



Coined by Donald Trump in September 19, 2017 for a United Nations speech, in reference to Kim's launch of military rockets.[1]

Proper noun



  1. (slang, humorous, derogatory, neologism) North Korean politician Kim Jong-un.
    • 2017, Donald Trump, UN speech:
      Rocketman is on a suicide mission for himself and his regime.
    • 2018 August 7, Dr Jeffrey Lewis, The 2020 Commission Report on the North Korean Nuclear Attacks Against The United States[1], Random House, →ISBN, →OCLC:
      Little Rocketman has totally misrepresented denuke plan we offered. Deals can't get made when there is no trust! Fat kid blew it and will be sorry. Sad!
      Rocketman's sister IS NOT North Korea's IVANKA. Ivanka is 6 feet tall. She's got the best body. Rocketman's sister is flat as a board!
    • 2019 October 2, Rick Sabian, “THE WHISTLE BLOWER IS”, in alt.checkmate[2] (Usenet):
      It wouldn't surprise me. I thought Trump was using Bolton as the "bad cop" in
      North Korea, and would use him to annoy Rocketman, then fire him and be the
      "good cop".
    • 2019 October 23, RANCE DEWITT, AMAZON COVENANT 2020 TRUMP and BOLSONARO[3], Lulu.com, →ISBN, →OCLC:
      Today in North Korea we see the lasting Karma of those events where the Japanese mutilated millions for the sheer lust of it. And North Korea's Rocketman wins the fearful adoration of his peoples in consequence.

