
Case Singular Plural
Masculine Feminine Neuter Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative intí, inthí indí, indhí aní indí, indhí (in)nahí
Accusative inní (in)nahí
Genitive indí, indhí (in)nahí indí, indhí (in)naní
Dative dondí, dondhí
cossindí, cossindhí
donaibí, donaibhí
cosnaibí, cosnaibhí
Note: The dative is used only after a preposition, which forms a contraction with the definite article, e.g. dondí (to the one who/which), cossindí (with the one who/which), etc.

This template creates an inflection-table template for Old Irish intí and its derivatives.

It takes one optional positional parameter, which corresponds to any enclitic to be added after í. In practice this means: