
Documentation for Template:be-verb. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.

This template is used for the headword line of Belarusian verbs.


|1=, |head2=, |head3=, ...
The headword with accents. This is also used to link to individual words in a page title. Leave it blank to use the page name as the default (only appropriate if the headword is monosyllabic).
|tr=, |tr2=, |tr3=, ...
Override automatic transliteration of Cyrillic letters to Latin if needed according to Wiktionary:Belarusian transliteration. Each tr#= parameter lines up with the corresponding headword parameter.
The aspect of the verb. Required. One of pf, impf or both.
|pf=, |pf2=, |pf3=, ...
Perfective counterpart(s) of an imperfective or biaspectual verb.
|impf=, |impf2=, |impf3=, ...
Imperfective counterpart(s) of a perfective or biaspectual verb.


узя́ць (uzjácʹpf (imperfective браць)
забіва́ць (zabivácʹimpf (perfective забі́ць)