
Latest comment: 2 years ago by Cnilep in topic Where?



According to Nihon Hougen Daijiten, えー is the local form of いい (ii) in Aomori Prefecture, but the dictionary does not give conjugation.

I know that えー is used in parts of Okayama and Hiroshima prefectures, but I'm 99% sure that the past tense there is えかった. The term えー女房(にょーぼー) (ē nyōbō) is a (dated?) synonym of 美人(びじん) (bijin) in that area, and also in Kyoto, I think, so Kyoto or Kansai might be another place to look.

But I don't know of anywhere that えがった is the past tense of えー. Cnilep (talk) 03:31, 17 February 2022 (UTC)Reply

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