pl-verb ?

This template is to be used in the headword lines for Polish verbs.


|head=, |head2=, ...
Override the head; used to override the default linking behavior of multiword terms.
The aspect(s). Separate multiple aspects with a comma (but using biasp is preferred for biaspectual verbs). The following aspects are supported:
  • impf: imperfective
  • pf: imperfective
  • biasp or both: biaspectual
  • impf-det: determinate imperfective (primarily for motion verbs)
  • impf-indet: indeterminate imperfective (primarily for motion verbs)
  • impf-freq: frequentative imperfective
|pf=, |pf2=, ...
Corresponding perfective verb(s), for an aspectually-paired imperfective verb.
|impf=, |impf2=, ...
Corresponding imperfective verb(s), for an aspectually-paired perfective verb.
|indet=, |indet2=, ...
Corresponding indeterminate verb(s).
|det=, |det2=, ...
Corresponding imperfective determinate verb(s).
|freq=, |freq2=, ...
Corresponding frequentative verb(s).
|abbr=, |abbr2=, ...
Verb is defective.

Inline modifiers

All params above except |head=, |1= and |def= support inline modifiers, e.g. |pf=òstawac<q:rare> to attach a qualifier rare to a perfective verb. The following modifiers are recognized:

  • q: qualifier, e.g. rare; this appears *BEFORE* the term, parenthesized and italicized
  • qq: qualifier, e.g. rare; this appears *AFTER* the term, parenthesized and italicized
  • g: comma-separated list of gender/number specifications
  • id: sense ID; see {{senseid}}
