
Latest comment: 16 years ago by Robert Ullmann

Stuff from entry, was commented out:



From ὥρa (hṓra)

ὣρα: σημαίνει τήν μορφήν καί τό κάλλος - ἐξ ἧς ὡραῖος. σημαίνει καί τήν φροντίδα καί τό τέταρτον τοῦ ἐνιαυτοῦ, καί τό δωδέκατον τῆς ἡμέρας. Γίνεται παρά τό ὡρῶ, τό φυλάττω, ἢ παρά τό ὁρίζω, ὅρα καί ὥρα. Ώρα ἡ τροπή, παρά τό ὡρεῖν, ἡ φυλάττουσα συντεταγμένως τόν ἲδιον καιρόν. Καί Ώραι, αἱ πυλωροί τοῦ οὐρανοῦ θεαί. παρά τό ὡρεῖν καί φυλάττειν.
hour: it means the shape and the beauty, and from that we have good looking and beautiful. It also means care, the fourth of the year, and the twelfth of the day. It is produced (derived) from ὡρῶ (hōrô), I guard, or from ὁρίζω (horízō) (hori'izo, define - cf. horizon), ὅρα and ὥρα (hour). Ώρα is the season, from "horein", the one that guards (keeps) in place (coordinates) the same weather (time); and Ώραι (plur. Ho'rae) are the goddesses of the pillars of the sky; from guarding and keeping.

Derived terms

  • Ώραι - female guards of the four seasons.

- good looking, beautiful.

  • Ώρος - the year; from the "hours" (seasons) it contains.
  • Ώρος - Horus, the Egyptian god.

stuff like this in comments messes up automation ... Robert Ullmann 06:15, 17 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

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