is-noun ?

This template is used for the headword line of Icelandic nouns.


Overrides the headword, if necessary. See {{head}}.
The gender. Can be m, f or n. For plurale tantum nouns, use m-p, f-p or n-p.
g2=, g3= etc.
Additional genders, if any.
The genitive singular form, if known. This is ignored for plurale tantum nouns.
gen2=, gen3= etc.
Additional genitive singular forms, if any.
The nominative plural form, if known. This is ignored for plurale tantum nouns. Use - if the noun has no plural (uncountable).
pl2=, pl3= etc.
Additional nominative plural forms, if any.


To find a declension of a noun, please see Beygingarlýsing íslensks nútímamáls (“Description of Inflection of Modern Icelandic”): Beygingarlýsing íslensks nútímamáls.

{{is-noun|gender|genitive singular form|nominative plural form}}
m for karlkynsnafnorð (“masculine noun”), f for kvenkynsnafnorð (“feminine noun”) and n for hvorugkynsnafnorð (“neuter noun”)
Genitive singular form
Eintala Ef. án greinis
Nominative plural form
Fleirtala Nf. án greinis

So the entry for hestur should be as follows:

hest m (genitive singular hests, nominative plural hestar)



On maður:

maður m (genitive singular manns, nominative plural menn)

No plural

On sykur, if the plural is unknown:

sykur m (genitive singular sykurs)

If it's known that the noun has no plural:

sykur m (genitive singular sykurs, no plural)

Plurale tantum

Nouns that have no singular form such as buxur (pants):

buxur f pl (plurale tantum)

Many different forms

The word snjór (show) has three different forms in the genitive singular and two different form in the nominative plural, its entry should be:

snjór m (genitive singular snjós or snjóvar or snjóar, nominative plural snjóar or snjóvar)