Template:RQ:Lyly Euphues/documentation

Documentation for Template:RQ:Lyly Euphues. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.



This template may be used in Wiktionary entries to format quotations from John Lyly's works Euphues. The Anatomy of Wyt. (1st edition, 1578) and Euphues and His England (1st edition, 1580; and an 1868 version of both works). It can be used to create a link to online versions of the works at the Internet Archive:



The template takes the following parameters:

1st editions (1578–1580)
  • |part=mandatory: if quoting from Euphues. The Anatomy of Wyt. specify |part=1, and if quoting from Euphues and His England specify |part=2.
  • |1= or |chapter= – the name of the chapter quoted from. If quoting from one of the chapters indicated in the second column of the following table, give the parameter the value indicated in the first column:
Parameter value Result
Euphues, The Anatomy of Wyt.
Epistle Dedicatory To the Right Honorable My Very Good Lord and Master Sir William West Knight, Lord Delaware: Iohn Lyly Wisheth Long Lyfe with Encrease of Honour
To the Gentlemen Readers To the Gentlemen Readers
Euphues and His England
Epistle Dedicatorie To the Right Honourable My Verie Good Lorde and Maister, Edwarde de Vere, Earle of Oxenforde, Viscount Bulbecke, Lorde of Escales and Badlesmere, and Lorde Great Chamberlaine of England, Iohn Lyly Wisheth Long Lyfe, with Encrease of Honour
To the Gentlemen Readers 2 To the Gentlemen Readers
To the Ladies To the Ladies and Gentlewomen of England, Iohn Lyly Wisheth what They would
As the above chapters are unfoliated, use |2= or |page= to specify the "page number" assigned by the Internet Archive to the URL of the webpage to be linked to. For example, if the URL is https://archive.org/details/bim_early-english-books-1475-1640_euphues-the-anatomy-of/page/n2/mode/1up, specify |page=2.
  • |2= or |folio=, and |verso=mandatory in some cases: the work is numbered by folios rather than page numbers. The folio number is indicated on the top right corner of each recto (right-hand) page. Use |2= or |folio= to indicate the folio number, and if quoting from a verso (left-hand) page specify |verso=1 or |verso=yes; if |verso= is omitted, the template indicates that a recto (right-hand) page is quoted. If quoting a range of folios, for example, "folios 10, verso – 11, recto", note the following:
    • Use |folio= and |verso= to specify the folio at the start of the range, and |folioend= and |versoend= (if required) to specify the folio at the end of the range.
    • In addition, use |folioref= and |versoref= to indicate the page to be linked to (usually the page on which the Wiktionary entry appears). (If quoting a recto page, omit |versoend= and |versoref=.)
These parameters must be specified to have the template link to the online version of the work.

In part 1, folio 46 is misprinted as 39, and folio 48 as 41; specify them as |folio=46 and |folio=48.

1868 version
  • |year= – if quoting from the 1868 version, specify |year=1868. If this parameter is omitted, the template defaults to the 1st edition (1578–1580).
  • |1= or |chapter= – the name of the chapter quoted from. If quoting from one of the chapters indicated in the second column of the following table, give the parameter the value indicated in the first column:
Parameter value Result
Bibliography Bibliography
Chronicle Chronicle of Some of the Principal Events in the Life, Works, and Times of John Lyly, M.A., Author, Wit, Poet, Dramatist
Introduction Euphues. Introduction.
  • |2= or |page=, or |pages=mandatory: the page number(s) quoted from. If quoting a range of pages, note the following:
    • Separate the first and last page number of the range with an en dash, like this: |pages=10–11.
    • You must also use |pageref= to indicate the page to be linked to (usually the page on which the Wiktionary entry appears).
This parameter must be specified to have the template determine the part of the work quoted from, and to link to the online version of the work.
Both versions
  • |3=, |text=, or |passage= – the passage to be quoted.
  • |footer= – a comment about the passage quoted
  • |brackets= – use |brackets=on to surround a quotation with brackets. This indicates that the quotation either contains a mere mention of a term (for example, "some people find the word manoeuvre hard to spell") rather than an actual use of it (for example, "we need to manoeuvre carefully to avoid causing upset"), or does not provide an actual instance of a term but provides information about related terms.


1st edition (1578–1580)
  • Wikitext:
    • {{RQ:Lyly Euphues|part=1|chapter=Euphues and Atheos|folio=68|verso=1|passage=''{{w|Cleanthes}}'' alleadged foure cauſes, which might induce man to acknowledge a God, {{...}} the thirde by the terror that the minde of man is ſtroken into, by {{...}} the '''prodigious''' ſhapes and vnnaturall formes of men, of beaſtes, of birdes, of fiſhes, of all creatures, {{...}}}}
    • {{RQ:Lyly Euphues|part=1|Euphues and Atheos|68|verso=1|''{{w|Cleanthes}}'' alleadged foure cauſes, which might induce man to acknowledge a God, {{...}} the thirde by the terror that the minde of man is ſtroken into, by {{...}} the '''prodigious''' ſhapes and vnnaturall formes of men, of beaſtes, of birdes, of fiſhes, of all creatures, {{...}}}}
  • Result:
    • [1578], Iohn Lylly [i.e., John Lyly], “Euphues and Atheos”, in Euphues. The Anatomy of Wyt. [], London: [] [Thomas East] for Gabriell Cawood, [], →OCLC, folio 68, verso:
      Cleanthes alleadged foure cauſes, which might induce man to acknowledge a God, [] the thirde by the terror that the minde of man is ſtroken into, by [] the prodigious ſhapes and vnnaturall formes of men, of beaſtes, of birdes, of fiſhes, of all creatures, []
1868 version
  • Wikitext:
    • {{RQ:Lyly Euphues|year=1868|chapter=To the Gentlemen Readers|page=205|passage={{...}} I am content this Summer to haue my dooinges read for a toye, that in Winter they may be ready for traſh. It is not ſtrange when as the greateſt '''wonder laſteth but nine daies''', that a new worke ſhuld not endure but three months.|brackets=on}}; or
    • {{RQ:Lyly Euphues|year=1868|To the Gentlemen Readers|205|{{...}} I am content this Summer to haue my dooinges read for a toye, that in Winter they may be ready for traſh. It is not ſtrange when as the greateſt '''wonder laſteth but nine daies''', that a new worke ſhuld not endure but three months.|brackets=on}}
  • Result:
    • [[1578], John Lylly [i.e., John Lyly], “To the Gentlemen Readers”, in Euphues. The Anatomy of Wyt. [], London: [] Thomas East, for Gabriell Cawood, [], published 1581, →OCLC; republished in Edward Arber, editor, Euphues. The Anatomy of Wit. [] Euphues and His England. [], London: Alex[ander] Murray & Son, [], 1 October 1868, →OCLC, page 205:
      [] I am content this Summer to haue my dooinges read for a toye, that in Winter they may be ready for traſh. It is not ſtrange when as the greateſt wonder laſteth but nine daies, that a new worke ſhuld not endure but three months.]