
Latest comment: 11 years ago by Ivan Štambuk

Until someone gives some source other than

showing this word has use in Serbia also, this word shoubl be marked as Croatian.

Zabadu (talk)

What about: many geographic terms in which čuka appears meaning hilltop? --biblbroksдискашн 18:25, 6 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
I don't see any evidence that this is used in Croatian. Skok's dictionary shows that it's use is limited to Kosmet. Don't mark something Croatian simply because it's not used in your neighborhood and is unknown to you. --Dijan (talk) 07:44, 7 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

This a link to Croatian online dictioanary : There is no Kosovan language so I will undo your change.

Zabadu (talk)

There doesn't have to be a Kosovan language for a term in Serbo-Croatian to be labeled as a regional term used within Kosovo. Please stop insulting other contributors and most importantly, stop with your nationalistic comments and discrimination. You've done some great work on Proto-Slavic etymological work, but other than that, you're being quite disruptive and insulting. If it continues you will be blocked. --Dijan (talk) 08:26, 7 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

Reč je hrvatska što i pokazuje hrvtaski link koji sam dao.Ukoliko ne nađeš neki prikladan srpski izvor kao što je ovaj, pokazujući da se ova reč koristi u srpskom ,ova reč će biti obeležena kao hrvatska.Kakav bezobrazluk blokirati nekog koje toliko unosa dodao i popravio,samo zato što želi da ispravi nekoliko laži i izmišljotina koje su pojedini napravili.

Zabadu (talk)

Kao što i ovaj pokazuje da je srpska riječ? Here's a Serbian source (although it claims unclear etymology): Велики речник страних речи и израза --Dijan (talk) 08:44, 7 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

E hvala ti puno ovim si mi mnogo pomogao.Izgleda da reč postoji ali da je poreklo koje ste stavili lažno.Ups!

Zabadu (talk)

I am very concerned because some users are putting unverifies etymologies or completely nonexistent terms.One user even deleted my verification request Dijan even though it says not remove them.Also there is no reason to threaten me or some other constructive users with blocking just because I am fixing their mistakes or because they don't agree with me.

Zabadu (talk)

You have every right to request verification. However, you do not have the right to change things simply to fit your understanding or how you see things. Very concerning are your comments on ska probljem. They are insulting, racist, and ultra-nationalistic. That is not appropriate behavior on Wiktionary. And like I said, you have been warned about that. It is of very minute importance (if any) that the word (or any word in Serbo-Croatian) is used or not specifically where you reside. The point is that the word exists (as documented) somewhere and is used by speakers of Serbo-Croatian somewhere. I don't think the problem is others not agreeing with you. It's more of you not agreeing with them. You request that everyone needs to show YOU proof otherwise something is wrong. That's not true. No one needs to do anything FOR you. If you'd like proof, by all means look for it, or request nicely from someone to show you proof without changing their edits (unless you have valid sources against what it already says). --Dijan (talk) 09:21, 7 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

I am particularly worried because some users like Dijan are known for their anti-Serb bias and for that reason they are inflitrating Serbo-Croatian with words with alleged Albanian origin.Izgleda da tvrdnja da čuka dolazi iz albanskog nije sigurna.Ja sam to izbrisao zato što držim do istine i tačnosti.Ostavi kako je sad,ne diraj! Zabadu (talk)

Excuse me? Seriously dude, now you're personally insulting me? I didn't make the claim that it is of Albanian origin nor that it is not. I'm simply pointing out that your behavior is disruptive and if you continue with your insulting comments, you will be blocked. As for alleged, you might also want to read Историја српског народа... p 130. --Dijan (talk) 09:38, 7 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

Obratiću se nekome zbog tvojih pretnji.Ja tebi nisam dud a niti sam ti tražio knjige o srpskoj istoriji.

Zabadu (talk)

The book that I mentioned talks about čuka. Slobodno se obrati. Izvoli. --Dijan (talk) 09:53, 7 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

Nije mi jasno samo zašto izmišljaš da te lično vređam kad ti ništa uvredljivo nisam rekao.

Zabadu (talk)

I am particularly worried because some users like Dijan are known for their anti-Serb bias - Please tell me when have I said anything about the Serbs?? I have nothing against the Serbs nor anyone for that matter. --Dijan (talk) 10:20, 7 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

Nemoj da se zavaravaš pa misliš da ćeš me se lako otarasiti ili sprečiti me da ispravaljam tuđe pogotovo tvoje greške.To što sam napisao je istina.Ti i još par osoba ste pristrasni i zbog toga dodaješ izmišljene albanske reči,pravdajući se Guglom a sam si rekao da se Guglu ne može verovati kad sam ja pravio unos grabulje i kada nisi dupostio da se srpska verzija reči napravi već samo hrvtaska-grablje.Mislim možeš da pišeš šta god poželiš ili da me blokiraš u krajnjem slučaju,nije vikirečnik sveta knjiga niti pravi srpsko-hrvatski rečnik.Šteta samo što se tvoje kreacije ne poklapaju sa istinom. Zabadu (talk)

You are not answering my question. --Dijan (talk) 22:05, 7 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

Oh yes,I answered your question very well.Or do I have to rewrite text above in English? Zabadu (talk)

I thought I could make an input here cause I feel like I added to some of user Zabadu's recent enmity. If that is the case, and it probably is, I most sincerely apologize. In my defense all I can say is that I fell as a victim of experiencing too much jingoism regarding the issue of Serbo-Croatian language. Not just here but some other wikis also. And not just there. Anyway, of that jingoism is what some of user Zabadu's previous comments regarding Serbian "language" reminded me of. I am sorry I haven't reacted earlier. Maybe this wouldn't come so far to be called a situation. Anyway I'll try and amend it by helping user Zabadu in sharing my point of view in this - let me call it - "so-called situation". This is my PoV and I hope it does help: Zabadu had made a personal attack in his comment by mentioning user Dijan's alleged anti-Serb bias. Not only that nowhere in Dijan's discourse on this page is this bias to be seen and that Dijan hasn't displayed such a stance anywhere as far as I've been on this wikt, but this sort of behavior is hardly ever to be seen in here. From anyone. Probably because it is heavily sanctioned. And that is why this personal attack is a even graver insult... I'd say to the community as a whole. For this comment is what user Zabadu is expected to make an explanation for. I hope he does because I'd hate losing him as a contributor in here. Svako dobro ti želim, kolega. A Dijanu takođe, plus još trunku strpljenja pored ogromne količine koju već ima. --biblbroksдискашн 11:48, 8 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

Well you started the problem when creating "term" ska probljem,fake and false.I have serious doubts that anti-Serb bias is behind it.Reason why you created it is unexplained.You obviously have problem realising that Serbian is not spoken by Serbians(citizens of Serbia) but by Serbs.And Serbs don't say such thigs as ska probljem.Then you started finding Google hits even though Dijan himself told me that I can't trust Google nor Wikipedia(!).So now I have to trust you that you once were in Belgrade and that once you talked to some Serb from Peć or whatever, and that once you heard such saying.Riiight. Then threatening me with blocking, calling me ugly names like racist and stuff.Very bad behavior.

Zabadu (talk)

Ok, we've finally gotten a little further. For me this comment of yours is an acknowledgment that someone creating some entry was an initial cap (kapisla#Serbo-Croatian) for you to explode: "Well you started the problem when creating "term" ska probljem,fake and false.I have serious doubts that anti-Serb bias is behind it.Reason why you created it is unexplained.You obviously have problem realising that Serbian is not spoken by Serbians(citizens of Serbia) but by Serbs." This is like me saying someone creating an entry for let's say "horugva" is starting a problem because I've never heard of such a term and the reason why someone created it is beyond me, therefore he/she must have a problem with realizing that Croatian is not spoken by Croatians (citizens of Croatia - Hrvaćani) but by Croats and that he/she are surely Serb haters. Also, you don't have to trust me anything. It is you whose behavior has been put in question, not me. --biblbroksдискашн 13:35, 8 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

Horugva is a real word that can be found in dictioanaries.Ska probljem is just some slang expression you can't prove,you can't really base your entries becuase you heard it somewhere or from someone or because you found it on Google. And why don't you answer me this: when I tried to make grabulje he Dijan ,said that I can't trust Google or Wikipedia.Ska problem wan't deleted for one reason : you found Google hits!Why do you make false entries?Do you really think that people in Serbia say "e brate ska probljem"??Where do you live?Have you ever been here?Do you or do you not know that we do not know Albanians ,we don't speak Albanian and we don't want to?Your entries like this are very offensive.Why do you want to spread lies?I know this is not real dictioanry or encyclopedia but still you shouldn't post something like this. Why did you make a false čuka meaning.Čuka is not some kind of hill or whatever it means clock or heart(from čukati) Some hills are named like that but today čuka does not have other meaning other than heart or clock.I am very glad you added the other meaning and removed alleged albanian origin of the word.

Zabadu (talk)

Look what's happening with the word frend.Complete anti-Serb bias and total Croato-centrism.

Zabadu (talk)

Besides here you perpetuate your behavior on Talk:frend and you seem not to realize there is a big problem with it. It is obnoxious and frankly I am baffled how come you haven't been blocked yet since you haven't changed it contrary to the warnings issued. If you don't like the milieu here, I am sure you can find many other places that suit your taste better. You said it yourself that you knew this weren't a real dictionary so why bother? However if you decide to stay you have to seriously reexamine your stances and the rhetoric accordingly. Be at peace, --biblbroksдискашн 16:36, 8 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

I mean again,threatening with blocking?Really you would block such a constructive user as myself?I wrote a long text above,and your answering with threats and critics?Please answer my previous questions.Hvala

Zabadu (talk)

You failed to respond to the previous question directed to you by Dijan regarding your comment: "I am particularly worried because some users like Dijan are known for their anti-Serb bias" and it is essential to consider this. Any further discourse made by you in a similar manner will result in an administrator intervention. --biblbroksдискашн 17:10, 8 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

I asked you to answer my question,please.Hvala You continue to offend me and provoke me.I wrote two long texts above. Zabadu (talk) Well you started the problem when creating "term" ska probljem,fake and false.I have serious doubts that anti-Serb bias is behind it.Reason why you created it is unexplained.You obviously have problem realising that Serbian is not spoken by Serbians(citizens of Serbia) but by Serbs.And Serbs don't say such thigs as ska probljem.Then you started finding Google hits even though Dijan himself told me that I can't trust Google nor Wikipedia(!).So now I have to trust you that you once were in Belgrade and that once you talked to some Serb from Peć or whatever, and that once you heard such saying.Riiight. Then threatening me with blocking, calling me ugly names like racist and stuff.Very bad behavior. Horugva is a real word that can be found in dictioanaries.Ska probljem is just some slang expression you can't prove,you can't really base your entries becuase you heard it somewhere or from someone or because you found it on Google. And why don't you answer me this: when I tried to make grabulje he Dijan ,said that I can't trust Google or Wikipedia.Ska problem wan't deleted for one reason : you found Google hits!Why do you make false entries?Do you really think that people in Serbia say "e brate ska probljem"??Where do you live?Have you ever been here?Do you or do you not know that we do not know Albanians ,we don't speak Albanian and we don't want to?Your entries like this are very offensive.Why do you want to spread lies?I know this is not real dictioanry or encyclopedia but still you shouldn't post something like this. Why did you make a false čuka meaning.Čuka is not some kind of hill or whatever it means clock or heart(from čukati) Some hills are named like that but today čuka does not have other meaning other than heart or clock.I am very glad you added the other meaning and removed alleged albanian origin of the word. — This unsigned comment was added by Zabadu (talkcontribs) at 17:23, 8 January 2013.

So much time wasted discussing with this moron, it's beyond belief. --Ivan Štambuk (talk) 20:45, 7 August 2013 (UTC)Reply

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