
Latest comment: 9 months ago by Mårtensås in topic Etymology



There are no formal issues with connecting the present word to Old English hrōr (stout, nimble), assuming a common Proto-Germanic ancestor *hrōzaz. ‘stout’ would also be a fitting name for an Earl. Still, I would not use stronger language than "possibly related", for the following reasons:

  1. The etymology of Old English hrōr is uncertain; it could also derive from Proto-Germanic *hrōraz.
  2. Since Proto-Norse hrōʀaʀ has no reflex in Old Norse, and since it is only attested on the quoted By runestone, where it is clearly a proper name, its sense cannot be known for certain.

ᛙᛆᚱᛐᛁᚿᛌᛆᛌProto-NorsingAsk me anything 20:42, 29 April 2024 (UTC)Reply