Excellent! I got it to work at the Beer Parlour. I also tried to cross-import it to sv.wikipedia (sv:w:User:LA2/common.js) but that didn't work.

LA2 (talk)23:24, 3 March 2013

That's because it relies on the newNode function in Mediawiki:Common.js.

Yair rand (talk)23:55, 3 March 2013

Copying that function seems a reasonable burden. :) It would be nice if you could format the script as a gadget and add a couple lines of instructions to install it on any other wiki: I'd then copy them on some mw: page and link from the pages of other (abandoned) systems.

Nemo08:43, 4 March 2013

What does it mean exactly to "format [a] script as a gadget"?

Yair rand (talk)06:30, 6 March 2013