
This template generates a headword line and categorizes entries for Spanish suffixes and Spanish suffix forms entries.



If used, the template should be placed within the Spanish language section, immediately following the Suffixes L3 header.

As with other Wiktionary headword line templates, please do not use subst:.




1: The optional part of speech suffixed; for example "noun". If a value is chosen, the set of categories is modified accordingly.
2: The text to be sorted in categories. It is required; otherwise, suffixes would be sorted by their first character, a hyphen.
3: Optional alternative headword. If empty or omitted, the page name will appear as the headword.
4: The gender of the suffix.
  • "m" for masculine
  • "f" for feminine
  • "mf" for both genders.
f: The feminine form of a masculine suffix.
pl: The plural form of a singular suffix.
fpl: The feminine plural form of a masculine singular suffix.
pos2: An optional part of speech suffixed, in addition to the parameter 1; for example "noun". If a value is chosen, the set of categories is modified accordingly.

Suffix form

1: The part of speech suffixed; for example "noun form". A value is required to modify the set of categories accordingly.
2: The text to be sorted in categories. It is required; otherwise, suffixes would be sorted by their first character, a hyphen.
3: Optional alternative headword. If empty or omitted, the page name will appear as the headword.
4: The gender of the suffix.
  • "m" for masculine
  • "f" for feminine
  • "mf" for both genders.
5: The number of the suffix. This parameter depends on the gender of the lemma, to modify categories.
  • "pl" for plural of a masculine or feminine suffix.
  • "fpl" for feminine plural of a masculine suffix
  • omitted for singular.
pos2: An optional part of speech suffixed, in addition to the parameter 1; for example "noun". If a value is chosen, the set of categories is modified accordingly.




Entry Code
-example {{es-suffix||example||m}}
(Categories: Spanish suffixes, Spanish masculine suffixes, Spanish terms suffixed with -example)
-anotherexample {{es-suffix|adverb|anotherexample||f}}
(Categories: Spanish suffixes, Spanish feminine suffixes, Spanish adverbial suffixes, Spanish adverbs suffixed with -anotherexample)
-examplewithplural {{es-suffix||examplewithplural||f|pl=-exampleswithplural}}
(Categories: Spanish suffixes, Spanish feminine suffixes, Spanish terms suffixed with -examplewithplural)
-masculineexample {{es-suffix||masculineexample||m|f=-feminineexample|pl=-masculineexamples|fpl=-feminineexamples}}
(Categories: Spanish suffixes, Spanish masculine suffixes, Spanish terms suffixed with -masculineexample)
-word1 word2 word3 {{es-suffix||word1 word2 word3|-[[word1]] [[word2]] [[word3]]|m}}
(Categories: Spanish suffixes, Spanish masculine suffixes, Spanish terms suffixed with -word1 word2 word3)

Suffix form

Entry Code
-feminineform {{es-suffix|adjective form|feminineform||f}}
(Categories: Spanish suffix forms, Spanish suffix feminine forms, Spanish adjective forms suffixed with -feminineform)
-pluralform {{es-suffix|adjective form|pluralform||mf|pl}}
(Categories: Spanish suffix forms, Spanish suffix plural forms, Spanish adjective forms suffixed with -pluralform)
-masculinepluralform {{es-suffix|adjective form|masculinepluralform||m|pl}}
(Categories: Spanish suffix forms, Spanish suffix plural forms, Spanish adjective forms suffixed with -pluralform)
-femininepluralform {{es-suffix|adjective form|femininepluralform||f|fpl}}
(Categories: Spanish suffix forms, Spanish suffix feminine forms, Spanish suffix plural forms, Spanish adjective forms suffixed with -femininepluralform)