			override = override:gsub("^refl_", "")
			if not base.alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_basic_map[override] then
				error("Unrecognized reflexive-only override 'refl_" .. override .. "': possible slots are " ..
					construct_possible_slots(base.alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_basic, nil, "refl_"))
			base.basic_reflexive_only_overrides[override] = values
		elseif base.alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_basic_map[override] then
			base.basic_overrides[override] = values
		elseif base.alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_combined_map[override] then
			base.combined_overrides[override] = values
			error("Unrecognized override '" .. override .. "': possible slots are " ..

	base.prefix = base.prefix or ""
	base.non_prefixed_verb = base.non_prefixed_verb or base.verb
	local inf_stem, suffix = rmatch(base.non_prefixed_verb, "^(.*)([aeií]r)$")
	if not inf_stem then
		error("Unrecognized infinitive: " .. base.verb)
	base.inf_stem = inf_stem
	suffix = suffix == "ír" and "ir" or suffix
	base.conj = suffix
	base.frontback = suffix == "ar" and "back" or "front"

	if base.stems.vowel_alt then -- built-in verb with specified vowel alternation
		if base.vowel_alt then
			error(base.verb .. " is a recognized built-in verb, and should not have vowel alternations specified with it")
		base.vowel_alt = iut.convert_to_general_list_form(base.stems.vowel_alt)

	-- Propagate built-in-verb indicator flags to `base` and combine with user-specified flags.
	for indicator_flag, _ in pairs(indicator_flags) do
		base[indicator_flag] = base[indicator_flag] or base.stems[indicator_flag]

	-- Convert vowel alternation indicators into stems.
	if base.vowel_alt then
		for _, altform in ipairs(base.vowel_alt) do
			altform.alt = altform.form -- save original indicator
			local alt = altform.alt
			if base.conj == "ir" then
				local raising = (
					alt == "ie-i" or alt == "ye-i" or alt == "ue-u" or alt == "i" or alt == "í" or alt == "ú"
				if base.stems.raising_conj == nil then
					base.stems.raising_conj = raising
				elseif base.stems.raising_conj ~= raising then
					error("Can't currently support a mixture of raising (e.g. 'ie-i') and non-raising (e.g. 'ie') vowel alternations in -ir verbs")
			if alt == "+" then
				altform.form = base.inf_stem
				local normalized_alt = alt
				if alt == "ie-i" or alt == "ye-i" or alt == "ue-u" then
					if base.conj ~= "ir" then
						error("Vowel alternation '" .. alt .. "' only supported with -ir verbs")
					-- ie-i is like i except for the vowel raising before i+V, similarly for ye-i, ue-u,
					-- so convert appropriately.
					normalized_alt = alt == "ie-i" and "ie" or alt == "ye-i" and "ye" or "ue"
				local ret = com.apply_vowel_alternation(base.inf_stem, normalized_alt)
				if ret.err then
					error("To use '" .. alt .. "', present stem '" .. base.inf_stem .. "' " .. ret.err)
				altform.form = ret.ret

local function detect_all_indicator_specs(alternant_multiword_spec)
	-- Propagate some settings up; some are used internally, others by [[Module:es-headword]].
	iut.map_word_specs(alternant_multiword_spec, function(base)
		-- Internal indicator flags. Do these before calling detect_indicator_spec() because add_slots() uses them.
		for  _, prop in ipairs { "refl", "clitic" } do
			if base[prop] then
				alternant_multiword_spec[prop] = true
		base.alternant_multiword_spec = alternant_multiword_spec
		-- If reflexive or fixed clitic, don't include combined forms.
		alternant_multiword_spec.nocomb = alternant_multiword_spec.nocomb or base.clitic or base.refl


	iut.map_word_specs(alternant_multiword_spec, function(base)
		base.nocomb = alternant_multiword_spec.args.nocomb
		-- User-specified indicator flags. Do these after calling detect_indicator_spec() because the latter may set these
		-- indicators for built-in verbs.
		for prop, _ in pairs(indicator_flags) do
			if base[prop] then
				alternant_multiword_spec[prop] = true

local function add_categories_and_annotation(alternant_multiword_spec, base, multiword_lemma)
	local function insert_ann(anntype, value)
		m_table.insertIfNot(alternant_multiword_spec.annotation[anntype], value)

	local function insert_cat(cat, also_when_multiword)
		-- Don't place multiword terms in categories like 'Spanish verbs ending in -ar' to avoid spamming the
		-- categories with such terms.
		if also_when_multiword or not multiword_lemma then
			m_table.insertIfNot(alternant_multiword_spec.categories, "Spanish " .. cat)

	if check_for_red_links and alternant_multiword_spec.source_template == "es-conj" and multiword_lemma then
		for _, slot_and_accel in ipairs(alternant_multiword_spec.all_verb_slots) do
			local slot = slot_and_accel[1]
			local forms = base.forms[slot]
			local must_break = false
			if forms then
				for _, form in ipairs(forms) do
					if not form.form:find("%[%[") then
						local title =
						if title and not title.exists then
							insert_cat("verbs with red links in their inflection tables")
							must_break = true
			if must_break then

	insert_cat("verbs ending in -" .. base.conj)

	if base.irreg_verb then
		insert_ann("irreg", "irregular")
		insert_cat("irregular verbs")
		insert_ann("irreg", "regular")

	if base.only3s then
		insert_ann("defective", "impersonal")
		insert_cat("impersonal verbs")
	elseif base.only3sp then
		insert_ann("defective", "third-person only")
		insert_cat("third-person-only verbs")
	elseif base.only3p then
		insert_ann("defective", "third-person plural only")
		insert_cat("third-person-plural-only verbs")
	elseif base.no_pres_stressed or base.no_pres1_and_sub then
		insert_ann("defective", "defective")
		insert_cat("defective verbs")
		insert_ann("defective", "regular")

	if base.clitic then
		insert_cat("verbs with lexical clitics")

	if base.refl then
		insert_cat("reflexive verbs")

	if not base.vowel_alt then
		insert_ann("vowel_alt", "non-alternating")
		local inf_stem = base.inf_stem:gsub("[gq]u$", "x")
		for _, alt in ipairs(base.vowel_alt) do
			if alt.alt == "+" then
				insert_ann("vowel_alt", "non-alternating")
				local desc
				if alt.alt == "ue" and rfind(inf_stem, "u" .. C .. "*$") then
					desc = "u-ue alternation" -- jugar
				elseif alt.alt == "ie" and rfind(inf_stem, "i" .. C .. "*$") then
					desc = "i-ie alternation" -- adquirir
				elseif alt.alt == "í" and rfind(inf_stem, "e" .. C .. "*$") then
					desc = "e-í alternation" -- reír, freír, etc.
					desc = vowel_alternant_to_desc[alt.alt] .. " alternation"
				insert_ann("vowel_alt", desc)
				insert_cat("verbs with " .. desc)

	local cons_alt = base.stems.cons_alt
	if cons_alt == nil then
		if base.conj == "ar" then
			if base.inf_stem:find("z$") then
				cons_alt = "c-z"
			elseif base.inf_stem:find("ç$") then
				cons_alt = "c-ç"
			elseif base.inf_stem:find("c$") then
				cons_alt = "c-qu"
			elseif base.inf_stem:find("g$") then
				cons_alt = "g-gu"
			elseif base.inf_stem:find("gu$") then
				cons_alt = "gu-gü"
			if base.no_pres_stressed or base.no_pres1_and_sub then
				cons_alt = nil -- no c-zc alternation in balbucir or arrecir
			elseif rfind(base.inf_stem, V .. "c$") then
				cons_alt = "c-zc"
			elseif base.inf_stem:find("sc$") then
				cons_alt = "hard-soft"
			elseif base.inf_stem:find("c$") then
				cons_alt = "c-z"
			elseif base.inf_stem:find("qu$") then
				cons_alt = "c-qu"
			elseif base.inf_stem:find("g$") then
				cons_alt = "g-j"
			elseif base.inf_stem:find("gu$") then
				cons_alt = "g-gu"
			elseif base.inf_stem:find("gü$") then
				cons_alt = "gu-gü"

	if cons_alt then
		local desc = cons_alt .. " alternation"
		insert_ann("cons_alt", desc)
		insert_cat("verbs with " .. desc)
		insert_ann("cons_alt", "non-alternating")

-- Compute the categories to add the verb to, as well as the annotation to display in the
-- conjugation title bar. We combine the code to do these functions as both categories and
-- title bar contain similar information.
local function compute_categories_and_annotation(alternant_multiword_spec)
	alternant_multiword_spec.categories = {}
	local ann = {}
	alternant_multiword_spec.annotation = ann
	ann.irreg = {}
	ann.defective = {}
	ann.vowel_alt = {}
	ann.cons_alt = {}

	local multiword_lemma = false
	for _, form in ipairs(alternant_multiword_spec.forms.infinitive) do
		if form.form:find(" ") then
			multiword_lemma = true

	iut.map_word_specs(alternant_multiword_spec, function(base)
		add_categories_and_annotation(alternant_multiword_spec, base, multiword_lemma)
	local ann_parts = {}
	local irreg = table.concat(ann.irreg, " or ")
	if irreg ~= "" and irreg ~= "regular" then
		table.insert(ann_parts, irreg)
	local defective = table.concat(ann.defective, " or ")
	if defective ~= "" and defective ~= "regular" then
		table.insert(ann_parts, defective)
	local vowel_alt = table.concat(ann.vowel_alt, " or ")
	if vowel_alt ~= "" and vowel_alt ~= "non-alternating" then
		table.insert(ann_parts, vowel_alt)
	local cons_alt = table.concat(ann.cons_alt, " or ")
	if cons_alt ~= "" and cons_alt ~= "non-alternating" then
		table.insert(ann_parts, cons_alt)
	alternant_multiword_spec.annotation = table.concat(ann_parts, "; ")

local function show_forms(alternant_multiword_spec)
	local lemmas = alternant_multiword_spec.forms.infinitive
	alternant_multiword_spec.lemmas = lemmas -- save for later use in make_table()

	local reconstructed_verb_spec = export.reconstruct_verb_spec(alternant_multiword_spec)

	-- Initialize the footnotes with those for the future subjunctive and maybe the pres subjunctive
	-- voseo usage. In the latter case, we only do it if there is a distinct pres subjunctive voseo form.
	local function create_footnote_obj()
		local obj = iut.create_footnote_obj()
		iut.get_footnote_text({fut_sub_note}, obj)
		-- Compute whether the tú and voseo variants are different, for each voseo variant.
		-- We use this later in make_table().
		for _, slot in ipairs({"pres_2s", "pres_sub_2s", "imp_2s"}) do
			alternant_multiword_spec["separate_" .. slot .. "v"] = false
			iut.map_word_specs(alternant_multiword_spec, function(base)
				if not m_table.deepEquals(base.forms[slot], base.forms[slot .. "v"]) then
					alternant_multiword_spec["separate_" .. slot .. "v"] = true
		if alternant_multiword_spec.separate_pres_sub_2sv then
			iut.get_footnote_text({pres_sub_voseo_note}, obj)
		return obj

	local function transform_accel_obj(slot, formobj, accel_obj)
		-- No accelerators for negative imperatives, which are always multiword and derived directly from the
		-- present subjunctive.
		if slot:find("^neg_imp") then
			return nil
		if accel_obj then
			if slot:find("^pp_") then
				accel_obj.form = slot
			elseif slot == "gerund" then
				accel_obj.form = "gerund-" .. reconstructed_verb_spec
				accel_obj.form = "verb-form-" .. reconstructed_verb_spec
		return accel_obj

	local props = {
		lang = lang,
		lemmas = lemmas,
		create_footnote_obj = create_footnote_obj,
		transform_accel_obj = transform_accel_obj,
	props.slot_list = alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_basic
	iut.show_forms(alternant_multiword_spec.forms, props)
	alternant_multiword_spec.footnote_basic = alternant_multiword_spec.forms.footnote
	props.create_footnote_obj = nil
	props.slot_list = alternant_multiword_spec.verb_slots_combined
	iut.show_forms(alternant_multiword_spec.forms, props)
	alternant_multiword_spec.footnote_combined = alternant_multiword_spec.forms.footnote

local notes_template = [=[
<div style="width:100%;text-align:left;background:#d9ebff">
<div style="display:inline-block;text-align:left;padding-left:1em;padding-right:1em">

local pres_2sv_template = '<sup><sup>tú</sup></sup><br />{pres_2sv}<sup><sup>vos</sup></sup>'
local pres_sub_2sv_template = '<sup><sup>tú</sup></sup><br />{pres_sub_2sv}<sup><sup>vos<sup style="color:red">2</sup></sup></sup>'
local imp_2sv_template = '<sup><sup>tú</sup></sup><br />{imp_2sv}<sup><sup>vos</sup></sup>'

local basic_table = [=[
{description}<div class="NavFrame">
<div class="NavHead" align=center>&nbsp; &nbsp; Conjugation of {title} (See [[Appendix:Spanish verbs]])</div>
<div class="NavContent">
{\op}| style="background:#F9F9F9;text-align:center;width:100%"
! colspan="3" style="background:#e2e4c0" | <span title="infinitivo">infinitive</span>
| colspan="5" | {infinitive}
! colspan="3" style="background:#e2e4c0" | <span title="gerundio">gerund</span>
| colspan="5" | {gerund}
! rowspan="3" colspan="2" style="background:#e2e4c0" | <span title="participio (pasado)">past participle</span>
| colspan="2" style="background:#e2e4c0" |
! colspan="2" style="background:#e2e4c0" | <span title="masculino">masculine</span>
! colspan="2" style="background:#e2e4c0" | <span title="femenino">feminine</span>
! colspan="2" style="background:#e2e4c0" | singular
| colspan="2" | {pp_ms}
| colspan="2" | {pp_fs}
! colspan="2" style="background:#e2e4c0" | plural
| colspan="2" | {pp_mp}
| colspan="2" | {pp_fp}
! colspan="2" rowspan="2" style="background:#DEDEDE" |
! colspan="3" style="background:#DEDEDE" | singular
! colspan="3" style="background:#DEDEDE" | plural
! style="background:#DEDEDE" | 1st person
! style="background:#DEDEDE" | 2nd person
! style="background:#DEDEDE" | 3rd person
! style="background:#DEDEDE" | 1st person
! style="background:#DEDEDE" | 2nd person
! style="background:#DEDEDE" | 3rd person
! rowspan="6" style="background:#c0cfe4" | <span title="indicativo">indicative</span>
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:12.5%" |
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:12.5%" | yo
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:12.5%" | tú<br />vos
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:12.5%" | él/ella/ello<br />usted
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:12.5%" | nosotros<br />nosotras
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:12.5%" | vosotros<br />vosotras
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:12.5%" | ellos/ellas<br />ustedes
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | <span title="presente de indicativo">present</span>
| {pres_1s}
| {pres_2s}{pres_2sv_text}
| {pres_3s}
| {pres_1p}
| {pres_2p}
| {pres_3p}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | <span title="pretérito imperfecto (copréterito)">imperfect</span>
| {impf_1s}
| {impf_2s}
| {impf_3s}
| {impf_1p}
| {impf_2p}
| {impf_3p}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | <span title="pretérito perfecto simple (pretérito indefinido)">preterite</span>
| {pret_1s}
| {pret_2s}
| {pret_3s}
| {pret_1p}
| {pret_2p}
| {pret_3p}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | <span title="futuro simple (futuro imperfecto)">future</span>
| {fut_1s}
| {fut_2s}
| {fut_3s}
| {fut_1p}
| {fut_2p}
| {fut_3p}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | <span title="condicional simple (pospretérito de modo indicativo)">conditional</span>
| {cond_1s}
| {cond_2s}
| {cond_3s}
| {cond_1p}
| {cond_2p}
| {cond_3p}
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.75em" colspan="8" |
! rowspan="5" style="background:#c0e4c0" | <span title="subjuntivo">subjunctive</span>
! style="background:#ECECEC" |
! style="background:#ECECEC" | yo
! style="background:#ECECEC" | tú<br />vos
! style="background:#ECECEC" | él/ella/ello<br />usted
! style="background:#ECECEC" | nosotros<br />nosotras
! style="background:#ECECEC" | vosotros<br />vosotras
! style="background:#ECECEC" | ellos/ellas<br />ustedes
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | <span title="presente de subjuntivo">present</span>
| {pres_sub_1s}
| {pres_sub_2s}{pres_sub_2sv_text}
| {pres_sub_3s}
| {pres_sub_1p}
| {pres_sub_2p}
| {pres_sub_3p}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | <span title="pretérito imperfecto de subjuntivo">imperfect</span><br />(ra)
| {impf_sub_ra_1s}
| {impf_sub_ra_2s}
| {impf_sub_ra_3s}
| {impf_sub_ra_1p}
| {impf_sub_ra_2p}
| {impf_sub_ra_3p}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | <span title="pretérito imperfecto de subjuntivo">imperfect</span><br />(se)
| {impf_sub_se_1s}
| {impf_sub_se_2s}
| {impf_sub_se_3s}
| {impf_sub_se_1p}
| {impf_sub_se_2p}
| {impf_sub_se_3p}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | <span title="futuro simple de subjuntivo (futuro de subjuntivo)">future</span><sup style="color:red">1</sup>
| {fut_sub_1s}
| {fut_sub_2s}
| {fut_sub_3s}
| {fut_sub_1p}
| {fut_sub_2p}
| {fut_sub_3p}
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.75em" colspan="8" |
! rowspan="6" style="background:#e4d4c0" | <span title="imperativo">imperative</span>
! style="background:#ECECEC" |
! style="background:#ECECEC" | —
! style="background:#ECECEC" | tú<br />vos
! style="background:#ECECEC" | usted
! style="background:#ECECEC" | nosotros<br />nosotras
! style="background:#ECECEC" | vosotros<br />vosotras
! style="background:#ECECEC" | ustedes
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | <span title="imperativo afirmativo">affirmative</span>
| {imp_2s}{imp_2sv_text}
| {imp_3s}
| {imp_1p}
| {imp_2p}
| {imp_3p}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | <span title="imperativo negativo">negative</span>
| {neg_imp_2s}
| {neg_imp_3s}
| {neg_imp_1p}
| {neg_imp_2p}
| {neg_imp_3p}

local reflexive_non_finite_template = [=[

! rowspan="3" style="background:#e2e4c0" | personal non-finite
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:12.5%" |
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:12.5%" | yo
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:12.5%" | tú<br />vos
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:12.5%" | él/ella/ello<br />usted
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:12.5%" | nosotros<br />nosotras
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:12.5%" | vosotros<br />vosotras
! style="background:#ECECEC;width:12.5%" | ellos/ellas<br />ustedes
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | <span title="infinitivo">infinitive</span>
| {infinitive_1s}
| {infinitive_2s}
| {infinitive_3s}
| {infinitive_1p}
| {infinitive_2p}
| {infinitive_3p}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | <span title="gerundio">gerund</span>
| {gerund_1s}
| {gerund_2s}
| {gerund_3s}
| {gerund_1p}
| {gerund_2p}
| {gerund_3p}
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.75em" colspan="8" |

local combined_form_combined_tu_vos_template = [=[

! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.35em" colspan="8" |
! rowspan="3" style="background:#f2caa4" | with informal second-person singular ''tú/vos'' imperative {imp_2s}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | dative
| {imp_2s_comb_me}
| {imp_2s_comb_te}
| {imp_2s_comb_le}
| {imp_2s_comb_nos}
| ''not used''
| {imp_2s_comb_les}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | accusative
| {imp_2s_comb_me}
| {imp_2s_comb_te}
| {imp_2s_comb_lo}, {imp_2s_comb_la}
| {imp_2s_comb_nos}
| ''not used''
| {imp_2s_comb_los}, {imp_2s_comb_las}

local combined_form_separate_tu_vos_template = [=[

! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.35em" colspan="8" |
! rowspan="3" style="background:#f2caa4" | with informal second-person singular ''tú'' imperative {imp_2s}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | dative
| {imp_2s_comb_me}
| {imp_2s_comb_te}
| {imp_2s_comb_le}
| {imp_2s_comb_nos}
| ''not used''
| {imp_2s_comb_les}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | accusative
| {imp_2s_comb_me}
| {imp_2s_comb_te}
| {imp_2s_comb_lo}, {imp_2s_comb_la}
| {imp_2s_comb_nos}
| ''not used''
| {imp_2s_comb_los}, {imp_2s_comb_las}
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.35em" colspan="8" |
! rowspan="3" style="background:#f2caa4" | with informal second-person singular ''vos'' imperative {imp_2sv}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | dative
| {imp_2sv_comb_me}
| {imp_2sv_comb_te}
| {imp_2sv_comb_le}
| {imp_2sv_comb_nos}
| ''not used''
| {imp_2sv_comb_les}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | accusative
| {imp_2sv_comb_me}
| {imp_2sv_comb_te}
| {imp_2sv_comb_lo}, {imp_2sv_comb_la}
| {imp_2sv_comb_nos}
| ''not used''
| {imp_2sv_comb_los}, {imp_2sv_comb_las}

local combined_form_table = [=[
{description}<div class="NavFrame">
<div class="NavHead" align=center>&nbsp; &nbsp; Selected combined forms of {title}</div>
<div class="NavContent">
These forms are generated automatically and may not actually be used. Pronoun usage varies by region.
{\op}| class="inflection-table" style="background:#F9F9F9;text-align:center;width:100%"
! colspan="2" rowspan="2" style="background:#DEDEDE" |
! colspan="3" style="background:#DEDEDE" | singular
! colspan="3" style="background:#DEDEDE" | plural
! style="background:#DEDEDE" | 1st person
! style="background:#DEDEDE" | 2nd person
! style="background:#DEDEDE" | 3rd person
! style="background:#DEDEDE" | 1st person
! style="background:#DEDEDE" | 2nd person
! style="background:#DEDEDE" | 3rd person
! rowspan="3" style="background:#c0cfe4" | with infinitive {infinitive}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | dative
| {infinitive_comb_me}
| {infinitive_comb_te}
| {infinitive_comb_le}, {infinitive_comb_se}
| {infinitive_comb_nos}
| {infinitive_comb_os}
| {infinitive_comb_les}, {infinitive_comb_se}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | accusative
| {infinitive_comb_me}
| {infinitive_comb_te}
| {infinitive_comb_lo}, {infinitive_comb_la}, {infinitive_comb_se}
| {infinitive_comb_nos}
| {infinitive_comb_os}
| {infinitive_comb_los}, {infinitive_comb_las}, {infinitive_comb_se}
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.35em" colspan="8" |
! rowspan="3" style="background:#d0cfa4" | with gerund {gerund}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | dative
| {gerund_comb_me}
| {gerund_comb_te}
| {gerund_comb_le}, {gerund_comb_se}
| {gerund_comb_nos}
| {gerund_comb_os}
| {gerund_comb_les}, {gerund_comb_se}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | accusative
| {gerund_comb_me}
| {gerund_comb_te}
| {gerund_comb_lo}, {gerund_comb_la}, {gerund_comb_se}
| {gerund_comb_nos}
| {gerund_comb_os}
| {gerund_comb_los}, {gerund_comb_las}, {gerund_comb_se}
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.35em" colspan="8" |
! rowspan="3" style="background:#f2caa4" | with formal second-person singular imperative {imp_3s}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | dative
| {imp_3s_comb_me}
| ''not used''
| {imp_3s_comb_le}, {imp_3s_comb_se}
| {imp_3s_comb_nos}
| ''not used''
| {imp_3s_comb_les}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | accusative
| {imp_3s_comb_me}
| ''not used''
| {imp_3s_comb_lo}, {imp_3s_comb_la}, {imp_3s_comb_se}
| {imp_3s_comb_nos}
| ''not used''
| {imp_3s_comb_los}, {imp_3s_comb_las}
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.35em" colspan="8" |
! rowspan="3" style="background:#f2caa4" | with first-person plural imperative {imp_1p}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | dative
| ''not used''
| {imp_1p_comb_te}
| {imp_1p_comb_le}
| {imp_1p_comb_nos}
| {imp_1p_comb_os}
| {imp_1p_comb_les}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | accusative
| ''not used''
| {imp_1p_comb_te}
| {imp_1p_comb_lo}, {imp_1p_comb_la}
| {imp_1p_comb_nos}
| {imp_1p_comb_os}
| {imp_1p_comb_los}, {imp_1p_comb_las}
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.35em" colspan="8" |
! rowspan="3" style="background:#f2caa4" | with informal second-person plural imperative {imp_2p}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | dative
| {imp_2p_comb_me}
| ''not used''
| {imp_2p_comb_le}
| {imp_2p_comb_nos}
| {imp_2p_comb_os}
| {imp_2p_comb_les}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | accusative
| {imp_2p_comb_me}
| ''not used''
| {imp_2p_comb_lo}, {imp_2p_comb_la}
| {imp_2p_comb_nos}
| {imp_2p_comb_os}
| {imp_2p_comb_los}, {imp_2p_comb_las}
! style="background:#DEDEDE;height:.35em" colspan="8" |
! rowspan="3" style="background:#f2caa4" | with formal second-person plural imperative {imp_3p}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | dative
| {imp_3p_comb_me}
| ''not used''
| {imp_3p_comb_le}
| {imp_3p_comb_nos}
| ''not used''
| {imp_3p_comb_les}, {imp_3p_comb_se}
! style="height:3em;background:#ECECEC" | accusative
| {imp_3p_comb_me}
| ''not used''
| {imp_3p_comb_lo}, {imp_3p_comb_la}
| {imp_3p_comb_nos}
| ''not used''
| {imp_3p_comb_los}, {imp_3p_comb_las}, {imp_3p_comb_se}

local function make_table(alternant_multiword_spec)
	local forms = alternant_multiword_spec.forms

	forms.title = link_term(alternant_multiword_spec.lemmas[1].form)
	if alternant_multiword_spec.annotation ~= "" then
		forms.title = forms.title .. " (" .. alternant_multiword_spec.annotation .. ")"
	forms.description = ""

	-- Format the basic table.
	forms.footnote = alternant_multiword_spec.footnote_basic
	forms.reflexive_non_finite_clause = alternant_multiword_spec.refl and m_string_utilities.format(reflexive_non_finite_template, forms) or ""
	forms.notes_clause = forms.footnote ~= "" and m_string_utilities.format(notes_template, forms) or ""
	-- The separate_* values are computed in show_forms().
	forms.pres_2sv_text = alternant_multiword_spec.separate_pres_2sv and m_string_utilities.format(pres_2sv_template, forms) or ""
	forms.pres_sub_2sv_text = alternant_multiword_spec.separate_pres_sub_2sv and m_string_utilities.format(pres_sub_2sv_template, forms) or ""
	forms.imp_2sv_text = alternant_multiword_spec.separate_imp_2sv and m_string_utilities.format(imp_2sv_template, forms) or ""
	local formatted_basic_table = m_string_utilities.format(basic_table, forms)

	-- Format the combined table.
	local formatted_combined_table
	if alternant_multiword_spec.refl or alternant_multiword_spec.args.nocomb or alternant_multiword_spec.clitic then
		formatted_combined_table = ""
		forms.footnote = alternant_multiword_spec.footnote_combined
		forms.notes_clause = forms.footnote ~= "" and m_string_utilities.format(notes_template, forms) or ""
		-- separate_imp_2sv is computed in show_forms().
		local tu_vos_template = alternant_multiword_spec.separate_imp_2sv and combined_form_separate_tu_vos_template or
		forms.tu_vos_clause = m_string_utilities.format(tu_vos_template, forms)
		formatted_combined_table = m_string_utilities.format(combined_form_table, forms)

	-- Paste them together.
	return formatted_basic_table .. formatted_combined_table

-- Externally callable function to parse and conjugate a verb given user-specified arguments.
-- Return value is WORD_SPEC, an object where the conjugated forms are in `WORD_SPEC.forms`
-- for each slot. If there are no values for a slot, the slot key will be missing. The value
-- for a given slot is a list of objects {form=FORM, footnotes=FOOTNOTES}.
function export.do_generate_forms(args, source_template, headword_head, double_combined_forms_to_include)
	local PAGENAME = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
	local function in_template_space()
		return mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Template"

	-- Determine the verb spec we're being asked to generate the conjugation of. This may be taken from the
	-- current page title or the value of |pagename=; but not when called from {{es-verb form of}}, where the
	-- page title is a non-lemma form. Note that the verb spec may omit the infinitive; e.g. it may be "<ue>".
	-- For this reason, we use the value of `pagename` computed here down below, when calling normalize_all_lemmas().
	local pagename = source_template ~= "es-verb form of" and args.pagename or PAGENAME
	local head = headword_head or pagename
	local arg1 = args[1]

	if not arg1 then
		if (pagename == "es-conj" or pagename == "es-verb") and in_template_space() then
			arg1 = "licuar<+,ú>"
		elseif pagename == "es-verb form of" and in_template_space() then
			arg1 = "amar"
			arg1 = "<>"

	-- When called from {{es-verb form of}}, determine the non-lemma form whose inflections we're being asked to
	-- determine. This normally comes from the page title or the value of |pagename=.
	local verb_form_of_form
	if source_template == "es-verb form of" then
		verb_form_of_form = args.pagename
		if not verb_form_of_form then
			if PAGENAME == "es-verb form of" and in_template_space() then
				verb_form_of_form = "ame"
				verb_form_of_form = PAGENAME

	local incorporated_headword_head_into_lemma = false
	if arg1:find("^<.*>$") then -- missing lemma
		if head:find(" ") then
			-- If multiword lemma, try to add arg spec after the first word.
			-- Try to preserve the brackets in the part after the verb, but don't do it
			-- if there aren't the same number of left and right brackets in the verb
			-- (which means the verb was linked as part of a larger expression).
			local refl_clitic_verb, post = rmatch(head, "^(.-)( .*)$")
			local left_brackets = rsub(refl_clitic_verb, "[^%[]", "")
			local right_brackets = rsub(refl_clitic_verb, "[^%]]", "")
			if #left_brackets == #right_brackets then
				arg1 = iut.remove_redundant_links(refl_clitic_verb) .. arg1 .. post
				incorporated_headword_head_into_lemma = true
				-- Try again using the form without links.
				local linkless_head = m_links.remove_links(head)
				if linkless_head:find(" ") then
					refl_clitic_verb, post = rmatch(linkless_head, "^(.-)( .*)$")
					arg1 = refl_clitic_verb .. arg1 .. post
					error("Unable to incorporate <...> spec into explicit head due to a multiword linked verb or " ..
						"unbalanced brackets; please include <> explicitly: " .. arg1)
			-- Will be incorporated through `head` below in the call to normalize_all_lemmas().
			incorporated_headword_head_into_lemma = true

	local parse_props = {
		parse_indicator_spec = parse_indicator_spec,
		allow_default_indicator = true,
		allow_blank_lemma = true,
	local alternant_multiword_spec = iut.parse_inflected_text(arg1, parse_props)
	alternant_multiword_spec.pos = pos or "verbs"
	alternant_multiword_spec.args = args
	alternant_multiword_spec.source_template = source_template
	alternant_multiword_spec.verb_form_of_form = verb_form_of_form
	alternant_multiword_spec.incorporated_headword_head_into_lemma = incorporated_headword_head_into_lemma

	-- Now determine if we need to generate any double-combined forms, and if so, which clitics are involved.
	-- See the comment above the initialization of `verb_slot_double_combined_rows` above in add_slots().
	if verb_form_of_form and rfind(verb_form_of_form, AV) then
		-- All double-clitic forms have an explicit accent, so we check for this. In addition, all double-clitic forms
		-- are of the form "(me|te|se|nos|os)(lo|la|le)s$". We have no alternations in Lua patterns, but we can exploit
		-- the similarity of the clitics in question.
		local single_comb_form, object_clitic = rmatch(verb_form_of_form, "^(.*)(l[aeo]s?)$")
		if single_comb_form then
			local personal_clitic = rmatch(single_comb_form, "^.*([mts]e)$")
			if not personal_clitic then
				personal_clitic = rmatch(single_comb_form, "^.-(n?os)$")
			if personal_clitic then
				if personal_clitic == "nos" then
					-- "os" is a substring of "nos"; conceivably we could have a form ending in -n + os, and we don't
					-- know whether to interpret as -n + os or - + nos.
					alternant_multiword_spec.double_combined_forms_to_include =
						{{"nos", object_clitic}, {"os", object_clitic}}
					alternant_multiword_spec.double_combined_forms_to_include = {{personal_clitic, object_clitic}}

	normalize_all_lemmas(alternant_multiword_spec, pagename)
	local inflect_props = {
		slot_list = alternant_multiword_spec.all_verb_slots,
		inflect_word_spec = conjugate_verb,
		-- We add links around the generated verbal forms rather than allow the entire multiword
		-- expression to be a link, so ensure that user-specified links get included as well.
		include_user_specified_links = true,
	iut.inflect_multiword_or_alternant_multiword_spec(alternant_multiword_spec, inflect_props)

	-- Remove redundant brackets around entire forms.
	for slot, forms in pairs(alternant_multiword_spec.forms) do
		for _, form in ipairs(forms) do
			form.form = com.strip_redundant_links(form.form)

	if args.json and not from_headword and not from_verb_form_of then
		-- There is a circular reference in `base.alternant_multiword_spec`, which points back to top level.
		iut.map_word_specs(alternant_multiword_spec, function(base)
			base.alternant_multiword_spec = nil
		return require("Module:JSON").toJSON(alternant_multiword_spec)
	return alternant_multiword_spec

-- Entry point for {{es-conj}}. Template-callable function to parse and conjugate a verb given
-- user-specified arguments and generate a displayable table of the conjugated forms.
	local parent_args = frame:getParent().args
	local params = {
		[1] = {},
		["nocomb"] = {type = "boolean"},
		["noautolinktext"] = {type = "boolean"},
		["noautolinkverb"] = {type = "boolean"},
		["pagename"] = {}, -- for testing/documentation pages
		["json"] = {type = "boolean"}, -- for bot use
	local args = require("Module:parameters").process(parent_args, params)
	local alternant_multiword_spec = export.do_generate_forms(args, "es-conj")
    if type(alternant_multiword_spec) == "string" then
		-- JSON return value
		return alternant_multiword_spec
	return make_table(alternant_multiword_spec) ..
		require("Module:utilities").format_categories(alternant_multiword_spec.categories, lang, nil, nil, force_cat)

return export