
Documentation for Template:non-decl-f-on. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.



This template should be used with enties of Old Norse weak ōn-stem feminine nouns, except for jōn- and wōn-stem feminine nouns, see Template:non-decl-f-jon and Template:non-decl-m-won respectively.



This template uses two unnamed templates, as described below:

1 (required) the stem of the noun.
2 (required if applicable) the stem of the noun with u-umlaut.
form Is used if the noun is inflected either only in the singular or only in the plural. If so, form=sing or form=plur.
title Is used if the box should bear another name than the pagename.

Standard parameters

  • ns nominative singular
    • nsi …indefinite
    • nsd …definite
  • np nominative plural
    • npi …indefinite
    • npd …definite
  • as accusative singular
    • asi …indefinite
    • asd …definite
  • ap accusative plural
    • api …indefinite
    • apd …definite
  • ds dative singular
    • dsi …indefinite
    • dsd …definite
  • dp dative plural
    • dpi …indefinite
    • dpd …definite
  • gs genitive singular
    • gsi …indefinite
    • gsd …definite
  • gp genitive plural
    • gpi …indefinite
    • gpd …definite



( 1 ) The word saga (a story) has the stem sag (1=sag), which becomes sǫg (2=sǫg) with u-umlaut.

( 2 ) For stjarna (a star) the -n- in the genitive plural ending -na becomes redundant. Therefore gp=stjarna (also 1=stjarn and 2=stjǫrn).

See Also
