"aż" in Polish used as intensifier for numbers


In Polish, it is also common to use "aż" to intensify a number and some other contexts, for example: "On zjadł aż sześć naleśników!" : "He ate (an entire) six pancakes!" (as apposed to less than six) "Po co ty aż do tąd przyjechałeś?" : "Why did you drive all the way here?" (as apposed to somewhere closer by to where he started) "Tak było straszne - aż się trzęsłem." : "It was so scary - I was even shaking." (as opposed to something that scares me but doesn't make me shake)

It would be nice if this could be added as a meaning to "aż" but I don't know how to do that properly. 00:04, 26 March 2020 (UTC)Reply

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