- Rhymes in Wiktionary are organized using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). See Wiktionary:IPA pronunciation key for examples demonstrating the sound that each IPA symbol makes. See Help:IPA for Russian on Wikipedia for examples of how the IPA can be used to represent the sounds of Russian.
- To find rhymes for a word:
- determine which vowel is stressed in the word,
- find the sound in the table below, which gives examples of words containing each of the vowel sounds of Russian,
- and follow the appropriate link.
а, я
мама, лава, чары
литр, магазин, один
о, ё
/o/, /ɵ/
дом, норма, корона
у, ю
зуб, минута, тут
е, э
/e/, /ɛ/
нет, вена, лес
стыд, шишка, конституция