
This module will generate entry names for Mariupol Greek language text. The module should preferably not be called directly from templates or other modules. To use it from a template, use {{entryname}}. Within a module, use Module:languages#Language:makeEntryName.

For testcases, see Module:grk-mar-entryname/testcases.


makeEntryName(text, lang, sc)
Generates an entry name for a given piece of text written in the script specified by the code sc, and language specified by the code lang.
When entry name generation fails, returns nil.

local export = {}
local u = mw.ustring.char

local remove_diacritics = u(0x030C) .. u(0x0324) .. u(0x032E) -- caron, diaeresis below, breve below

function export.makeEntryName(text, lang, sc)
	text = mw.ustring.toNFD(text) -- decompose
	if sc == "Cyrl" then -- if script is Cyrillic, remove acute accents
		text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "[" .. u(0x0301) .. "]", "")
	return mw.ustring.toNFC(mw.ustring.gsub(text, "[" .. remove_diacritics .. "]", "")) -- remove appropriate diacritics, then recompose again

return export