

Alternative forms




Sanders +‎ -ista. Blend of Sanders +‎ Sandinista. Coined in reference to the Sandinistas.



Sanderista (plural Sanderistas)

  1. (US politics, colloquial) A supporter of Bernie Sanders or his political philosophy.
    Synonyms: Berner, Bernista
    Hyponyms: Bernie bro, Berniecrat
    • 1983, WIN: Peace and Freedom Through Non-violent Action, volume 19, Workshop in Nonviolence Institute, page 38:
      7/83 Space Wars; Micronesia vs. nukes; Green Party & Sanderistas; also Spring Books Pt. 2
    • 1986, Places, volume 3, page 38:
      A special approach of the Sanderista coalition has been to mobilize this complex of popular groups into an independent political force.
    • 2012, Joan Roelofs, Foundations and Public Policy: The Mask of Pluralism, page 152:
      In other cases, groups fostered the creation of current organizations and movements, for example, PACT (tenants' rights) in Burlington, Vermont, laid the groundwork for the Sanderistas.
    • 2015, Harry Jaffe, Why Bernie Sanders Matters[1]:
      Call it what you will—a Sanderista cult, a brand, a following—Vermonters responded to Sanders.
    • 2015, Janet Biehl, Ecology or Catastrophe: The Life of Murray Bookchin[2], page 223:
      During the war that continued for the rest of the 1980s, Burlington's Progressives identified strongly with the FSLN, to the point of earning for themselves the nickname "Sanderistas."

See also


